Sophomore Plan

Welcome, sophomores! 大二计划是一个为期一年的邀请,让你反思到目前为止你的进步, 为你在布林莫尔的剩余时间制定一些目标,并设定一些优先事项. 

基本信息在这里,但真正的大二规划中心是在Moodle. You are all enrolled in the Sophomore Plan course. Star the course so you'll see it with your current schedule.  

The Sophomore Dean provides both individual and group advising to students as they embark upon their Sophomore Plan. Sophomores may set up meetings with their dean to review progress towards meeting degree requirements, clarify questions, and most importantly think through their priorities. 二年级院长和其他工作人员还在秋季学期主持一系列与二年级计划相关的话题对话.

Sophomores want to make sure they are on track to complete their degree. By registration in the Fall semester, students should complete the Collegewide Requirements Plan in BiONiC. The Sophomore Dean will review the plan and note any concerns. Instructions and more information are in Moodle. 这将使大二学生清楚地了解他们需要为春季课程注册做出正确决定的要求.  

建立在课程探索,开始作为一年级的学生,二年级的学生将 decide on and declare a major field of study. 一些大二的学生可能会在9月份准备好申请,但更多的学生需要更长的时间. 对许多学生来说,探索和选择辅修也是大二的重要组成部分.

As Bryn Mawr becomes increasingly familiar, 二年级是学习和规划布林莫尔以外生活的自然时间. Students do this in a few ways. 

  • First, many students will consider Study Abroad. The decision whether, when, and where to study abroad connects with other aspects of the sophomore plan. Specifically, in order to have a complete Study Abroad application, 学生必须向专业指导老师申报专业,并让专业指导老师提交留学评估报告.  
  • Second, 许多学生将试图弄清楚他们想在世界上做什么样的工作,以及他们在布林莫尔的时间如何帮助他们学到更多和获得宝贵的经验. 学生也可能渴望把他们在课堂上学到的东西付诸实践. 为了促进反思,这是这个过程中至关重要的一部分,并为他们申请实习和其他机会做好准备, sophomores will draft a resume and receive feedback  from the Career and Civic Engagement Center staff.

Your dean is here to help.

你的院长希望在你计划在布林莫尔的剩余时间和以后的时间时成为你的资源. Before April, 二年级学生有机会与他们的院长会面,讨论他们的优先事项和计划.    

你可以决定这次会议什么时候对你最有利. Keep in mind:

  • 大多数人发现,建议会让他们对自己感兴趣的领域有新的认识,以及如何实现自己的目标.
  • 如果你正在考虑出国留学,你将通过出国留学项目学到很多东西. Your dean can help you think about how what you’re learning applies to you.  
  • 你的院长也可以帮助你探索一些其他的方法来扩展你的学习,而不是布林莫尔:实践独立学习, 360s, summer opportunities. 
  • You do not need to have figured everything out before your meeting. 事实上,你越困惑,越早见面越好. If you’re unsure of your major, 你的院长可以帮助你讨论这些选择,并为你如何做出选择提供建议. 
  • 请注意,在向专业顾问申报专业之前,您不需要与院长会面.

To do: You can schedule a Sophomore Plan meeting online.  As part of scheduling the appointment, you will need to fill out a brief questionnaire.  

Deciding and Declaring Your Major

专业的选择是学生们对他们的智力生活做出的最大决定之一. For many, the major department becomes a home within a home at Bryn Mawr. 

To Do: There is no simple to-do list that applies to all students.  With over thirty-five majors, over sixty faculty serving as major advisers, 学生们在选择专业时也有自己独特的道路, any attempt to generalize the major selection process is very difficult.  学生应该酌情参考下面列出的建议和资源.  

By the end of April, whatever the particular path, 所有大二学生必须有一个申报的仿生专业和一份主要工作计划(布林莫尔专业在线仿生专业工作计划), 按照哈弗福德的程序(如果哈弗福德的专业)由适当的教师专业顾问批准.  您可以在BiONiC学生中心的大二学生计划角落找到在线专业工作计划, 但填写计划的说明可以在Moodle上找到,可以参考 here.


Sophomore Plan Moodle Site (for up-to-date info, complete instructions for declaring a major, etc.)
Selecting a Major
Working with a Major Adviser
Completing the Major Work Plan Video Guide
Major Information Sessions
Majoring at Haverford
Double Major
Independent Major
Minors and Concentrations

Study Abroad 

Deciding whether, where, and when to study abroad is a multifaceted process. If you're even considering study abroad during your junior year, you should attend one of the fall Information Sessions. Full information is on the Study Abroad site.  

To Do: 访问Moodle上的留学101网站,并按照上面的所有说明去做. 请记住以下提交BiONiC申请的截止日期(在大二计划角落),以获得布林莫尔的批准.

Remember, as part of the study abroad application, 你必须已经申报了你的专业,并在适当的留学申请截止日期前提交了一份留学评估表, as listed above. 

Resume Draft

The Career & 公民参与中心在这里支持你的简历,无论你是把你的初稿放在一起还是更新你现有的简历. 大二计划的这一部分将帮助你总结你的经历并表达你的兴趣. 另外,你可以用你的简历申请暑期实习、研究和志愿者的机会! 

我们鼓励你从更广泛的角度考虑简历上的经历,比如志愿服务, clubs and activities, jobs and internships, leadership, athletics, etc. 作为一名大二学生,你可能经历了比你想象的更多有价值的经历! 当你有新的体验时,你会不断更新这份文件. If you are interested in finding new opportunities, check out the Career and Civic Engagement Center website, Handshake Events, and the list of student clubs at Bryn Mawr to get you started. 

You have multiple options for completing this requirement:

  • 在握手的时候安排一个“二年级简历审查”的时间,与职业顾问或同行一起审查你的简历.
  • Schedule a "Resumania Appointment" in Handshake, available after fall break, to meet with a career counselors or career peer to review your resume.
  • 将你的简历草稿上传到你的“文档”中,使用命名惯例“大二、毕业、毕业”和“职业” & 公民参与中心的工作人员会审查你的简历,并通过电子邮件反馈给你. .

Full instructions, deadlines, and a list of resources are available on the Sophomore Plan Moodle site!