

  • Language教学用英语, Cantonese and Putonghua (Standard Mandarin).
  • Fields of study:文学院61个系开设课程, Education, Engineering, Medicine, Science, and Social Science.
  • Housing and Meals: On-campus housing is available for undergraduate study abroad students. 一些住房要求强制性的膳食计划. The campus has more than 20 canteens and students can pay by cash for meals.
  • Registering for Courses学生将选修五门课程,或15学分. Students may not opt for any other form of registration without prior approval from the Bryn Mawr College Study Abroad Office and the Registrar.
  • Eligibility: GPA 3.0. Must be current undergraduate who has completed at least 2 academic terms of university studies.
  • Dates: Fall:九月初至十二月底; Spring: early January to mid-May.

Learn more at 中大:香港中文大学


  • Language教学用英语.
  • Fields of Study: Health Sciences, Public Health, Development Studies, or other related fields. 
  • Housing and Meals: Homestay. 项目期间的所有餐费都包括在内. 住在印度寄宿家庭, students have an excellent opportunity to practice language skills and share daily life, 包括许多难忘的饭菜.
  • Registering for Courses:每门课程的学分为3分. 学生注册五门课程,或15个学分. Students may not opt for any other form of registration without prior approval from the Bryn Mawr College Study Abroad Office and the Registrar.
  • Eligibility: GPA 2.5
  • Dates: Fall: August–December; Spring: early February–mid May.
  • Note这是一个早期申请项目.

Learn more at 印度:公共卫生、性别和社区行动

  • Language教学用英语.
  • Fields of Study:城市研究、发展研究、文化与社会.
  • Housing and Meals: Homestay. 项目期间的所有餐费都包括在内. Students live with Indian host families in Jaipur for approximately six weeks. Most host families have multiple generations living under one roof and are typically located in residential neighborhoods where transportation, shopping, 互联网资源也很容易获取. 
  • Registering for Courses:每门课程的学分为3分. 学生注册五门课程,或15个学分. Students may not opt for any other form of registration without prior approval from the Bryn Mawr College Study Abroad Office and the Registrar.
  • Eligibility: GPA 2.5
  • Dates: Fall: August – December; Sp周期:2月初至5月中旬.
  • Note这是一个早期申请项目.

Learn more at 印度:可持续发展和社会变革


  • Language教学用日语.
  • Fields of Study: Letters, Economics, Science and Technology, Policy Management, 环境与信息研究, and Japanese. 
  • Housing and Meals学生住在宿舍或出租公寓. 学生们自己准备饭菜. 有些宿舍还提供伙食.
  • Registering for Courses:每门课程的学分为一到两分. 学生注册10-12门课程,或16-24学分. Students may not opt for any other form of registration without prior approval from the Bryn Mawr College Study Abroad Office and the Registrar.
  • Eligibility: By nomination. GPA 3.0
  • Nomination Procedure所有提交的提名均为最终提名,不得撤销. Students who are approved and nominated by the Study Abroad Committee to study at Keio University are accepting a place on the program and must make a commitment to attend, 只要他们被庆应义塾接受. The Dean’s Office will forward the names of all nominated students to Keio. In addition, 学生将收到院长办公室的申请说明 to complete the Keio application online.
  • Dates: Academic Year: September to July; Spring Semester (日本第一学期):4月至7月; Fall Semester is not available.
  • Note这是一个早期申请项目.

Learn more at 东京庆应义塾大学:日语课程 (Exchange Program)

  • Language: Instruction is in English.
  • Fields of Study: Letters, Economics, Science and Technology, Policy Management, 环境与信息研究, and Japanese. 
  • Housing and Meals学生住在宿舍或出租公寓. 学生们自己准备饭菜. 有些宿舍还提供伙食.
  • Registering for Courses:每门课程的学分为一到两分. 学生注册10-12门课程,或16-24学分. Students may not opt for any other form of registration without prior approval from the Bryn Mawr College Study Abroad Office and the Registrar.
  • Eligibility: GPA 3.0
  • Nomination Procedure所有提交的提名均为最终提名,不得撤销. Students who are approval and nominated by the Study Abroad Committee to study at Keio University are accepting a place on the program and must make a commitment to attend, 只要他们被庆应义塾接受. The Dean’s Office will forward the names of all nominated students to Keio. In addition, 学生将收到院长办公室的申请说明 to complete the Keio application online.
  • Dates: Academic Year: September to July; Spring Semester (日本第一学期):4月至7月; Fall Semester is not available.
  • Note这是一个早期申请项目.

