
每年出版, 课程目录列出了学术课程——专业的要求, 未成年人, 和浓度. 每个布林莫尔的学生必须在大二结束前宣布一个专业. 学生也可以选修辅修或主修科目,但这两项都不需要获得a.B. 学位. Students must comply with the requirements published in the Course 目录 at the time when they declare the major, 辅修和/或专业.

课程目录还列出了学院的要求. Students must comply with the College requirements published at the time they enter 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.

更多信息,请访问 目录主页 查看当前内容. 要查看以前学年的目录,请访问 目录档案页.


The Bi-College Department of 东亚语言与文化 is housed at both Bryn Mawr 和 Haverford Colleges. Our mission is to foster learning about East Asia through rigorous language study 和 through deep 和 exploratory engagement with prominent themes 和 sources from East Asian countries. 朝着这些目标, EALC offers Chinese 和 Japanese language through the advanced level 和 an array of courses on East Asian culture taught in English, 包括宗教等话题, 视觉文化, 电影, 性别, 历史, 和文学. 从2023年开始, EALC introduced Korean language at the introductory level 和 added the intermediate level beginning in 2024. 该专业力求培养学生的语言能力, guide them through a curriculum that situates East Asian culture within global discourses, 培养他们的批判性思维能力, 研究, 和写作. 我们的语言课程是这一努力的核心和首要内容. 未成年人提供中文、日文、英语三种语言. (请参阅下面关于主修和三个辅修课程的详细要求.) Many students choose to study abroad during the school year or during the summer to enrich their knowledge 和 experience, 还有语言技能. 校友们在毕业后从事各种各样的领域, 无论是在东亚还是在美国. Students also take advantage of courses offered at Swarthmore 和 the University of Pennsylvania, 哪个可以算作大调或小调.



  • Laying the foundations for proficiency in Chinese, Japanese, 和 Korean language 和 culture.
  • Gaining broad knowledge of the East Asian cultural sphere across time 和 in its global context.
  • Developing basic bibliographic skills 和 protocols; learning how to identify, 评估, 并解释主要的文本和视觉来源..
  • Embarking on 和 completing a major independent 研究 project that pulls together past coursework, taking the knowledge 和 skills gained to a new level to demonstrate mastery of a particular aspect of East Asian culture.



中文项目是一个完全整合的Bi-Co项目. 我们提供多层次的普通话教学. 

  • 一年级语文(CNSE B001-CNSE B002)及二年级语文(CNSE B003CNSE B004)都有主段和钻段.
  • 一年级语文(CNSE B001CNSE B002)是一个为期一年的课程. 学生必须完成两个学期才能获得三个学分.
  • 我们提供非强化的一年级中文(CNSE H007-CNSE H008),以分班考试成绩为基础,招收有一定中文背景的学生. 在完成这一整年的课程后,学生将继续学习二年级的中文课程.
  • 三年级之后,我们每学期开设高级汉语课程. 到目前为止, we have eight topic courses in the Advanced Chinese series 和 students can continue taking Advanced Chinese for credits as long as the topics differ. 


Bi-Co日语课程提供5年现代日语教学. All Japanese language courses are offered at Haverford 和 may be found on the Haverford course webpage as well as through a BIONIC search.

  • 大一日语(JNSE H001-JNSE H002)每周上六小时课. 这是一个为期一年的课程. 学生必须完成这两个学期才能获得学分.
  • 二年级日语(JNSE H003-JNSE H004)每周上五小时课.
  • 三、四年级(高级)日语(JNSE H101-JNSE H102JNSE H201/JNSE H201B每周见面三小时.
  • Advanced Japanese takes a different topic each term; students can take it any term as Fourth- or Fifth-Year Japanese, 每学期一学分, 用不同的题目重复这门课.


Bi-Co韩语项目提供为期两年的现代韩语教学. 布林莫尔学校提供所有韩语课程.

  • 一年级韩国语(KORN B101-KORN B102)每周上课6小时. 这是一个为期一年的课程. 学生必须完成这两个学期才能获得学分.
  • 二年级韩国语(KORN B103-KORN B104)每周5小时.
  • Advanced level Korean courses may be taken through study abroad or at the University of Pennsylvania in consultation with our Korean language faculty.



  • EALC 131中国文明.*
  • EALC 132日本文明.*
  • EALC 200 Themes 和 Methods in the study of East Asia (this course is offered every semester: at Haverford in the fall 和 at Bryn Mawr in the spring)
  • EALC 398高级论文(这是一篇仅在秋季提供的单学期论文)  
    • EALC 200是为EALC专业指定的BMC写作强化(WI)课程
    • * 2100级课程要求旨在让学生对东亚进行调查. Substitutions may be made only in consultation with the major advisor 和 department approval.


  • 两学期日语或中文(三年级或以上)

Students who demonstrate the equivalent of third year level or above in Chinese or Japanese (with approval of the respective language director) may petition to substitute alternative coursework with major advisor approval


  • 两门必须是300级EALC课程
  • 另外四门选修课选自200级或300级. Students can substitute up to one 100 level 和 up to two non-EALC (including CNSE or JNSE) courses with major advisor approval.



汉语辅修和日语辅修都需要六门语言课程. 学生必须在我们的Bi-Co项目中学习至少四门语言课程, 和 can take at most two at the Quaker Consortium or our approved off-campus domestic or 出国留学 programs. 辅修课程中最高级的课程是在BiCo. C和idates for the Minor are approved in consultation with the language program directors.

Students declaring a minor in Chinese should discuss their plans with Shizhe Huang at Haverford College. Students declaring a minor in Japanese should discuss their plans with Tetsuya Sato at Haverford College. EALC未成年人由EALC主席批准.


The EALC minor requires six courses taken in the EALC Department, including language courses. 混合课程必须包括EALC 200和一门300级课程.


The departmental faculty awards honors based on superior performance in two areas: coursework in major-related courses (including language classes), 毕业论文. 教师要求至少3分.在专业相关课程的平均成绩上考虑学生的优等生.


The EALC Department strongly encourages our majors to study abroad to maximize their language proficiency 和 cultural familiarity. 在学生旅行之前,我们需要留学顾问的正式批准. 未经批准,国外课程的学分不被EALC接受. 如果出国留学不现实, 学生可以考虑参加EALC批准的某些强化暑期学校. Students must work out these plans in concert with the department’s study abroad advisor 和 the student’s dean.


The language programs conduct placement tests for first-time students at all levels before the start of the fall semester. Students planning to take the language placement test should consult with the language directors of their program.

有资格参加三年级的语言课程, 学生需要以3分的成绩完成第二年的课程.听、说、读、写四项训练均达到0分或以上.

如果学生在第二年语言学习结束时没有达到最低成绩, they must consult with the director of the respective language program 和 work out a summer study plan that may include taking summer courses or studying on their own under supervision.

Students who do not meet the requirement to advance must take a placement test before starting third-year language study in the fall.


EALC的毕业生有资格获得“玛格丽特·马耶达·彼得森奖”,” which recognizes a spirit of engagement 和 enthusiasm through the major 和 the thesis project.


Graduating Seniors from any department who have studied Chinese are eligible for the “Hu Shih Prize in Chinese” which recognizes excellence 和 dedication in the study of the Chinese language.  





Janet 和 Henry Ritchotte '85 Professor of Asian Studies; Associate Professor 和 Co-Chair of 东亚语言与文化