
Committees of the Faculty

Committees of the First Kind
Committees of the Second Kind
Special Committees of the Faculty

Committees of the First Kind

Advisory Council of the Faculty

  • Chair of the Faculty (Chair)
  • 候任主席或前任主席(视情况而定)
  • Chair of the Graduate Council
  • Chair of the Committee on Academic Priorities
  • Chair of the Committee on Appointments
  • Chair of the 本科课程委员会
  • 提名委员会主席
  • 本科招生委员会主席
  • Chair of CLIC
  • Chair of Faculty Welfare
  • 研究生院学校工作召集人
  • Junior Faculty Liaison
  • 校董事会的教员代表
  • Parliamentarian

学术优先次序委员会: The Committee on Academic Priorities 负责建议学术优先次序(包括有关人员分配的优先次序), 部门和项目的设施和资源, (重组或终止现有部门和项目)依照第三条规定, Section 1(a)(ii) and Article IV, Section 1 of the Plan of Governance, 并有权就机构优先事项和大学预算向校长提出建议, 在某种程度上,它影响了机构的优先事项. The Faculty may, 在它认为合适的范围内, 在学院管辖范围内,将其他职责分配给该委员会.

Committee on Appointments: The Committee on Appointments 负责向总统提出建议, on behalf of the Faculty, 关于最初的任命, 晋升和重新任命所有排名教员,并任命和审查继续非终身教职教员, 并依第三条之规定,检讨解除终身教职人员之理由, Section 9 of the Plan of Governance. 委员会还规定了任命、重新任命和晋升的程序.  The Faculty Handbook *列明初次委任的程序, 续聘及晋升教职员.

Committee on Nominations: 提名委员会应审议, among other factors, 部门和等级分配的适当性, 但不要求规定按部门或职级的具体分配.  该委员会对学院主席的提名程序具有一般权力, committees of the Faculty, 及其他学院代表, 符合附例的条文, 并有权根据附例规定的条件任命学院委员会的替代成员和学院的其他代表.

本科课程委员会- The 本科课程委员会 就本科学院的一般课程和教学事项向学院提出建议的一般权力和责任, 包括对“文理学院课程规则”的修改.“委员会有一般的权力和责任来确保诚信, cohesion, 以及学院内各院系和项目的优秀课程.  In addition, 该委员会与CAP和教务长合作,制定委员会参与外部审查过程和学院对外部审查的回应的程序.

本科招生委员会: The Committee on Undergraduate Admissions shall make recommendations to the Faculty for changes to general admission policies (in accordance with the Faculty's joint authority with the Administration over general admission policies); develop in consultation with the Chief Enrollment Officer and the Dean of the Undergraduate College and revise additional standards for admission consistent with the general policies adopted by joint action of the Faculty and the Administration; insure the consistent application of these policies and standards. 

青年学院联络办公室: 初级教员联络员应负责定期与初级教员全体成员会面,提供信息和建议, 听取初级教员的意见, and to discuss possible courses of action; and shall have the authority to communicate, 应全体青年教员的要求, the concerns of the Junior Faculty to the appropriate individual or committee; and represent individual member of the Junior Faculty, at their request, to the administration, Faculty committees, or other members of the faculty, 试图非正式地解决大家关心的问题.

Committees of the Second Kind



图书馆、资讯及电脑委员会: The Committee on Libraries, 信息与计算部负责定期和独立地从学院收集有关图书馆提供的信息, information services, 在影响教学和研究等学术事务的范围内使用校园计算机. 这包括向学院提出所有可能合理预期会对学院使用图书馆产生影响的事项, information services, 和计算机来完成他们的学术任务, including teaching and research. 委员会还将与学院协商,以确定学院在图书馆方面的需求和优先事项, 计算机和信息服务优先事项,并将在可能影响学术事项的政策和预算优先事项方面与首席信息官合作, including teaching and research. 

Committee on Faculty Welfare: 学院福利委员会负责就学院关心的有关学院福利的问题提出建议, 并与政府成员合作落实这些建议. 委员会也有责任建立与学院成员沟通的方法,以确定与教师福利有关的问题, including salaries, benefits, 资助研究及专业发展, 与教师宿舍有关的政策, 职业生活的其他条件, and in relation to, the College.  

教师奖励及资助委员会: The Committee on Faculty Awards and Grants shall have the responsibility to allocate research funds from any competitive pools which the College shall make available; advise the Provost concerning any awards from agencies to which the College may be asked to nominate individuals or groups; meet, 或与教职员福利委员会协商,制定研究及专业发展基金的政策及建议. 

Committee on Endowed Lectures捐赠讲座委员会将有权和有责任从学术单位提出的提名中挑选1902年讲座基金的受助人, or groups of academic units; select lecturers to be invited on behalf of the College, 按照其他讲座捐赠的规定, 除了那些代表特定部门的捐赠. 

本科生学术地位委员会: 大学本科学籍委员会有职权, within the undergraduate college to rule upon request for exceptions to the requirements for degree made by individual students ("special cases"); decide upon probation, 因学术原因被停学或开除, 须经主席按照第五条的规定进行审查, Section 3 of the Plan of Governance; make recommendations to the Faculty and to other committees of the Faculty concerning changes to policy and rules on matters related to the subject matter of this committee. 

本科生奖励及奖学金委员会: 本科奖励和奖学金委员会向学院提出有关资格和授予杰出学位以及以下奖学金的政策建议:欧洲奖学金, 格特鲁德·斯劳特奖学金, the Charles S. 欣奇曼纪念奖学金,以及伊丽莎白·G·希本奖学金. In addition, 委员会就甄选和提名外部奖项候选人向本科学院院长提供意见, internships, 以及不属于任何部门的特殊奖学金.

Graduate Council: 研究生委员会将开会讨论有关研究生的问题,并有权就有关研究生课程的政策以及与更高学位的学术要求和规定有关的所有事项向学院提出建议. The Committee will also grant fellowships and financial aid through the subcommittee on awards; rule upon request for exceptions of the requirements for the degree made by individual students ("special cases"); and impose penalties for academic failure or deficiencies of students. 

Special Committees of the Faculty

审查资助使用人体受试者委员会 (IRB)







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Office of the Provost

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Bryn Mawr College
101 North Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 19010
Phone: 610-526-5167

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