Requesting an Exception

Special Cases

The Special Cases Subcommittee of the Committee on Academic Standing considers petitions from students who propose alternative ways to meet degree requirements or for exceptions to the academic regulations of the College. If you think your situation warrants an exception, discuss your situation with your dean before petitioning the committee. 

Guidelines for Submitting Petitions:

Students Petitioning to Enroll in 5.5 Units

The Special Cases Subcommittee of the Committee on Academic Standing considers petitions from students who want to enroll in 5.5 units in one semester. Any student in good standing who has completed at least one semester at Bryn Mawr may apply to enroll in 5.5 units. Requests must be sent by the end of the second week of the semester. The Special Cases Subcommittee will review petitions during the third week of the semester. The committee will expect the student to   

  • discuss their plans with their dean,
  • present an academic record that predicts success in the proposed program,
  • identify the specific courses she plans to take, and
  • present compelling reasons for enrolling in these specific courses during this specific semester.

Students who receive permission to enroll in 5.5 units will be held to the same deadlines, procedures and expectations as students who enroll in a normal course load.

Students Petitioning to Accelerate

The Special Cases Subcommittee of the Committee on Academic Standing considers petitions from students who want to graduate in six semesters rather than eight. Any student in good standing who has completed at least one semester at Bryn Mawr may apply to accelerate (that is, to graduate in six semesters). The committee will expect the student to

  • discuss the student's plans with the student's dean,
  • demonstrate that the student has accumulated at least 8 extra credits and
  • present a viable plan to meet all graduation requirements, including the residency requirement, within the student's remaining semesters.

Please note that accelerating precludes studying abroad during the academic year.

The Special Cases Subcommittee will review petitions for acceleration three times a year. Students petitioning to accelerate should submit their petitions by the following deadlines: Nov. 1 (for students in their second or third year only), Feb. 1, or April 1.

Rather than petitioning the committee, students who plan to complete the degree in seven semesters should work out the details with their deans and major advisers and follow the directions on the Registrar's website regarding graduating in December:

Students Petitioning to Repeat a Course

The Special Cases Subcommittee of the Committee on Academic Standing considers petitions from students who wish to re-enroll in a course in which they have previously earned a grade of 1.0, 1.3, or 1.7. The Faculty created this opportunity to allow students to repeat an essential course (such as a required course in their major, a course that serves as a prerequisite to another required course, a course required by a graduate program, or a course towards the foreign language requirement) to enable them to move forward with their academic plans. A student will receive credit only for the first enrollment. The second enrollment will appear on a student's transcript with the grade. Both grades would count towards the overall GPA. A student may repeat no more than two total classes and no more than one in any given semester. If you think your situation requires that you retake a course, discuss your situation with your dean and any other appropriate adviser (major advisers, pre-health adviser, etc.) before petitioning the committee.

Students Petitioning for Other Exceptions

The Special Cases Subcommittee of the Committee on Academic Standing considers petitions from students who propose alternative ways to meet degree requirements or request exceptions to the academic regulations of the College.  If you think your situation warrants an exception, discuss your situation with your dean before petitioning the committee.

Students Petitioning for Acceptance into the A.B./M.A. Program

Unusually well prepared undergraduates who are interested in working towards a master’s degree while still completing their bachelor’s degree should follow the instructions regarding the Combined A.B./M.A. Program and submit hard copies of their signed proposals to Judy Balthazar, Undergraduate Dean’s Office, Guild Hall, lower level.