

周三| 10月. 22, 2008 | 7:30 p.m. 温德姆酒店Ely Room

吉姆·谢泼德 is the author of nine books, including the short story collection Like You’d Underst和, Anyway, a finalist for the 2007 National Book Award 和 the winner of the fourth annual Story Prize. 在 New York Times Book Review, Daniel H和ler described that book as a testament “to the power of the short story itself…serving no agenda but literature’s primary 和 oft-forgotten one: the delight of the reader.”


周一| 10月. 27, 2008 | 7:30 p.m. |大会堂

以实玛利Beah is the author of the best-selling memoir 漫漫长路, the story of his experience as a child soldier in Sierra Leone. Sebastian Junger writes, “漫漫长路 is one of the most important war stories of our generation. 的 arming of children is among the greatest evils of the modern world, 和 yet we know so little about it because the children themselves are swallowed up by the very wars they are forced to wage. 以实玛利Beah…has become one of its most eloquent chroniclers.”


周四| 11月. 13, 2008 | 7:30 p.m. 温德姆酒店Ely Room

艾米·亨佩尔 is the author of five books of short stories, including 的 Dog of the Marriage, Tumble Home,活着的理由. 她最近的一本书, 《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》 是其中之一 《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》 2007年十大好书. Critic Erica Wagner wrote, “Here is the redemption of real art. You could call Hempel part of a movement in the trajectory of the American short story, 里克·穆迪, in his intelligent introduction, places her alongside Alice Munro, 恩佩利, 安·比蒂, 和其他人.”


周三| 2月. 11, 2008 | 7:30 p.m. 温德姆酒店Ely Room

杰拉尔德·斯特恩 is the author of 16 books of poems, including Everything is Burning, American Sonnets,最后的蓝色, 还有一本散文集, What I Can’t Bear Losing: Notes From a Life.南部的审查 宣布, “We might like to think of 杰拉尔德·斯特恩 as our quintessentially Whitmanian American poet, but he is far too literate, 太世俗的, to seem typically American.” Poet Edward Hirsch remarked, “杰拉尔德·斯特恩 is a romantic with a sense of humor, an Orphic voice living inside history, 有时很滑稽, sometimes tragic visionary.”

Reading sponsored by an anonymous gift 和 the Marianne Moore Fund for the Study of Poetry.


Wednesday | March 4, 2008 | 7:30 p.m. 温德姆酒店Ely Room

Poet Richard Wilbur described 玛丽·乔·索尔特’s first book as “full of alertness, 机智, 可信的感觉, 和 an unforced gaiety of form.” Nobel Laureate Joseph Brodsky wrote that “Salter’s work embodies the marriage of superb craftsmanship to the tragic sense of reality.” Salter is the author of six books of poetry, including A Phone Call to the Future: New 和 Selected Poems打开百叶窗.

Reading sponsored by an anonymous gift 和 the Marianne Moore Fund for the Study of Poetry.


Wednesday | April 8, 2008 | 7:15 p.温德姆,伊利房

玛丽莲黑客 is the author of 13 books of poetry, including Essays on Departure: New 和 Selected Poems; Desesperanto: Poems 1999-2002; Squares 和 Courtyards;First Cities: Collected Early Poems, 1960-1979. Maxine Kumin says of Hacker’s 冬天的数字, “This stunning book critiques our life 和 times—AIDS, 大屠杀, 乳腺癌, civil wars—with an unparalleled lyric c和or. 的 tone is elegiac; the thrust is life-affirming.”

Reading sponsored by an anonymous gift 和 the Marianne Moore Fund for the Study of Poetry.


Wednesday | April 15, 2008 | 7:30 p.m. |大会堂

•沃尔夫’s books include the memoirs 这个男孩的生活 在法老的军队里; 短篇小说 兵营贼; three collections of stories, In 的 Garden of the North American Martyrs, Back in the World,有问题的夜晚; 还有小说 古老的学校. 他最近的作品, Our Story Begins: New 和 Selected Stories, was called “a towering monument of a book” in the 华盛顿邮报》. His work has received the PEN/Faulkner Award, the 洛杉矶时报 Book Prize, 和 the PEN/Malamud Award.


Wednesday | April 29, 2008 | 7:30 p.m. 温德姆酒店Ely Room

Poet June Jordan remarked of 科尼利厄斯伊迪法官明确指出 that he “leads 和 then cuts a line like no one else: following the laughter 和 the compassionate path of a dauntless imagination, these poems beeline or zigzag always to the jugular.” Eady is the author of eight volumes of poetry, including Hardheaded Weather: New 和 Selected Poems残酷的想象力, which was a National Book Award finalist.

Reading sponsored by an anonymous gift 和 the Marianne Moore Fund for the Study of Poetry.