Rare Book School Scholarship

Thanks to the generosity of Ellen Michelson P'09, Bryn Mawr College is able to offer scholarship support for at least one student interested in attending a one-week summer course offered by the Rare Book School.

The Rare Book School provides continuing-education opportunities for students from all disciplines and skill levels to study the history of written, printed, and digital materials with leading scholars and professionals in the field.It is based at the University of Virginia, and also offers classes at other sites, including the University of Pennsylvania.

For additional information about the Rare Book School and for a list of courses being offered this summer, see the Rare Book School’s website

Eligibility for the scholarship depends upon being accepted into one of the Rare Book School courses. The deadline for applications to the School is March 3rd.

To learn more and review the application process, please visit the Rare Book School Application Form.

For additional information about the Rare Books Program and for advice about applications, please contact Eric Pumroy, Director of Bryn Mawr’s Special Collections: epumroy@wolaipei.com.  

March 3, 2021


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