

这个集群使用了物理学的透镜, 社会学, 和 literary studies to critically 和 comparatively examine the ways we imagine 和 reimagine the worlds in which we live, from the cosmos to social structures 和 from cultural to personal experiences.

这个集群使用了物理学的透镜, 社会学, 和 literary studies to critically 和 comparatively examine the ways we imagine 和 reimagine the worlds in which we live, from the cosmos to social structures 和 from cultural to personal experiences.

这个集群使用了物理学的透镜, 社会学, 和 literary studies to critically 和 comparatively examine the ways we imagine 和 reimagine the worlds in which we live, from the cosmos to social structures 和 from cultural to personal experiences. It exposes students to the ways in which our social locations inform our world-views as well as our disciplinary perspectives 和 methodologies. 我们将探索西方和本土的宇宙观, normative 和 alternative gender 和 sexuality structures, 以及帝国主义和非殖民主义的种族制度. 360 participants will explore various ways knowledge can be decolonized in the academic context, including how knowledge development can be treated as an active 和 collaborative process.

课程将在2021-2022学年进行, 学生们将在秋季注册物理课程, 和 Literatures in English 和 Sociology in the spring. 电影系列, 客座演讲, 观星实地考察将持续一年, 和 a 10-day field study in Hawaiʻi is tentatively scheduled for March 3-12, 2022.  该集群将在夏威夷和欧胡岛学习, 参观莫纳克亚山上的30米望远镜, which is a sacred site for the Kānaka Maoli people of Hawaiʻi, 和 consider the tensions between 土著 cultural sovereignty, 科学探究, 美帝国主义/军事化, 环境保护.


Physics has generally focused on underst和ing both the extremely tiny 和 the astronomically large. 在这门课的讲课部分, we will investigate the fundamental interplay between phenomena that occur on these vastly different scales in order to build a picture of our place in the Universe. We will explore key theories in the fields of special relativity, 广义相对论, 粒子物理, 核物理, 波/粒子二元性, 气体运动论, 和光学. Using these concepts we will have the opportunity to discuss the nature of exotic objects such as black holes, 中子星和超新星爆炸. 在学期结束时, we will synthesize what we’ve learned in order to discover 和 underst和 the role of dark matter 和 dark energy, 两者都推动着宇宙的演化.

360 students will meet for an extra hour each week to discuss non-colonized perspectives, 方法, 和 modes of knowing the physical world with a particular emphasis on 土著 方法 和 ways of knowing. The discipline of Physics was primarily developed in adherence to the 18th century Western worldview, 二元思维, 家长作风, individualism 和 worship of the written word are central. Such views fundamentally exclude complex, holistic views. 从教学角度讲,, the histories behind the development of the Physics canon will be woven throughout the course. These histories are particularly important since much of the content includes a compilation of the untold stories of women 和 people of color. This contextual material will inform discussion about how 和 why these stories were not told, thus validating the existence of women 和 BIPOC in the field 和 challenging narratives that counter that existence. Students will examine how 科学探究 does not necessarily imply objective results, but rather can reflect the cultural assumptions of those conducting the research. By redefining the canonical story of scientific knowledge, we will also redefine our own identity 和 place in the Universe. 教 凯特·丹尼尔.

NOTE: Students who have previously completed PHYS 121 will enroll in PHYS 40X: Decolonizing Physics, 哪些课程将同时教授.

就像殖民是一种投机小说一样, 想象和暴力强加一个不同的世界, so too does de殖民 rely on the power of imagination. 本课程由 詹妮弗·哈福德·瓦格斯, 将如何探索拉丁语, 黑色的, 土著, 和 Asian American cultural producers deploy speculative fiction to interrogate white supremacy 和 imperialism 和 to imagine decolonial futures. 我们将分析种族主义的表现形式, 殖民者殖民主义, heteropatriarchy, 环境破坏, 以及作家作品中的反移民歧视, 电影制作人, 以及像奥克塔维亚·巴特勒这样的艺术家, 塞布丽娜Vourvoulias, N.K. Jemison, Ken Liu, Alex Rivera, Edgardo Mir和a-Rodriguez, as well as anthologies such as 云中漫步 和 捕捉太阳的网. 这样做的时候, 我们将探讨文学的作用, 电影, 和 graphic narratives can play in decolonizing knowledge. Students will be also introduced to key theoretical concepts such as modernity/coloniality; ethnic futurisms (Afro-Futurism, Latinxfuturism, 土著未来主义, 等.); marvelous realism; survivance; 和 social death that will help them unpack the critical work accomplished by genre fiction 和 query the ways in which the aesthetic imagination can contribute to social justice.

如果? This question is at the heart of both social theory 和 speculative fiction. 在女权主义理论的传统中, 酷儿理论, Afro-futurism, 和本土未来主义, 的概念
utopia 和 dystopia have been used to imagine alternative possibilities of gender/sexuality systems 和 de殖民. In this course we will explore the possibilities presented at the crossroads of Fourth World theory, 定居者殖民理论, 土著性别和性研究, 以及交叉理论. This course will explore the resistance to 和 refusal of 殖民者殖民主义 和 white supremacy through the lens of gender 和 sexuality to 1) uncover the processes of erasure that have upheld structures of gender 和 sexuality, 2) to link these processes to practices of imperialism, 殖民, 军国主义, 资本主义, 和 environmental devastation 3) to engage in the practice of recovering 和 reconnecting to alternative futures, 4) 和 connect these processes to resistant knowledge projects. 在这学期的课程中, we will contemplate theoretical work by a range of scholars such as Patricia Hill Collins Linda Tuhiwai Smith, 琳恩·辛普森, 乔安妮·巴克, josjosestane Muñoz, 琳达Alcoff, 格洛丽亚Anzaldua, 萨拉·艾哈迈德, J. Kēhaulani Kaunaui. We will consider some of the implications of these theories through excerpts from the alternative media of speculative fiction by writers such as Ursula LeGuin, 塞缪尔·德莱尼, 格蕾丝·狄龙. 教 Piper雪橇.
