Timeline and FAQ: Creating a Praxis Independent Study

Timeline and Process for Creating a Praxis Independent Study Course

For Fall 2024

请回顾下学期设计实践独立学习(PIS)课程的时间和步骤. Completing a PIS Course Proposal and eventually a Praxis Learning Plan are two key steps.

In-person fieldwork with local organizations is recommended but, in some cases, 学生还可以围绕混合或完全远程实地考察经验设计课程(在美国).

March/Early April

1. Review the Praxis Independent Study website.

2. Attend the PIS Information Session on Wednesday, March 20, from 4-5 PM in Guild 203. Register here in Handshake.

3. Schedule a Praxis consultation with Liv Raddatz (lraddatz@wolaipei.com) or Tiffany Stahl (tstahl@wolaipei.com) to discuss your interests and the PIS course development process. 在完成PIS课程建议表之前进行这种对话是有帮助的.

4. Reach out to your dean and/or major advisor 讨论一门实践性的课程如何适合你下学期的课程安排. You need their approval to proceed. International students must also contact Patti Lausch to inquire about Curricular Practical Training (CPT).


5. Submit a PIS Course Proposal by Friday, April 19, 2024. You will be asked to identify your course learning objectives, potential field sites, and a potential Faculty Advisor for your course.

6. Reach out to a potential Faculty Advisor for your course. Discuss your interests and learning goals. Share your PIS Course Proposal with them.

7. Identify and contact potential field sites for your course. Please review the Quick Tips for Finding Praxis Field Placements document. 如果你不熟悉与你感兴趣的主题/领域相关的组织格局, schedule an appointment with a Career Counselor or Career Peer in the Career & Civic Engagement Center to complete an internship search, visit the online Civic Engagement Directory of Local Non-Profit Organizations, visit the Praxis Blog, and talk with Praxis staff, friends, Major Advisors, other faculty, 和院长谈谈你的兴趣,以便更多地了解他们所知道的或与他们一起工作过的人.

Late April/May

8. Secure a Faculty Advisor for your course. 您的指导老师必须通过电子邮件批准您的PIS课程建议,并抄送实践计划工作人员, Liv Raddatz (lraddatz@wolaipei.com) and Tiffany Stahl (tstahl@wolaipei.com), on the message. Due Friday, May 3.

9. Attend the required virtual Praxis Learning Plan Development Workshop on Thursday, May 9, at 10 AM via Zoom. Register here in Handshake.


10. Secure a field placement: Communicate with potential field sites. 一旦您确定了实地实习,请通知Praxis工作人员和您的指导老师. Work with your Field Supervisor to determine your responsibilities, work schedule, fieldwork learning objectives, and the skills you would like to develop through the fieldwork. You need to have a confirmed field placement by Friday, August 23.

11. Develop the Learning Plan 为您的课程:与您的指导老师保持联系,以确定您的课程描述, learning objectives, readings, assignments, and meeting schedule.

12. Submit a draft of your Praxis Learning Plan by Wednesday, August 28.


13. Submit a final Praxis Learning Plan with Faculty Advisor and Field Supervisor approval by Friday, September 6, at 5 p.m. 注册主任将在Praxis工作人员最终批准后为PIS学生注册.

14. Attend the Praxis Independent Study Orientation (required) on Friday, Sept. 6, from 12:00 –1:00 p.m. in the Student Life and Wellness Building, Room 173.

15. Begin Praxis fieldwork the week of Sept. 9 (second week of classes).

Questions? Reach out to Praxis staff Liv Raddatz (lraddatz@wolaipei.com) or Tiffany Stahl (tstahl@wolaipei.com)

Frequently Asked Questions: Praxis Independent Study

Who can take a Praxis Independent Study course? Are there any prerequisites or restrictions? 

有兴趣参加实践独立学习课程的学生必须是大二及以上的学生,并且学术成绩良好. There are no other prerequisites for taking a Praxis Independent Study course. (Students do not 需要完成实践I或实践II课程才能参加实践独立学习课程). 请记住,学生在大学期间总共可以选修两门实践独立学习课程.

