Official Statement of Satisfactory Academic Progress

Satisfactory Academic Progress


1. Qualitative Measures for Satisfactory Progress toward the Degree: Academic Standard of Work

At the close of every semester, 学术地位委员会(CAS)审查所有未达到学院学术工作标准的学生的记录. The record of any student who has received a grade below 2.0 in a course might be reviewed (see below). Upon review, students must meet the requirements set by CAS.

The Merit Rule requires that a student attain grades of 2.0 or higher in at least one half of the total number of courses taken while at Bryn Mawr. Courses from which the student has withdrawn are not considered. Covered grades for courses which the student elects to take Credit / No Credit are considered. 在任何学期结束时,如果学生没有达到这一要求,该学生可能会被学院开除,如果超过一半的学生的工作低于2分,该学生将被自动开除.0 at the close of the student’s junior year. A student who is excluded from the College is not eligible for readmission.

The Standard of Work in the Major requires that every student working for an A.B. degree maintain grades of 2.0 or higher in all courses in the major subject. No student may choose as the major subject one in which the student has received a grade below 1.0 or one in which the student’s average is below 2.0. A student receiving a grade below 2.任何主修科目(包括在其他院校修读的课程)的成绩须向学术地位委员会报告. After consulting with the student’s major department, the Committee may require the student to change the major. At the end of the junior year, a student having a major subject average below 2.0 must change the major. If the student has no alternative major, the student is excluded from the College and is not eligible for readmission.

Repeated Failure:
A student who has incurred a grade of 0.0 or NC following a previous 0.0 or NC will be reported to the Committee on Academic Standing. 

Deterioration of Work:
A student whose work meets these specific standards but whose record has deteriorated (for example, who has earned two or more grades below merit) will be reported to the Committee on Academic Standing.

2. Quantitative Measures for Satisfactory Progress toward the Degree

学生可以通过向院长或学术地位委员会的特殊案例小组委员会请愿,要求这些定量措施的例外情况. 只有那些不符合这些标准或获得例外的学生的记录将在学期结束时由学术地位委员会(CAS)审查。. Upon review, students must meet the requirements set by CAS.

Thirty-two units are required to complete the A.B. degree. 学生通常每学期完成四门课程(四个单元)的完整课程,并期望在八个注册学期内完成全日制课程. A student may register for 3.0, 3.5, 4.5 or 5.0 units per semester with the approval of the student’s dean. To enroll in 5.5 units, 学生还必须获得学术地位委员会特殊案例小组委员会的许可.

Full-time students must earn a minimum of fifteen units before the start of the junior year. These units may include transfer credits. At the end of the second, third or fourth semester, 无法向院长提交可行计划以满足这一期望的学生必须向学术地位委员会的特殊案例小组委员会申请例外. 未获豁免的学生将提请学术地位委员会注意.

All students must be on pace to complete the A.B. degree within 150% of the standard thirty-two units. To meet these guidelines, 学生必须在任何一个学期完成至少67%的课程,累计至少67%. Courses in which a student has earned the following grades for any reason, including non-attendance, will count as units attempted but not completed: W (withdrawal), 0.0 (failure), NC (a failure earned in a course taken credit / no credit), or NGR (no grade). Officially dropped and unofficially audited courses count as neither units attempted nor completed. 学生获得UI(未授权未完成)或I(未完成)成绩的课程在指定最终成绩之前不会被计算为尝试单元. These standards apply to students enrolled in dual degree programs. 转学学生的最长时间不得超过32个学分减去入学时可转学的学分数的150%. Students who are unable to meet this expectation may petition their dean for an exception.

Acceptance into a Major Program:
By the end of the sophomore year, every student must have declared a major. At the end of the fourth semester, 任何未能达到这一期望的学生必须向学术地位委员会的特殊情况小组委员会申请例外. 未获豁免的学生将提请学术地位委员会注意.

Completion of requirements:
Before the start of the sophomore year, all students must have completed the Emily Balch Seminar Requirement. At the end of the second semester, 任何未能达到这一期望的学生必须向学术地位委员会的特殊情况小组委员会申请例外. 未获豁免的学生将提请学术地位委员会注意.

Before the start of the junior year, all students who matriculated in August 2011 or later must have completed the physical education requirement. At the end of the fourth semester, any student who has failed to meet this expectation must petition the Department of Athletics for an exception. 未获豁免的学生将提请学术地位委员会注意.

Before the start of the senior year, all students must have completed all remaining requirements, including the distribution, foreign language and quantitative requirements, and for students who matriculated prior to August 2011, the physical education requirement. At the end of the sixth semester, 任何学生如果不能向院长提出一个可行的计划来满足这一期望,必须向学术地位委员会的特殊情况小组委员会申请例外. 未获豁免的学生将提请学术地位委员会注意.

3. Procedure: The Committee on Academic Standing (CAS)

At the end of every semester, 学术地位委员会(CAS)审查所有未达到学院学术标准或在学位方面取得令人满意进展的学生的记录. A student whose record is reviewed by CAS must meet the requirements set by CAS.

每个被审查记录的学生都将收到教务处代表委员会发出的正式信函,该信函列出了一份学术计划,并规定了学生在下个学期结束或返回学院之前必须达到的标准. In addition, the Committee may place restrictions upon a student’s course load or course selection. 学生的家长或监护人将被通知,学生的记录已被委员会审查,并被告知学生身份的任何变化.

经审查者,下学期给予学业警告或主修科目警告处分, or the semester of the student’s return if the student has been required to withdraw. If the student receives financial aid, the student will also receive a financial aid warning. While on academic or major subject warning, 学生将被要求与学生的院长定期会面,学生的导师将被要求提交有关学生工作的期中报告. If the student meets the standards specified by the committee, the warning is lifted. If a student on warning or probation does not meet these expectations and requirements, 学术地位委员会将安排他们休学术假,并就如何准备返校提供指导. Alternatively, 学生可以向委员会申请在留校察看期间再学习一个学期, if appropriate, for a semester of financial aid probation) by submitting this appeal form. 学生的申诉应具体说明学生未能取得令人满意的学业进步的原因(如健康问题), family crises, (或其他特殊情况)以及已经发生的变化,以确保学生在即将到来的学期中取得令人满意的进步. The student may supply documentation to support the appeal.

凡经中国科学院审查或向中国科学院提出留校察看或专业留校察看要求的学生,在留校察看之前,必须退学,并出示工作表现令人满意的证明. A withdrawn student may not register for classes at the College until she has been readmitted. The CAS may also recommend to the president that the student be excluded from the College. An excluded student is not eligible for readmission to the College.

4. Readmission process for students who have been required to withdraw

被中科院要求退学的学生,在达到中科院的要求并能证明自己已经做好了在学院工作的准备后,可以申请复读. 希望在9月份返回的学生必须在5月1日之前提交重新注册申请和所有支持材料. Those who hope to return in January must submit their application and materials by November 1. Re-enrollment applications are reviewed by CAS in June and in December.