Learn more at 庆应义塾大学,东京-庆应义塾国际项目 (Exchange Program)

  • Language: Courses are taught primarily in Japanese; some are taught in English.
  • Fields of study:  International and Cultural Studies, Mathematics, and Computer Science. 
  • Housing and Meals: 学生住在宿舍,自己负责伙食.
  • Registering for Courses:每门课程的学分为一至两个津田学分. 学生们选修了8到9门课程,获得了12个津田学分. Students may not opt for any other form of registration without prior approval from the Bryn Mawr College Study Abroad Office and the Registrar.
  • Eligibility: GPA 3.0
  • Nomination Procedure所有提交的提名均为最终提名,不得撤销. Students who are approved and nominated by the Study Abroad Committee to study at Tsuda University are accepting a place on the program and must make a commitment to attend, 只要被津田接受. The Dean’s Office will forward the names of all nominated students to Tsuda. In addition, 学生将收到院长办公室的申请说明, and the Dean’s Office will facilitate the application submission to Tsuda.
  • Dates: Academic Year: September to July; Spring Semester (日本第一学期):4月至7月; Fall Semester is not available
  • Note这是一个早期申请项目.

Learn more at Tsuda University, Tokyo (Exchange Program)

  • Language: With the exception of Asian language classes, all courses are conducted in English.
  • Fields of Study: Anthropology, Architecture, Asian Studies, Economics, Film Studies, Gender Studies, History, Japanese, Political Science, and Psychology. 
  • Housing and Meals: University dormitories with kitchen facilities or homestays with meal planwith Japanese family for students who already speak some Japanese. Dormitories are 40-50 minutes from the campus by subway; home stays may be 1.5 to 2 hours away ("a common commuting distance for Japanese workers"). 
  • Registering for Courses:每门课程的学分为三分或四分. 学生注册五门课程,或15个学分. Students may not opt for any other form of registration without prior approval from the Bryn Mawr College Study Abroad Office and the Registrar.
  • Eligibility: GPA 2.75
  • Dates: Fall Semester: 8月中旬至12月初; Spring semester1月初至4月底.

Learn more at Temple University in Tokyo


  • Language教学用俄语.
  • Fields of Study:俄语语言与文化、历史和政治科学. 
  • Housing and Meals学生住在宿舍或寄宿家庭. 在这两种情况下,每天提供两顿饭.
  • Registering for Courses:每门课程的学分为0.5 or 1.0 or 1.5 units. 学生注册三到四门课程,或四个单元. Students may not opt for any other form of registration without prior approval from the Bryn Mawr College Study Abroad Office and the Registrar.
  • Eligibility: GPA 2.7
  • Dates: Fall Semester: 9月初至12月中旬; Spring Semester: mid-January to mid-May

Learn more at 哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图高级俄语和地区研究


  • Language: 英语、俄语教学
  • Field of Study: Russian Language; Russian, Central Asian & Post Soviet Studies
  • Housing: Students have the option to live in Russian-speaking homestays or in a residence hall with American University of Central Asia peers
  • Registering for Courses: Students take 9 units of Russian language courses taught through Bard College, and choose an additional two academic subject courses of 6 units taught through the American University of Central Asia. 学生亦可选修语音学课程,共2个单元. Students are registered for no less than 15 units and no more than 18 units. Students may not opt for any other form of registration without prior approval from the Bryn Mawr College Study Abroad Office and the Registrar.
  • Eligibility: 至少两年大学水平的俄语
  • Dates: Fall: August-December; Spring: January-(late) May

