


  • Has a physical and/or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity
  • 有这样的损害记录吗
  • 被认为有这样的缺陷

主要的生命活动包括, 但不限于:走路, 看到, 听力, 说话, 呼吸, 集中, 阅读, 倾听和/或学习. 有些残疾可能比其他残疾更明显(例如.g. someone who uses a wheelchair as opposed to someone with a chronic health impairment).

迁就是一种修改, 调整, 或者消除一个项目或服务的障碍,让残疾人有机会平等参与. Accommodations are not designed to give the student an advantage over other students, 改变课程的一个基本方面, 或者在学术严谨性上妥协. 

目前大约有200名学生有资格在这个校园获得学术和/或住房住宿, 然而,这个数字每年都在增加.


访问服务负责确定住宿的资格和确定合理的住宿. 在某些情况下, accommodations may be determined after consulting with other departments and/or resources on campus.

住宿的例子包括预先登记, 延长参加考试/测验的时间, 一个比较安静的考场, 协助做笔记和/或允许录制讲座. Please note that some accommodations must be put in place BEFORE the semester begins; these types of accommodations usually involve accessibility of course materials.

A student must reach out to 访问服务 to disclose their disability and to request accommodations. In addition to meeting with 访问服务 for a lengthy and detailed discussion, 他们必须提供所需的残疾证明文件,并确定目前对住宿的需求. We ask that they do this as early as possible in their academic career at Bryn Mawr.


  • 维护机密性
  • Respond promptly to any requests from 访问服务 regarding course materials. 具体地说, provide information on all required course materials and 阅读s (title, 作者, 出版商, 版, 版权日期, 及13位书号)-如有需要,则于12月10日前通知. 1日(春季学期)和/或6月1日(秋季学期).
  • Ensure that all materials placed on Moodle are scanned appropriately and are accessible


  • 维护机密性
  • Inform all students of procedures for accessing accommodations at the beginning of the semester, 最好是通过教学大纲中的陈述. 建议如下:

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 is committed to providing equal access to students with a documented disability. Students needing academic accommodations for a disability must first register with 访问服务. 学生可以通过电子邮件 accessservices@wolaipei.com 预约开始这个保密程序. 一旦注册, 学生应尽早与教授约见,分享验证表并作出适当安排. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive and require advance notice to implement. 欲知详情,请浏览 访问服务 网站.


任何有残疾相关需要录制本课程的学生必须先与无障碍服务中心和我联系, 老师. 课堂成员需要知道,这堂课可能会被记录.

The name of the individual having permission to record should not be revealed to the rest of the class.

Provide and arrange for accommodations addressed in the Verification Form that students may give to you. 请记住,如果学生没有提供当前的访问服务验证表,您没有义务实施学生可能要求的任何住宿.

访问服务将准备一份验证表格. It is the student’s responsibility to deliver this form to professors. 当学生把表格交给你时,你就知道他们是合格的.

鼓励学生与他们的教授安排一个私人会议,讨论核实表格上列出的住宿. During this meeting, professors should NOT inquire as to why a student has accommodations. Instead, use this time to ask what can be done to facilitate learning and access to the class. Discuss any implementation procedures related to the listed accommodations.

It is important that the accommodations listed on the Verification form are implemented as stated. 如果教授担心住宿的影响, 它仍然必须按照规定执行, but he/she should immediately reach out to 访问服务 to discuss concerns.

虽然学生们被鼓励在学期早期表明自己的身份,以便获得学术住宿, 不能强迫他们这样做. Some students may not be aware of having a disability until they are diagnosed later in the semester. Other students may try to take a class without using accommodations for a variety of reasons, 然后改变他们的想法. In either scenario, professors are not required to retroactively provide accommodations. 但是,您必须在通知点实现它们(例如.e.,学生向你递交查阅服务中心的核实表格). 如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请联系访问服务.

