Multiple Locations

Students studying abroad pay Bryn Mawr tuition.


  • 语言: Instruction is in French.
  • 研究领域:非洲研究, 人类学, 电影, 文化研究, 经济学, Environmental Studies, 电影研究, Francophone 文学, French and French Studies, 性别研究, 历史, 历史 of Art and Architecture, International Studies, 文学, 博物馆研究, Peace and Conflict Studies, 政治科学, 宗教, 社会学, 城市研究, 妇女研究. 
  • 住宿和膳食: Students live with homestay families in each country. Breakfast provided daily by family and option of dinner provided five nights or seven nights a week.
  • Registering for Courses: Credit value of each course is four. Students enroll in four courses, or 16 credits. Students may not opt for any other form of registration without prior approval from the 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 出国留学 Office and the 注册商.
  • 资格gpa 3.0
  • 日期秋季学期: September to December; 春季学期一月至五月.

欲知详情,请浏览 APA Multi-Country (Paris, Rabat, Dakar)

  • 语言: Instruction is in English.
  • 研究领域: Public Health, Global Health, 人类学. 
  • 住宿和膳食: 家庭寄宿. All meals covered during the program. Students live with a host family for two to four weeks in all locations other than the first country. 家庭寄宿s are the primary form of accommodation on the program. (Other accommodations include hotels or hostels). Please bear in mind that, in many countries, the idea of what constitutes a “home” (i.e., the physical nature of the house) may be different from what you expect. You will need to be prepared to adapt to a new life with a new diet, 新的日程安排, 新朋友, and possibly new priorities and expectations. Country coordinators in each location will arrange homestay placements. In most cases, students will be placed in homestays in pairs. These placements are made first based on health concerns, including any allergies or dietary needs, to the extent possible. You will not receive information about your homestay family before you arrive in each country.
  • Registering for Courses: Credit value of each course is four. Students enroll in four courses, or 16 credits. Students may not opt for any other form of registration without prior approval from the 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 出国留学 Office and the 注册商.资格gpa 2.5
  • 日期: 秋天: August – December; 春天:一月至五月.
  • 请注意: IHP is an early-application program.

欲知详情,请浏览 IHP Health and Community: Globalization, Culture, and Care 

  • 语言: Instruction is in English.
  • 研究领域: Urban Politics and Development, Culture and Society of World Cities, Urban Planning and Sustainable Environments, and Contemporary Urban Issues: Problems and Solutions. 
  • 住宿和膳食:家庭寄宿. All meals covered during the program. Students live with a host family for two to four weeks in all locations other than the first country. 家庭寄宿s are the primary form of accommodation on the program. (Other accommodations include hotels or hostels). Please bear in mind that, in many countries, the idea of what constitutes a “home” (i.e., the physical nature of the house) may be different from what you expect. You will need to be prepared to adapt to a new life with a new diet, 新的日程安排, 新朋友, and possibly new priorities and expectations. Country coordinators in each location will arrange homestay placements. In most cases, students will be placed in homestays in pairs. These placements are made first based on health concerns, including any allergies or dietary needs, to the extent possible. Students may not opt for any other form of registration without prior approval from the 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 出国留学 Office and the 注册商.
  • Registering for Courses: Credit value of each course is four. Students enroll in four courses, or 16 credits. You may not opt for any other form of registration without prior approval from 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.
  • 资格gpa 2.5
  • 日期: 秋天: August – December; 春天:一月至五月.
  • 请注意: IHP is an early-application program.

欲知详情,请浏览 IHP Cities in the 21st Century: People, Planning, and Politics


Applying to study abroad is a two-step process during your sophomore year.  First, you must apply for BMC approval to study abroad by the required deadline.  下一个, when you have received approval through BMC, you must apply for admission to the program of your choice.




Director of Global Education
Undergraduate 院长办公室
Eugenia Chase Guild Hall, Lower Level
Phone: 610-526-7352
9 a.m. 到5点.m., Monday through 星期五

For Bryn Mawr 出国留学 Students:
Click here to see my availability and schedule an advising appointment.

10 a.m.-12 p.m. (尼莎)
3-5 p.m. (Holly)
3-5 p.m. (Holly)
10 a.m.-12 p.m. (尼莎)