

Special 学院委员会
Representatives to Other Committees



  • 学院主席(主席)
  • Chair-elect or Immediate Past Chair (as appropriate)
  • 研究生委员会主席
  • 委员会主席 学术优先次序委员会
  • 委员会主席 聘任委员会
  • 委员会主席 Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum
  • 委员会主席 Committee on Nominations
  • 委员会主席 Undergraduate 招生 Committee
  • CLIC主席
  • 学院福利主席
  • 研究生 School of School Work Convener
  • 初级教员联络
  • 教师 Representative to the 校董会
  • 国会议员

学术优先次序委员会 (CAP): 学术优先次序委员会 负责建议学术优先次序(包括有关人员分配的优先次序), department and program facilities and resources, and restructuring or terminating existing departments and programs) in accordance with Article III, 第1(a)(ii)条和第IV条, 第1节 治理计划, and with the authority to advise the President on institutional priorities and on 学院 budget, to the extent that it affects institutional priorities. 学院可以, to the extent that it deems it appropriate, assign additional responsibilities within the jurisdiction of the 教师 to this committee.

任命委员会: 聘任委员会 is charged with making recommendations to the President, 我代表学院, with regard to the initial appointments, 晋升和重新任命所有排名教员,并任命和审查继续非终身教职教员, as well as reviewing cause for removal of tenured 教师 in accordance with Article III, 第9条 治理计划. 的 Committee also provides procedures for appointments, re-appointments, and promotions.  的 教师手册 * sets forth the procedures for the initial appointment, reappointment and promotion of continuing members of the faculty.

提名委员会: 的 Committee on Nominations shall consider, 除其他因素外, the appropriateness of divisional and rank distribution, but shall not be required to provide for any specific distribution by division or rank.  的 committee shall have the general authority over the nominations process for the 委员会主席 教师, 学院委员会, and other representatives of the 教师, consistent with the provisions of the By-laws, 并有权根据附例规定的条件任命学院委员会的替代成员和学院的其他代表.

Committee on the Undergraduate Curriculum - Committee on the Undergraduate Curriculum 就本科学院的一般课程和教学事项向学院提出建议的一般权力和责任, including changes to the "Curricular Rules of the 教师 of Arts and Sciences."   的 committee has general authority and responsibility to insure the integrity, 凝聚力, and excellence of the curriculum of each of the departments and programs within the college.  除了, 该委员会与CAP和教务长合作,制定委员会参与外部审查过程和学院对外部审查的回应的程序.

Committee on Undergraduate 招生: 的 Committee on Undergraduate 招生 shall make recommendations to the 教师 for changes to general admission policies (in accordance with the 教师's joint authority with the Administration over general admission policies); develop in consultation with the Chief Enrollment Officer and the Dean of the Undergraduate College and revise additional standards for admission consistent with the general policies adopted by joint action of the 教师 and the Administration; insure the consistent application of these policies and standards. 

Office of the 初级教员联络: 初级教员联络员应负责定期与初级教员全体成员会面,提供信息和建议, to hear any concerns that the Junior 教师 may have, and to discuss possible courses of action; and shall have the authority to communicate, at the request of the Junior 教师 as a whole, the concerns of the Junior 教师 to the appropriate individual or committee; and represent individual member of the Junior 教师, 应他们的要求, 致政府, 学院委员会, 或者其他教职员工, in an attempt to resolve informally issues of concern.


教师 Representatives to the 校董会

教师 Representative to the Strategic Advisory Group

Committee on Libraries, Information and Computing (CLIC): 图书馆委员会, 信息与计算部负责定期和独立地从学院收集有关图书馆提供的信息, 信息服务, and computing on campus insofar as they affect academic matters such as teaching and research. 这包括向学院提出所有可能合理预期会对学院使用图书馆产生影响的事项, 信息服务, and computing for any of their academic responsibilities, 包括教学和研究. 委员会还将与学院协商,以确定学院在图书馆方面的需求和优先事项, 计算机和信息服务优先事项,并将在可能影响学术事项的政策和预算优先事项方面与首席信息官合作, 包括教学和研究. 

教师福利委员会: 学院福利委员会负责就学院关心的有关学院福利的问题提出建议, and working with members of the administration to implement those recommendations. 委员会也有责任建立与学院成员沟通的方法,以确定与教师福利有关的问题, 包括工资, 好处, funding for research and professional development, policies relating to faculty house, and other conditions of professional life at, 关于, 学院.  

Committee on 教师 Awards and Grants: 的 Committee on 教师 Awards and Grants shall have the responsibility to allocate research funds from any competitive pools which 学院 shall make available; advise the 教务长 concerning any awards from agencies to which 学院 may be asked to nominate individuals or groups; meet, 或与教职员福利委员会协商,制定研究及专业发展基金的政策及建议. 

捐赠讲座委员会捐赠讲座委员会将有权和有责任从学术单位提出的提名中挑选1902年讲座基金的受助人, or groups of academic units; select lecturers to be invited on behalf of 学院, in accordance with the provisions of other lecture endowments, except for those endowments that have been made on behalf of specified departments. 

Council on Undergraduate Academic Standing: 的 Council on Undergraduate Academic Standing has the authority, within the undergraduate college to rule upon request for exceptions to the requirements for degree made by individual students ("special cases"); decide upon probation, suspension and exclusions for academic reasons, subject to the review by the President as Provided for in Article V, Section 3 of the 治理计划; make recommendations to the 教师 and to other 学院委员会 concerning changes to policy and rules on matters related to the subject matter of this committee. 

Committee on Undergraduate Awards and Fellowships: 本科奖励和奖学金委员会向学院提出有关资格和授予杰出学位以及以下奖学金的政策建议:欧洲奖学金, the Gertrude Slaughter Fellowship, 查尔斯S号. Hinchman Memorial Scholarship, and the Elizabeth G, Shippen Scholarships. 除了, 委员会就甄选和提名外部奖项候选人向本科学院院长提供意见, 实习, and special scholarships not vested in any department.

研究生委员会: 研究生委员会将开会讨论有关研究生的问题,并有权就有关研究生课程的政策以及与更高学位的学术要求和规定有关的所有事项向学院提出建议. 的 Committee will also grant fellowships and financial aid through the subcommittee on awards; rule upon request for exceptions of the requirements for the degree made by individual students ("special cases"); and impose penalties for academic failure or deficiencies of students. 

Special 学院委员会

Committee to Review Grants Using Human Subjects (IRB)

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

Council on Institutional Priorities (CIP)

Representatives to Other Committees

Representative to the Seven College Conference

Representatives to the Administrative Board of the Academic Honor System

Representatives to the McBride Advisory Committee





周一至周五上午8点.m.-5 p.m.