About the Mellon 梅斯 Undergraduate Fellowship

MMUF Program Mission Statement

安德鲁·W. 梅隆基金会成立于1969年6月,是一个非营利性的慈善组织,其使命是“帮助和促进这种宗教”, 慈善, 科学, 文学, 教育目的可能是为了促进公共福利或促进人类的福祉." In 1988, under this broad charter, 基金会做出了一个长期的承诺,通过梅隆大学的少数族裔本科生奖学金(MMUF)项目,帮助解决高等教育中有色人种教师的严重短缺问题.

In 2003, the Foundation reaffirmed its commitment and broadened the mission of MMUF. 该计划的名称改为梅隆梅斯本科奖学金计划, to symbolically connect the mission to the stellar educational achievements of Dr. 本杰明E. 梅斯. The fundamental objective of MMUF is to increase the number of minority students, and others with a demonstrated commitment to eradicating racial disparities, who will pursue PhDs in core fields in the arts and sciences. 该项目旨在减少来自某些少数群体的个人在院系中代表性严重不足的情况, as well as to address the attendant educational consequences of these disparities. 该计划服务于构建校园环境的相关目标,使其更有利于改善种族和民族关系, and of providing role models for all youth. MMUF旨在通过发现和支持有前途的学生并帮助他们成为最杰出的学者来实现其使命.

MMUF at 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 has participated in the MMUF program since its inception in 1988. 在任何一年,该学院都有10名MMUF学生:5名大四学生和5名大三学生. The application process is open primarily to 二年级的学生 and takes place every spring. The program accepts applications from:

  • 有兴趣在梅隆大学指定的研究领域进行研究项目的少数族裔学生(见下文).
  • 任何学生, regardless of race or ethnicity, 谁有明确的承诺消除学术界的种族差异,谁希望在指定的领域之一进行研究.

In addition, criteria for eligibility include:

  • Interest in pursuing a Ph.D. and an academic career in one of the designated fields
  • Commitment to participating fully in all aspects of the program
  • 愿意在大三和大四期间与教师导师一起参与梅隆大学批准的研究项目
  • Strong academic promise
  • U.S. students who are citizens, permanent residents, DACA-mented, or undocumented


MMUF项目已经确定了17个少数族裔在该学院代表性最不足的研究领域.  跨学科的研究领域可能符合条件,如果他们有一个或多个梅隆领域的核心.

  • Anthropology and Archaeology
  • Area/Cultural/Ethnic/Gender Studies
  • 艺术历史
  • 经典
  • Geography and Population Studies
  • 英语
  • Film, Cinema and Media Studies (theoretical focus)
  • Foreign Languages and 文学s
  • 历史
  • 语言学
  • 文学
  • Musicology and Ethnomusicology
  • Performance Studies (theoretical focus)
  • Philosophy and Political Theory
  • Religion and Theology
  • 社会学
  • 剧院

研究 and Mentoring

Guided research is the foundation of MMUF, and it is intended to prepare the student for graduate study. 每位研究员必须在大三和大四期间在教师导师的指导下进行个人研究项目.

每位研究员将选择并发展与一位导师的关系,她将与导师定期会面.   Mentor must be an active scholar and professor in one of the Mellon-designated fields. 对学生和教授来说,指导都代表着时间和精力的严肃承诺. MMUF协调员将定期与您和您的导师会面,以确保您积极有效地参与指导过程. 


Students gather weekly to present their research, exchange and critique ideas, support each other's goals, and participate in professional development workshops.

Students attend lectures or other events at nearby MMUF host campuses, as well. We also plan cultural outings such as attending theatrical or dance performances.


学年每个学生在学年期间获得津贴,按月定期支付. 该津贴旨在通过减轻或消除从事额外有偿工作的需要,促进与教师导师一起从事研究的机会. In exchange for the stipend, 梅隆基金会希望研究员在学年期间每周进行几个小时的研究.

  • 夏天津贴: The MMUF offers a summer stipend to allow fellows to participate, for a minimum of six weeks, in a meaningful research, 学习, or work experience that may be underpaid or even unpaid, 这将加强和补充他们的专业学习,并推进他们的梅隆研究项目. 这可以包括暑期学院,比如由教师招聘学院(IRT)和芝加哥大学提供的, as well as relevant internships, intensive language courses, or a carefully developed individual research program under the guidance of a mentor. 所有研究员将在5月初向协调员和教师导师提交一份夏季资助提案(包括详细预算). 其中90%的资金将在提案通过后发放,剩下的10%将在收到暑期项目的最终报告后发放. MMUF summer grant funds must be used for the purposes described in the proposal; unused funds must be accounted for. 学生暑期计划的变化必须及时与项目协调员沟通.
  • 旅行基金: 虽然不能保证, 旅行基金可用于支持研究员参加学术会议或参加学术会议,这些会议可能会使学生接触到扩大他们对研究主题或职业方向的理解和洞察力的想法. 预计需要旅行费用的学生应与协调员讨论资金的可用性和报销程序.
  • 贷款偿还: Fellows are eligible for up to $10,000 for the repayment of undergraduate loans, 前提是在大学毕业后39个月内参加全日制博士学习.
  • 研究生 School Grants: Once fellows are enrolled in a doctoral program in a Mellon-approved field, 他们可以申请出席会议,并与其他MMUF校友一起参加讲习班和研讨会, 他们也有资格申请会议差旅费和研究费用补助. 看到 http://www.,scientific分析和Research中心.org/programs/mellon-mays-graduate-initiatives-program/

*接受联邦和/或学院经济援助的学生应该意识到MMUF的助学金可能会影响他们的经济援助计划. 在大多数情况下, the impact will be minimal, 但奖学金获得者应该经常与梅隆大学的协调员和BMC的财务援助官员联系,以避免出现任何问题.

梅隆基金会要求每位研究员向基金会提交定期记录. 扶轮基金会与布林莫尔奖助金协调人都必须为受奖人提供最新的联络资讯—即使在毕业后也是如此. Because the Foundation is making a long-term investment in its fellows, and collecting information to assess the effectiveness of the program, it is essential that accurate and up-to-date records be maintained on each student. Periodically, you will receive reporting forms (online or hard copy). Please complete and return them promptly.