如果学生没有验证表格,你没有义务为他们提供任何住宿. 通知学生他们需要联系访问服务. 另外, it is very important that you follow up by contacting 访问服务 yourself, 电话或电子邮件都行, 并分享学生的姓名和联系方式. 访问服务处会联系学生.


一般, 教授被要求通过Moodle或在上课时间向全班宣布(不使用学生的名字)班上的学生需要帮助做笔记. (Please note that the Verification Form will contain suggested wording.)当一个学生主动提出要做这个任务时, professors should forward the student to 访问服务 for further explanation and information. Professors should actively recruit a student for the task of note-taking; this may mean that more than one announcement needs to be made or, 也许, that the professor must directly ask a specific student to take on the task.

因为Bryn Mawr没有测试中心, it is a professor’s responsibility to arrange for these accommodations. 每个部门的处理方式都略有不同, 这取决于他们用什么建筑作为教室. 最好向你的系主任和/或学术行政助理咨询有关这些程序的细节.

保密是关键. 最好不要和其他学生讨论考试安排. 在其他学生面前讨论有关学生残疾的任何信息不仅会造成不舒服的情况, 它可以创建一个合法的.

Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, institutions of higher education may not deny equal access to the institution’s programs, 课程及活动. For a variety of reasons, some students are not able to take adequate notes during class. Recording lectures is a legitimate auxiliary aid and cannot be denied by a professor, once 访问服务 has determined it is necessary for equal access; we cannot deny aids that have the effect of limiting the participation of a student with a disability. 如果/当访问服务确定磁带录制讲座是一种合理的便利时,要知道, 向学生明确解释机密性,并要求他们签署保密协议. Students who fail to abide by the Agreement would be subject to disciplinary action.

Text-to-speech software is software that will read appropriately scanned material to the student, 通常使用合成的声音. 有阅读障碍的学生, 视力残疾, 有注意力障碍和/或某些慢性疾病的人,当他们有这种支持来帮助他们阅读大学必须阅读的大量材料时,他们通常更容易理解/记住他们读过的东西.

然而, in order for the software to work, print material must be appropriately scanned. 因此, 一个非常重要的步骤是确保发布到Moodle上的所有需要阅读的文档都被适当地扫描过. 有关如何正确执行此操作的具体信息,请通读 可访问性最佳实践. 另外, 教授可以使用文档转换器, 哪些可以帮助他们准备可访问的文件. 

访问服务将帮助您确保您需要的任何教科书都可以通过文本转语音软件访问,如果您提供标题, 作者, 出版商, 版权, 版 and 13 digit ISBN number by June 1 for the fall semester and Dec. 春季学期是1. 这样的截止日期是至关重要的,因为使教科书易于获取的工作是外包的,可能需要长达6-8周的时间才能归还给学院. 如果在课程开始时没有可用的材料, then you will not be able to use such 阅读s with any student in your class.

Professors are encouraged to adhere to accessibility guidelines in preparing all course material, 他们教的每一堂课, 不管是否有即时的, 已知需要这种材料的学生. 主动比被动要容易得多.

Students with disabilities should be held to the same standard of conduct as any other student. Please contact 访问服务 and/or the student’s dean for assistance.

骨折不是残疾. 而访问服务则乐于咨询和分享信息, 支持和/或资源, 不需要填写验证表格. 在大多数情况下, 学生的院长将与教授和学生一起决定在伤口愈合之前可以采取什么支持措施.

持续不到六个月的脑震荡, 不是残疾, 虽然残疾学生通常使用的许多辅助工具也适用于脑震荡学生. Again, 访问服务 is happy to share resources and suggest supports. 然而, the College’s Medical Director and the student’s dean are vital to supporting the student in recovery for a concussion; the Medical Director and trainer/team doctor in particular determine appropriate and reasonable accommodations for students with concussions.

Please never hesitate to reach out to the 访问服务 Director at any time (dalder@wolaipei.com 或x7351). 




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传真: 610-526-7451