

黑人解放教育,体现 & 艺术
本着根本的非殖民化精神, this course cluster examines the ways colonialism has contained, 收集, 捕获, 和商品化的黑人, a practice that circulates objectified images of the peoples, 文化, and cultural objects of Africa and the African Diaspora.

本着根本的非殖民化精神, this course cluster examines the ways colonialism has contained, 收集, 捕获, 和商品化的黑人, a practice that circulates objectified images of the peoples, 文化, and cultural objects of Africa and the African Diaspora.

本着根本的非殖民化精神, this course cluster examines the ways colonialism has contained, 收集, 捕获, 和商品化的黑人, a practice that circulates objectified images of the peoples, 文化, and cultural objects of Africa and the African Diaspora. 此外, we explore how African cultural traditions such as dance and artwork become suppressed and manipulated by western institutions such as academia and the museum. This cluster aims to use liberatory strategies to reconstruct notions of Blackness beyond the strongholds of colonialism, 跨大西洋奴隶贸易, 还有"动产原则.具体地说, we will investigate the artistic expressions of African dance and African artwork through new liberatory post-colonial educational frameworks to consider how Black culture expression and Black cultural legacy across the African diaspora have been sustained and revived, 尽管有系统的抓捕企图, 谴责或包含这些艺术表达. Through reviving and futuring Black Radical traditions in collaboration with Queer and Afro Feminist theory and practice, we offer new context and new life for understanding, 经历, 并体现了非洲性和黑人性.

Taught over the course of the academic year 2022-2023, students will enroll in Dance and Education in the 秋天, 和艺术史. 客座演讲, 语言实践, 当地的实地考察将持续一年, and a 9-day field study in Cape Verde is scheduled for March 3-12, 2023. The island archipelago in the transatlantic is an ideal location for exploring 移动ments coming to and from the African continent. Cape Verde was once a significant center of the African slave trade. Despite tremendous influxes of cultural violence from slavery and colonialism, Cape Verde has sustained a unique African culture in dynamic ways. Cape Verde presents a small microcosm of neocolonial reality and resistance - it offers a collective window into resiliency, 适应, 以及文化的持久性.


化身的实践是如何进行的, 编排, 艺术, 表演, 作证, and witnessing guide us to transformative and liberation action in our lives? 本课程由 莱拉·艾莎·琼斯, excavates the adornment of beings/bodies and the making of sacred spaces for embodied 表演, 自省, 还有仪式舞蹈. We will take up the notion of the being/body as an altar and the importance of costume and garb in setting the scene for activism, 仪式, 还有阶段性的供品. The cognitive has gotten us here, what might continuums of believing in the being/body unveil? 期待跳舞, 移动, 写, 讨论, 创建项目, and engage in a variety of textual and media resources. We will work individually and collectively for communal learning. The content for this course will be steeped in the lives, 文化, 黑人和棕色人种的习俗. 这是一门写作和舞蹈课程. No dance experience necessary, just courage to 移动.

Formal schooling is often perceived as a positive vestige of colonization, yet traditional practices continue a legacy of oppression, 以不同的形式. 本课程将分析教育实践, 语言, 知识生产, and culture in ways especially relevant in the age of globalization. We will explore and contextualize the subjugation of students and educators that perpetuates colonialist power and implement practices that amplify the voices of the marginalized. We will learn lessons in liberation from a historical perspective and consider contemporary influence, 以跨大陆为重点. 解放教育实践历来存在, 经常处于殖民势力的边缘, 但是现在. This course will support students' pursuit of a politics of resistance, 颠覆, 和转换. We will focus on the development of a critical consciousness, utilizing abolitionist and fugitive teaching pedagogy and culturally responsive pedagogy as tools for resistance. 学生将接触小说, 纪录片, 历史文献, and scholarly documents to explore US and Cape Verdean education as case studies. 在本课程中,由 夏奈尔威尔逊, we will consider the productive tensions between an explicit commitment to ideas of progress, and the anticolonial concepts and paradigms which impact what is created to achieve education liberation. 

本课程由 Monique斯科特, explores how "traditional" African art is anything but static, inert and ahistorical. 我们接近非洲艺术——雕塑, 服装, 面具, textiles and other material cultural that comprise the majority of African art in western museums--as something with lived experiences and living histories. 的部分, we explore recent global and political 移动ments towards the reckoning, repatriation and resuscitation of African Art in Western museums and museums of the African Diaspora. We will also consider the mobilization of African art in the Negritude, Anti-Colonial and Black Power 移动ments in the 20th century as well as the mobilization of African art, 传统的和现代的, in 21st century 移动ments to "decolonize" museums and affirm that Black Lives Matter. 还有非洲的物质文化, we will also think about the role of historical monuments in civic spaces in concretizing notions of race and consider how new articulations of Blackness can resist concretized racial hierarchies and reconceptualize the past and the future of the African Diaspora in radical new ways.