Learn more at Bard Bishkek


  • Language教学用英语.
  • Fields of Study:人文、艺术学院开设课程 & Social Sciences. 
  • Housing and Meals: Application to live in one the Halls of Residence based on double occupancy. Exchange students are allocated randomly and request for transfer of Halls and room-mates shall not be entertained. Students with medical condition and have specific requests will have to submit doctor’s letter certifying the condition which shall be verified by NTU medical centre. For students unsuccessful in their application for on-campus accommodation shall be recommended off-campus accommodations at hostels located within short bus rides to NTU.
  • Registering for Courses: Exchange students usually take 3 to 5 courses per semester based on 3 or 4 AU per course (subjected to home university's and NTU's approval). 这是在16到18 au之间.Students may not opt for any other form of registration without prior approval from the Bryn Mawr College Study Abroad Office and the Registrar.
  • Eligibility: By Nomination. GPA 3.0.
  • Nomination Procedure所有提交的提名均为最终提名,不得撤销. Students who are approved and nominated by the Study Abroad Committee to study at 南洋理工大学 are accepting a place on the program and must make a commitment to attend, 只要它们被该机构接受. The Dean’s Office will forward the names of all nominated students to 南洋理工大学. In addition, 学生将收到院长办公室的申请说明 to complete the 南洋理工大学 application online.   
  • Dates: Fall: early August to December; Spring: January to May.
  • Note这是一个早期申请项目.

Learn more at 南洋理工大学 (Exchange Program)

South Korea

  • Language教学用韩语和英语.
  • Fields of Study: Architecture, Art History, Astronomy, Atmospheric Science, Biology, Biology Technology, Chemistry,  Chinese,  Computer Science,  East Asian Studies, Economics,  History, International Relations, Korean Language, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Religion, Sociology,  Urban Planning 
  •  Housing and Meals: 宿舍,共用双人房和大厅厨房或寄宿家庭.  Residence hall is on site.  Homestays may be a 40 to 80 minute public transit commute and include breakfast and dinner daily.  
  • Registering for Courses学生每学期必须修15-16学分. The  mandatory Korean language course is 6 credit hours; all other courses are 3 credit hours each. 至少有一门选修课必须以韩语为重点. Students may not opt for any other form of registration without prior approval from the Bryn Mawr College Study Abroad Office and the Registrar.
  • Eligibility: GPA 2.5
  • DatesFall Semester8月下旬至12月下旬; Spring Semester二月底至六月底

Learn more at CIEE 首尔,艺术+科学(延世大学)


  • Language: Instruction is in Chinese
  • Fields of Study: The Taipei Chinese Language Program emphasizes intensive Chinese language study, 这是为初级到高级学生准备的
  • Housing and Meals: 学生与当地室友合租公寓. There is no meal plan, but students have access to a communal kitchen and very affordable university cafeterias.
  • Registering for Courses: Students will enroll in 12 credits of intensive Chinese Language at National Taiwan University, based on placement by CET. 学生额外选修一门3单元的英语课程. Students may not opt for any other form of registration without prior approval from the Bryn Mawr College Study Abroad Office and the Registrar.
  • Eligibility: GPA 3.0
  • Dates: Fall Semester: Late August to late-November; Spring Semester: Late February to late May.

Learn more at CET:台北汉语课程

Ready to Apply?

Applying to study abroad is a two-step process during your sophomore year.  First, you must apply for BMC approval to study abroad by the required deadline.  Next, 当您通过BMC获得批准后, 你必须申请你选择的课程.


Contact Us

Study Abroad

Tracy Weber
Phone: 610-526-7352
Fax: 610-526-7560
Office Hours:
9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday

Click here to see my availability and schedule an advising appointment.

10 a.m.-12 p.m. (Nisha)
3-5 p.m. (Holly)
3-5 p.m. (Holly)
10 a.m.-12 p.m. (Nisha)