Current Fellows

Class of 2025: Cohort 34

Sabrina Gray

萨布丽娜·格雷(她/她)主修城市增长与结构,对电影和比较文学感兴趣. She is originally from Montgomery, Ohio but has spent most of her life between Atlanta, Georgia, and Nairobi, Kenya. 她在亚特兰大和内罗毕的经历奠定了她对支持和阻碍各种非洲移民融入亚特兰大现代城市和社会的系统的研究基础. 她将探索这些关系,同时提出身份与空间之间复杂关系的问题. In her free time, Sabrina enjoys singing in her a cappella group, The Acabellas, reading any fantasy book she can get her hands on, and spending time immersed in nature.

Eryn Peritz

Eryn (they/them) is a queer Chinese American adoptee born in Fengcheng, Jiangxi and raised in New York. 他们的工作深入研究了酷儿亲属关系形成和收养家庭结构之间的交叉性,重点关注身份形成和儿童发展. In understanding the colonial origins and implications of transracial/-national adoption, 他们希望解构主要由白人注视的关于收养的主流叙述. Outside of academia, 埃林热衷于他们在费城地区的艺术非营利工作,包括纪念碑实验室和亚洲艺术倡议. They are the co-founder of Bi-Co Asian Adoptees, a group dedicated to fostering connection and community amongst the many adoptees at their college.

Roshan Perry

Roshan is an English major from Champaign, Illinois with an interest in trans studies from postcolonial perspectives. 他的研究考察了跨性别和性别差异在殖民互动的时刻使用跨历史和比较的方法. 他计划把重点放在跨历史的模式上,这些模式出现在被殖民者和被殖民者都允许和不允许的性别中. They hope to explore the ways in which transness is condensed or expanded through the process of colonization, as well as how it can become complicit in colonialism and whiteness. Roshan hopes to incorporate his interests in ethnomusicology and dance anthropology into his research, to explore gendered embodiment in movement and art. Outside of academics, Roshan loves dancing in the student group Afreen, playing flute in the Bi-College Orchestra and Chamber Music, and playing piano, guitar, and tabla with their family. 他在卡彭特-科利尔图书馆、布林莫尔南亚学生组织和以bipoc为中心的剧团担任领导职务, Hypotheticals & Co.

Juliana Reyes

Juliana (She/They) is a Mexican American Houstonian majoring in Sociology with a Minor in Latin America Studies. Their research interests lie in Race and Ethnic Studies, Indigenous Studies, Latina/o/x Studies, and Human Rights. 她的研究重点是居住在洛杉矶的瓦哈卡州和格雷罗州的土著和非洲土著社区, California. She looks to study these communities’ specific relationship with racial identities and the Mexican nation-state. Their study will capture oral histories of and scholarship on Indigenous, Afro-Indigenous, and non-Indigenous communities, 从而进一步加深了我们对墨西哥土著人民和散居海外的土著人民所面临的沉默和暴力的理解. 朱莉安娜希望开始讨论墨西哥国内的种族问题,以及人们因接近白人而面临的不同经历, indigeneity, blackness, mestizaje, etc. In their free time, Juliana dedicates her time reading scholarly archives, 研究去殖民化,并设法参与社区创造包容环境的努力. She is in student organizations like Mujeres* and Mawrters for Immigrant Justice and is the President of Zami+, the queer BIPOC group on campus!

Peyton Roberson

Peyton (she/they) is a native Houstonian who loves to soak up the sun. They are an Anthropology major with an intended minor in Africana Studies and a concentration in Peace, Justice, and Human Rights. 她的研究探索了休斯顿警察局(HPD)与休斯顿历史上的黑人社区之间的复杂关系, Third Ward. Taking an ethnographic approach, 他们想要引起人们的注意,火奴鲁鲁警局在第三区的治安方式是通过利用社区暴力来增加和/或维持火奴鲁鲁警局的利润,从而使被动压迫成为可能,从而建立工作保障. In non-academic settings, Peyton enjoys crocheting, long distance running, and spending time with her cat!


Class of 2024: Cohort 33

Alloyah Abobi

Alloyah is a senior from Philadelphia, PA. She is pursuing an independent major in Health, Culture, and Society. She is currently being advised by Prof. Piper Sledge of the Sociology department and Dr. Anna West of the Health studies department at Haverford College. Alloyah的研究兴趣集中在种族和文化如何推动服务不足社区的教育成果,以及如何通过有效的宣传和沟通举措来解决差距. Over the summer, she conducted some of her research while interning at The African Family Health Organization (AFAHO). Within the community that is AFAHO, 她致力于加强社区卫生文化,并通过利用使用共同语言的独特同伴支持模式促进社会融合, cultural expertise, advocacy, and system navigation knowledge to help individuals and families overcome social determinants, build community connections, and gain information and resources needed to thrive, improve health and educational outcomes, promote integration and support self-sufficiency. Outside of academia, Alloyah enjoys traveling abroad, writing spoken word, and going to the gym.

