
If you have questions about 实践二世 courses, please contact Liv Raddatz at lraddatz@wolaipei.com 或者蒂芙尼·斯塔尔 tstahl@wolaipei.com.

实践二世 Departmental Courses include a more substantial fieldwork component that engages students in activities and projects off-campus that are linked directly to course objectives and are useful to the community partner.



T & 上午8:25- 9:45 |导师:David Karen  

在本课程中, students will analyze sociological theories and their relationships between education and society, focusing on the effects of education on inequality in the United States. This course also examines the historical development of primary, 二次, and post-二次 education in the United States. Other topics include education and social selection, 测试和跟踪, and micro- and macro-explanations of differences in educational outcomes. This is a 实践二世 course; placements are in local schools.  

Cross-Cultural Analysis (CC); Counts Toward Child and Family Studies; Counts Toward Education; Counts Toward Praxis Program  

EDUC B220 Changing Pedagogies in Mathematics and Science  

下午7:10 - 10:00 |教练:Victor Donnay  

This Praxis course will examine research-based approaches to teaching mathematics and science. What does research tell us about how people learn? How can one translate this learning theory into teaching approaches that will help all students learn mathematics and science? 这些新方法怎么样, 通常会涉及到活跃的, 亲自动手的, 研究性学习, 在课堂上实施? What challenges arise when one tries to bring about these types of changes in education? How do issues of equity, discrimination, and social justice impact math and science education? The Praxis component of the course usually involves two (2) two-hour visits per week for 8 weeks to a local math or science classroom.  

Cross-Cultural Analysis (CC); Counts Toward Praxis Program  

ENGL B220 Writing in Theory/Writing in Practice  

TTH 9:55 - 11:00 AM | Instructor: Jen Callaghan  

This Praxis course is designed for students interested in teaching or tutoring writing at the high-school or college level. The course focuses on current theories of rhetoric and composition, 写作和学习的理论, 写作教学, 还有文化问题. Students will get 亲自动手的 experience with curriculum design and lesson planning, strategies for classroom teaching and individual instruction, and will develop digital projects related to multilingual writing and plagiarism. The Praxis components of the course are primarily project-based, but we may also make one or two group visits to local sites where writing is taught.  

Writing Intensive; Critical Interpretation (CI)); Counts Toward Praxis Program 

ANTHRO B246 The Everyday Life of Language: Field 研究 in Linguistic Anthropology  

TTH 11:25 - 12:45 PM | Instructor: Amanda Weidman  

The goal of this course is to develop an awareness of how language operates in various interactional and other (eg. ritual, performance, political) contexts that we commonly experience. The focus will be on gaining 亲自动手的 experience in doing linguistic anthropological data collection and analysis, while putting the results of individual student projects together as part of initiating an ongoing, 多年的项目. Topics that students explore ethnographically may include language and gender; language, race and social indexicality; sociolinguistic variation; codeswitching; register and social stance; language and social media. Student research will involve ethnographic observation, 口语话语的录音, 进行采访, and learning how to create a transcript to use as the basis for ethnographic analysis. 课程的实践部分, students will use the experience they have gained to generate ideas for components of a middle school/high school language arts curriculum that incorporates linguistic anthropology concepts and student-driven research on language.  

Cross-Cultural Analysis (CC); Counts Toward Gender/Sex Studies (Min/Conc); Counts Toward Praxis Program  


The time commitment for fieldwork varies greatly from course to course but falls within the range of two to seven hours per week or 20-70 hours per semester.


  • weekly fieldwork in local classrooms or community-based organizations;
  • conducting research that has been requested by a community partner;
  • project-based activities such as creating a curriculum, 设计一个网站, 或者策划一个博物馆展览.


The Praxis 野外工作协议 is an important part of all 实践二世 courses. This document outlines the learning and placement objectives of the Praxis component and is signed by the course instructor, 现场主管, 实习协调员和学生. These fieldwork agreements are specific to each course and the forms will be made available by the Praxis field placement coordinator for the course or by the instructor.

The Praxis component in 实践二世 courses constitutes between 25-50 percent of total coursework assigned.




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