
Our Department

The Bryn Mawr/Haverford 教育系以教与学为中心,视之为人类生命与成长的基础, 并从根本上与难以理解联系在一起, liberation, and justice.  With a primary focus on relationships, facilitation, 并以变革为核心的教育研究与实践, we address our students as past, current, 以及公共教育系统的未来利益相关者, 作为许多其他系统和结构的参与者, and as prospective teachers, school leaders, researchers, policy makers, activists, artists, and theorists. Defining teaching and learning as social, political, and cultural as well as personal activities, 教育部门要求学生探索学校教育和其他学习环境之间的关系, human development, 并在社会变革中获得知识和技能的教育理论与实践. 

See the Student Guidebook 获取主要和次要选项的概述, requirements, declaration processes, and course offerings.

"So, every day, I’m challenging myself, 'What are you doing, bell, for the creation of the beloved community?' Because that’s the underground, 当地坚持认为我是我所在世界的基本组成部分.’’ — bell hooks

Fall 2023 Welcome Back & Course Openings

Welcome to the new semester! 我们教育署的同仁们期待着与你们的合作.

在这第一个完整的一年教育专业, 我们已经创建了四个探索性的入门课程,以解决教育200的过度注册问题, and are offering several capstone options.

While this new system settles in, 今年,我们正在对顶点采取响应性的方法, 这样,尚未准备好完成主修或辅修课程的学生仍然可以参加300级课程,并了解他们将灵活设计,以满足学生的需求. 

对于那些想在今年秋天参加教育课程的人来说,有空间 Education 301: Curriculum and Pedagogy, and in Education 308: Inquiries into Black Study, Language Justice, and Education, 如果你没有考虑过这些因为你觉得自己还没准备好, 现在请您考虑一下. There is also space in Education 240: Qualitative Research, 对研究感兴趣的学生特别感兴趣-它的实践及其影响和可能性. 

你可以在trico课程指南中找到更多关于这些课程的信息, or by emailing the instructor directly!

To a meaningful and nourishing Fall together,

The Education Department

Education Department COVID Policy & Guidelines

教育部的COVID掩蔽政策与布林莫尔和哈弗福德学院的总体政策是一致的. Our course classrooms are mask-friendly, meaning masks are welcome, but not required but not required, 除非与班级合作的教师决定根据班级社区的需求创建一个班级要求. 我们将继续强调对彼此需求和愿望的关心和考虑, and make ongoing decisions, centering these.

当学生参加他们的教育实习, 他们应该学习并遵守学校或项目社区的COVID指南. 

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的COVID - 19政策和协议

哈弗福德学院的COVID - 19政策和协议

Prospective Students

Check out the 教育页面的专业,未成年人,和浓度.



Contact Us

Bryn Mawr/Haverford Education Program

Bryn Mawr College
101 N. Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-2899
Phone: 610-526-5010

Haverford College
Founders 028
370 Lancaster Avenue
Haverford, PA 19041-1392