Program Requirements and Opportunities

Published annually, the Course Catalog sets out the requirements of the academic programs--the majors, minors, and concentrations. Each Bryn Mawr student must declare a major before the end of the sophomore year. 学生也可以选修辅修或主修科目,但这两项都不需要获得a.B. degree. 学生在申报专业时必须遵守《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》中规定的要求, minor and/or concentration.

The Course Catalog also sets out the College requirements. 学生必须遵守在进入布林茅尔学院时公布的学院要求.

For more information, visit the Catalog Homepage to view the current content. To view Catalogs from previous academic years, visit the Catalog Archives page.

Students may complete a major or minor in Biology. Interdisciplinary minors with connections to the Biology Major include Data Science, Environmental Studies, Health Studies and Neuroscience.

本系的课程旨在向学生介绍生物学中统一的概念和广泛的问题, 并通过课程作业和独立研究,为深入探究感兴趣的主题提供机会. 入门级和中级水平的课程检查在所有层次的组织生命系统的结构和功能, from molecules, cells and organisms to populations and ecosystems. 高级课程鼓励学生熟练地批判性阅读研究文献, leading to the development, presentation and defense of a senior paper as the capstone experience. Opportunities for supervised research with faculty are available and encouraged. 考虑主修生物学的学生被鼓励与系里的主要指导老师预约见面, Jennifer Skirkanich (jskirkanic@brynmawr.,根据他们的兴趣和目标确定最佳的课程顺序.

Major Requirements

  • Two semesters of introductory biology (BIOL110 and BIOL111)
    • 生物学入门课程必须在大三开始前以优异成绩完成.
    • 大学先修课程考试成绩达到5分或国际文凭考试成绩达到7分,可用于完成一个学期的生物学入门课程. 修完一学期生物学入门课程的学生仍然需要修一学期的BIOL 110/111课程,外加一门200或300级的额外生物学课程. In general, 该系强烈建议两个学期的专业,因为一些200/300级的课程需要具体的入门课程(如.g., BIOL 110) as prerequisites.
  • Six courses at the 200 and 300 level (excluding BIOL 390-398)
    • At least two of these upper-level courses must be at the 300 level.
    • At least three of these upper-level courses must be laboratory courses. For students enrolled in two semesters of BIOL 400 or BIOL 403, only two upper-level laboratory courses are required. 请注意:学生必须参加至少两门写作注意(WA)实验课程才能完成专业写作要求, as described below.
    • 通过完成两个wa指定的200/300级生物学实验课程来完成专业写作要求.
    • 在布林莫尔生物系之外,不允许选修超过两门高级课程.
  • Senior capstone experience (two options)
    • Senior capstone experience 

      • All capstone experiences include a written paper, presentation of this work, and periodic self-reflections. This can be completed via one of the following options: 

      • Option 1: Two semesters of senior laboratory research (BIOL 400). 

      • 选项2:在大四的时候再修一门300级的高级课程. 

  • Two semester courses in general chemistry (CHEM 103 and CHEM 104)
    • 这些课程必须在大三开始前以优异成绩完成.
  • Three semester courses in allied sciences to be selected from Anthropology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, or Psychology. 相关科学课程的选择必须与学生的主要顾问协商,并由系批准.


院系荣誉是颁发给在学术上或参与院系活动中表现突出的学生. In order to be considered for honors, 生物学专业的学生在大三和大四期间必须参加至少六次在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜或哈弗福德学院举行的以stem为重点的研讨会. In addition, 学生必须在出席后48小时内提交他们参加的每个研讨会的一段摘要. The form to submit summaries can be found here. As part of the process for awarding honors in Biology, 感兴趣的高年级学生也需要写一篇简短的(最多一页)的文章,以确定他们在生物系中脱颖而出的方式, 包括课堂外的活动和奖学金,这些都体现了他们作为生物学专业学生的投入和成长. The form to submit an essay can be found here.

Final selection for honors is made by the Biology faculty.

Minor Requirements

  • 六学期生物学课程(包括最多两门生物学入门课程)
  • 在布林莫尔生物系以外的地方修的课程不得超过两门

Minors in Data Science, Environmental Studies, Health Studies and Neuroscience

这些辅修课程适用于对这些领域的跨学科探索感兴趣的学生. 查看课程目录的相关部分,了解未成年人的完整描述.

Teacher Certification

The College offers a certification program in secondary teacher education. Consult catalog for further information.

Animal Experimentation Policy

学生若反对在本专业必修课程中直接参与涉及使用动物的实验活动,必须在课程开始时通知教师他们的反对意见. 如果有其他活动可供选择,并且教师认为与课程的教学目标一致, 然后学生将被允许从事其他实验活动而不受处罚.

4+1 Master of Engineering Program with the University of Pennsylvania

参加这个项目的学生可以作为布林莫尔大学的本科生开始在宾夕法尼亚大学攻读硕士学位. After graduation from Bryn Mawr, 学生将以宾夕法尼亚大学全日制学生的身份在一年的时间内完成硕士课程. More information can be found here. 对宾大工程学院4+1项目感兴趣的生物学专业学生可以联系Jennifer Skirkanich (jskirkanic@brynmawr).edu).

Summer Science Research Program at Bryn Mawr College

布林莫尔和哈弗福德的学生有资格申请暑期科学研究(SSR)计划. SSR是一个为期10周的项目,支持那些在实验室或实地与推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜一起进行发现研究的学生. 该计划为学生提供支持,以及一系列演讲者和专业发展计划. More information can be found here.