Keyla Benitez

Keyla Benítez is a junior from Houston, Texas studying History and Museum Studies. Her research focuses on making archives accessible to Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) communities in order to encourage exploration and understanding of their own history. Keyla is developing herself into an activist archivist 由莫尼克·斯科特教授(艺术史副教授兼博物馆研究主任)和艾莉森·米尔斯教授(学院档案保管员)指导. Keyla的目标是通过她的档案工作为赋权和自决提供空间,因为档案传统上被用来通过抹去文化来维持社会特权群体的权力. On campus, she is the Mujeres* Archivist, a “Who Built Bryn Mawr?” Intern, and a President’s History Advisory Group Committee Member. Off campus, she is a Fleisher Art Memorial Archives Intern in South Philadelphia. 

Abby Braud

Abyssinia Braud, also known as Abby, is from New Orleans, LA. She is pursuing a major in Sociology and a minor in Dance and Education. 她的研究重点是通过分析招生情况,研究大学预科/入学计划的影响和成功, retention, and experiences of BIPOC students at elite colleges and universities. 她希望通过对BIPOC学生进行访谈来进行定性研究,这些学生目前是当地和国际大学预科/入学计划的一部分,了解他们在精英学院和大学的经历. My academic interest is to investigate issues within education that are affecting the BIPOC community. In addition to her MMUF, Abby works as a TLI where she is a student consultant for professors on campus. Along with her love for education she also loves to indulge herself into the dance world. She is a member of Rhythm and Motion Dance Company at Bryn Mawr & Swarthmore Colleges that represents styles based in the African Diaspora. Abby spends most of her free time with friends & family, shopping and dancing.

Kaia Chau

Kaia Chau is a senior from Philadelphia, PA. She is pursuing a major in International Studies and a minor in Chinese. Her research interests include East Asian studies, Asian American studies, colonialism & imperialism, political organizing and gentrification. Growing up, 她在费城的唐人街度过了很多时间,因为她在民间艺术文化宝藏特许学校上小学. 这所学校是由亚裔美国人社区活动人士创建的,如果不是唐人街社区的一致抵制,它建在一个棒球场的足迹上. Kaia的父母积极参与亚裔社区的组织和活动,并积累了成堆的文件, 社区历史事件的照片和档案-从著名的唐人街友谊门的建设到反对在附近建造赌场和体育场的基层抗议活动. Her research aims to preserve this history, as well as share stories of activism and working class organizing in Asian American communities

Sofia Diaz

Sofia is a rising senior from Haverford, Pennsylvania. She is pursuing a major in Political Science with a focus on political theory, a minor in Philosophy, and a concentration in Peace, Justice, and Human Rights. Sofia’s research centers around theories of political liberalism, 并探讨了其广泛(有时不一致)的自治概念如何成为当代政治中几个有争议问题的基础. 她的梅隆梅斯项目由哈弗福德学院政治科学系的宝琳娜·奥乔亚-埃斯佩霍教授提供建议, where Sofia is also completing her major. In addition to her MMUF research, Sofia works as a peer tutor and a member of the LT in the Bryn Mawr Writing Center. She enjoys working with students on writing and research projects, and in her free time, reading Isabel Allende novels, and spending time with her two dogs, Kodi and Finn.

Nelid Rios Morales

Nelid (she/her/ella) is a senior from Los Angeles, California. She is pursuing a major in Sociology and a minor in Latin American, Iberian, and Latina/o Studies. She is currently being advised by Prof. Veronica Montes of the Sociology Department and Prof. Jennifer Vargas of the English Department. 奈利德对驱逐出境的研究很感兴趣,同时特别关注情绪和心理创伤的长期影响. Nelid hopes to understand the emotional impact of a family member's deportation on the entire family. Empirically, for this project, Nelid will examine what kind of community support affected families have. She plans to examine the role of the festivity known as Niño de la Caridad. Niño de la Caridad是一个当地的庆祝活动,每年举行一次,社区聚集在一起,表达他们的感激之情. It is a community fund where they support one another. People attend and donate to the community fund. She will study this festivity, which will help her understand people's coping strategies when a family member is deported. Outside of academics, Nelid likes to go hiking, go to the gym, play taekwondo, play soccer, or travel. After graduating from Bryn Mawr College, she hopes to pursue a PhD degree graduate program.