
夏天 项目 早期 保证 机会 布瑞恩 三部 二年级的学生 医学领域未被充分代表的背景:

布瑞恩 三部 大学 签署 协议 两个 医疗 学校 夏天 机会 包括 可能性 of 考虑 提前被医学院录取.

感兴趣 学生 应该 联系 Dr. 盖尔 Glicksman, 助理 迪安 健康 职业 建议, at 卫生专业咨询办公室(HPAO) -


Dr. Glicksman is eager to speak 与 any 学生 who are potentially interested in 的se 项目. 有很多项目 横跨美国 学生 背景 代表名额不足的 in 医疗保健. 程序 标准 重点 不同. 甚至 if 这两个 具体的 项目 be of 最好的 健康, 在那里 五月 be 许多 其他 优秀的 机会 we 可以 探索.


Academic Clinical Experience 夏天 程序 (ACES): Rutgers—Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (RWJMS) 2024 

ACES is a six-week 夏天 program 为 sophomores at 布瑞恩 三部, Haver为d, 斯沃斯莫尔, 和 普林斯顿大学 who are seriously considering a career in medicine. RWJMS will provide academic 和 clinical experiences, 教师指导, 和医学生的互动. ACES aims to facilitate meaningful preparation 为 医疗 school 为 educationally 和/or economically disadvantaged 学生. Note: Successful participants 五月 be eligible 为 an early assurance acceptance to Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. 

  • Open to 布瑞恩 三部 sophomores (Class of 2026) who are educationally 和/or academically disadvantaged. 这包括第一代大学生, 和/or those 从 economically disadvantaged 背景. 
  • GPA和:至少3分.累积绩点0分,3分.2 .毕业.
  • St和ardized test scores 为 those who took a st和ardized test, a minimum combined SAT verbal/math score of 1300 or ACT score of 29. Applicants who have never taken 的 SAT or ACT will be considered, but 的y must take 的 MCAT prior to being offered admission to RWJMS. 
  • Realistic plan 为 completion of RWJMS prerequisite courses by graduation
  • 美国公民或永久居民
  • Considered socioeconomically 和/or educationally disadvantaged as measured by one of 的 below:
    • 社会经济劣势:
      • Your family’s income on 的 most recent tax return is 400% or less than 的 2022 US Department of 健康 和 Human Services poverty level guidelines 为 your family size. 这与 AAMC费用援助计划 医学院申请者的要求
      • You 和 your family receive need-based aid (Pell grants, 布瑞恩 三部 grant aid, or 其他) or
      • Your personal/family financial contributions to attend 布瑞恩 三部 are less than 30% of 的 cost of attendance.
    • 教育的劣势:
      • None of your parents or guardians 有 obtained a post-secondary degree (associate degree or higher) or
      • You attended a high school where less than 50% of graduates go to a 两个- or four-year college.

o    Please 不e: If you have financial or educational disadvantages, 但你不符合这些具体标准, please talk 与 盖尔 Glicksman about any special circumstances.

  • Application materials 包括 an application 为m, 两篇短文(根据提示), unofficial transcripts 从 any colleges you attended, 我有一个建议. (将接受另一项建议.)


o    Student materials are due by 9:00 am ET on Wednesday, February 7, 2024.

o    Recommendation(s) due by 9:00 AM ET on Friday, February 9, 2024.

  • 学生通过布瑞恩 三部 HPAO申请. ACES Participants are interviewed 和 selected by faculty of 的 Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (RWJMS).
  • 联络盖尔 Glicksman (,以了解更多有关计划的详情, 应用程序需求, 和 about RWJMS. For application materials, please visit 的 HPAO One Drive folder ace和PASS计划.



PENN Access 夏天 Scholars (PASS): Perelman School of Medicine at 的 University of 潘sylvania 2024

PASS is a program 为 sophomores (Class of 2026) at 布瑞恩 三部 (as well as Haver为d, 霍华德, 豪斯, 的城市, 潘, 普林斯顿大学, 斯佩尔曼, 和 Xavier or participants in 的 STEMM Prep 程序). Students are paired 与 research mentors 为 8 weeks during 的 sophomore 和 junior 夏天s on 潘’s campus. coupled 与 enrichment 那 fosters 的 development of a physician identity 和 prepares 学生 为 的 transition to 医疗 school. Note: Students who successfully complete 的 PASS program 五月 be eligible 为 an early assurance acceptance to 的 Perelman School of Medicine. 

·         Applicants 应该 demonstrate strong personal attributes, 字符, 领导, 成熟, as well as a clear 和 consistent motivation to study 和 ultimately pursue a career in medicine 和 readiness to matriculate in 医疗 school.

  • 学生通过布瑞恩 三部 HPAO申请. 入围者将接受医学院的面试. 
  • Application materials 包括 an application 为m, 对两篇提示文章的回答, an unofficial copy of transcripts 从 any colleges you attended, 我有一个建议. (将接受另一项建议.) 


o    Student materials due by 11:59 pm ET on Tuesday, January 16, 2024.

o    Recommendation(s) due by 9:00 AM ET on Monday, January 29, 2024.

  • 学生通过布瑞恩 三部 HPAO申请. Participants are interviewed 和 selected by faculty of 的 Perelman School of Medicine.
  • 联络盖尔 Glicksman (,以了解更多有关计划的详情, 应用程序需求, 以及佩雷尔曼医学院. For application materials, please visit 的 HPAO One Drive folder ace和PASS计划.





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