Where do I begin?

Many students come to the Praxis office with this question. 最好通过访问Praxis网站开始创建一个Praxis独立学习课程的过程. There, you will find stories and experiences of former Praxis students, 这可能会帮助你开始形成你对追求实践课程的兴趣的想法. 参加一个实践独立学习的信息会议也是一个好主意. Information sessions are usually held one to two weeks before pre-registration, or just after fall and spring break. At the information sessions, you will have an opportunity to view a Praxis video, 与目前正在参加实践独立学习课程的学生交谈, 并与在整个过程中与您一起工作的Praxis员工单独交谈. If you cannot attend an information session, 那么你可以安排另一个时间在Praxis办公室与某人见面.

What are the steps I need to take to design a Praxis Independent Study course?

如果你在参加实践会议时对你想学的东西有一个想法,那就最好了. What are your learning objectives for a Praxis Independent Study course? 您将有机会与Praxis员工讨论这些学习目标, 同时,你也要考虑如何重新构建或拓宽你的问题,使你的提案更独特. 

Praxis Independent Study credit is given from a department, 所以考虑一下你想从哪个部门获得学分也是一个好主意. 你需要找一个指导老师,在你的实践独立学习课程中一起工作. Have you already thought of someone? Who are you considering? Who will you be contacting? 

You will also need to identify a field placement. If you have identified a particular site, have you contacted them? 你是否已经在这个网站上安排了你的实践自主学习课程? What arrangements have you made? If you have not identified a site, what are you thinking about? 请记住,在尝试确定实地实习机会时,教师和Praxis员工可以作为优秀的资源. 

您将使用所有这些信息为您的实践独立学习课程创建一个提案. 这项建议必须得到你的学术院长和实践主任的批准. 申请通过后,你需要完成一份实践独立学习计划. This information must be approved and signed by your faculty advisor, your field placement supervisor, the field placement coordinator, and the Director of the Praxis program, before you can begin work at your field placement.

How do I register for a Praxis Independent Study course? Who should I contact if it is not listed?

Once your Learning Plan has been completed and signed, turn it in to the Director of Praxis, 然后由谁通知注册办公室Praxis独立学习计划已获批准. At this point, a course registration number will be created for the course. 如果你查看你的课程表和成绩单,发现你的实践独立学习课程没有被列出, please contact the Registrar’s Office.

Can I get reimbursement for transportation to and from my field placement?

Yes. You are reimbursed 100 percent for Praxis courses. 有关旅行报销和记录旅行费用的表格的更多信息可以在Praxis网站和社区服务网站上找到. 

Is there a list of field placement opportunities available?

Due to the unique nature of each student’s learning objectives, their previous experience with community service or internships, ongoing partnerships between the college and the local community, and newly developing partnerships, 对于未来的实践独立研究学生,没有一个实地实习的列表. 公民参与办公室确实提供了一份当地服务机构的名单,可以作为入门的有用指南. We cannot guarantee, however, 我们与名单上的每个组织都有合作关系,或者联系人仍然是一样的.  


Typically, 实习为学生提供了一个在课堂之外的环境中获得真实世界经验的机会,并获得了可能在他们进入劳动力市场时受益的知识和技能. Many times, 参加实习的学生不会因为他们所做的工作而获得学分. 

Praxis courses can be similar to internships, in that they place the student in a setting outside of the classroom, 他们将在哪里获得真实世界的经验,并获得知识和技能,当他们进入劳动力市场时可能有用. 实践独立学习课程和实习课程的区别在于,实践课程是由一组学习目标或学生围绕特定理论概念提出的问题及其在实地实习环境中的应用而创建的. It is a highly academic, 反思性课程根据学生在实地实习的经验构建. 参加实践独立学习课程的学生确实可以获得学业学分.      


Contact Us

The Career & Civic Engagement Center

Phone: 610-526-5174