Summer Internship Funding Program

职业生涯 & 公民参与中心 Summer Internship Funding Program provides funds to support unpaid summer internships.

If you would like to meet and discuss your plans, you are welcome to make an appointment Jennifer Prudencio from 职业生涯 & 公民参与中心 in 握手 或者发邮件联系她。

Information on 如何申请


的 goals of the Summer Internship Funding Program are to provide students with opportunities to

  • apply their Bryn Mawr education in a 有意义的工作 环境;
  • 收购 专业经验 through an internship or research opportunity;
  • 获得一个 丰富的了解 在感兴趣的领域;
  • connect their summer work to personal, intellectual, and professional goals;
  • access an internship or research opportunity that would be difficult to pursue without 资金的支持.


访问 项目的资格 to learn about what qualifies for internship funding through the 职业生涯 & 公民参与中心.

Internships with a 研究 Component

的 职业生涯 & 公民参与中心 does fund not independent research projects, but will consider internship proposals with a research component linked to a supervisors or organizations research project.

A note regarding Fall semester research: In some instances, students may want to incorporate what they've learned during their summer into their academic work once back on campus. To do so, there may be instances where a student needs prior approval from the 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 Institutional Review Board. If this is of interest to you, please discuss with a faculty member in your major field this semester.


  • Please pay close attention to how the Summer Internship Funding Program defines international internships to assure you are applying to the correct deadline.
  • International Internship deadlines vary by program.
    • Deadline for self-design international internship funding 扩展到 Sunday, 3月10日, 2024年美国东部时间晚上11:59. (Note: Deadline has been extended due to the new dates for WTF Week. Students that apply for the March deadline will be notified before the end of March.)
      • Decisions for funding will only be made for applications that include a completed Organization Verification Form. 的 deadline to submit the Organization Verification form 扩展到 3月11日,星期一 美国东部时间晚上11:59. (Note: Deadline has been extended due to the new dates for WTF Week. Students that apply for the March deadline will be notified before the end of March.)
  • For the Summer of 2024 there are approved international internship programs.  的se programs include: Laɣim Tehi Tuma/Thinking Together in Ghana, Sijal Institute in Jordan, the Innovation Academy in Germany, 职业生涯 & 公民参与中心 IES Abroad internships in Germany, 智利, 和奥地利, internships that are in one’s home country, self-designed internships in the countries where students are currently studying abroad during spring academic semester. 
    • Innovation Academy:  Thursday, January 4 at 11:59 PM ET
    • IES至职业生涯 & Civic:  Tuesday, January 23 at 11:59PM ET
    • LTT deadline: Sunday, February 18 at 11:59PM ET
    • 截止日期:待定
    • Deadline for students currently studying abroad during spring semester:  Sunday, 美国东部时间4月21日晚上11:59
    • Deadline for international students interning in their home country:  Sunday, 美国东部时间4月21日晚上11:59
  • Domestic Internships deadlines vary by program: 
    • 访问 this site for updated internship deadlines for various Internship Partners.
    • Deadline for domestic self-design summer internship funding is 11:59PM ET on Sunday, April 21. 你必须提交你的 summer funding application with your internship of interest to be considered for summer funding.  Late summer funding applications will not be accepted. 
      • Decisions for funding will only be made for applications that include a completed Organization Verification Form. 的 deadline to submit the Organization Verification form is 四月二十二日 美国东部时间晚上11:59. 

Additional rounds could possibly open for Juniors who have never received funding before if there is funding remaining after the initial deadlines.  If funding is available to be dispersed in an additional round, data from previous years indicates that it is typically only enough to support 1-3 additional students. 

Please contact Jennifer Prudencio at to schedule a 1:1 appointment or schedule an appointment in 握手 and select "internship funding" as the appointment type for additional question about funding deadlines. 


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的职业 & 公民参与中心
