


两年一次的技术研讨会 GSSWSR 社区


  • 苏珊娜辛克莱, GSSWSR、项目负责人
  • 艾莉 DiTucci, MSS 研究生 Student Worker and Project Intern
  • 詹妮弗spohr, Director of Educational Technology Services, 床位数

项目时间: 2019年夏季- 2020年春季

This project grant supported the creation of online workshops to increase student comfort and familiarity with technical systems used at the School of Social Work.

混合学习 in 研究生 Social Work Writing Supports


  • 莎拉石板写作教练; GSSWSR、项目负责人
  • 苏珊娜辛克莱, CRM and Digital Communications, GSSWSR
  • Sara Miller, BMC 写作中心 and GSSWSR 顾问
  • 2名学生实习生,待定
  • 詹妮弗spohr, Director of Educational Technology Services, 床位数

项目时间: 2019年夏季- 2020年春季

This grant enables explorations of technologies to increase access to blended and online writing supports at the 研究生 School for Social Work and Social 研究.

Building Digital 资源 for the Revitalization of an Endangered Indigenous Language


  • 凯特·里斯滕伯格,布林 三部Postdoctoral 研究员,项目经理
  • Kevin Connelly, Language Revitalization 顾问, 项目总监
  • Jonathan Washington, Assistant Professor of Linguistics, Swarthmore College, Student Mentor
  • Andy Alm, Independent Online Communication 顾问, Mentor
  • 詹妮弗spohr, Director of Educational Technology Services, 床位数
  • Vinty 20年,数字技术实习生
  • 露丝 穆林 '21, Digital Technology Intern
  • 罗西 Arasa 1922年,数字技术实习生
  • Gemma Van Nice 1922年,语言学实习生
  • 文尼 1922年,语言学实习生

项目时间: 2019年夏季- 2020年夏季

This project grant facilitates a digital project that involves students in developing web-based language-learning materials to support the revitalization of an endangered Indigenous American language.

Development of an Online Database for the Bryn 三部 岩石和矿物收藏


  • 塞尔比Cull-Hearth, Associate Professor of Geology, 项目总监
  • Cristian Clothier (HC '19), Digital Project Assistant
  • 凯莉·罗宾斯策展人, 床位数
  • Alicia Peaker, Director of Digital Scholarship, Critical Making, and Digital Collections Management, 床位数

项目时间: 2019年春季

This project grant supported the creation of an online database for the Bryn 三部 岩石和矿物收集.

Digital Storytelling Facilitators' Intensive Training


项目时间: 2019年夏天

This grant supports 克里斯Boyland's participation in StoryCenter's Digital Storytelling Facilitators' Intensive to build capacity on campus to support digital storytelling.

In Other Words: Bryn 三部 in Translation


  • 贝蒂Litsinger, Instructor in English, 项目总监
  • 米利森特 奥玛 '21, Digital Project Assistant
  • Alicia Peaker, Director of Digital Scholarship, Critical Making, and Digital Collections Management, 床位数

项目时间: 2019年春季- 2020年夏季

This grant supported the creation of a digital space for short, literary works in translation by students, 教师, 和工作人员.

Introducing Pix4D software to Biology 220


项目时间: 2019年夏季- 2020年春季

This project grant is to pilot software for remote sensing and mapping that students in Ecology courses will collect through drone flight programming.

Quartz lens for Multi-Band Imaging


项目时间: 2019年春季

This project grant enabled the purchase of a quartz camera lens to capture high-quality, multi-band photographs of research objects in 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜's collections.

Re-Imagining Sites of Energy Conflict in Germany


  • 卡罗尔·海格, Professor of Environmental Studies and Political Science on the Clowes Professorship in Science and Public Policy, 项目总监
  • Kevin Medansky (HC '19), Digital Project Assistant
  • Alicia Peaker, Director of Digital Scholarship, Critical Making, and Digital Collections Management, 床位数

项目时间: 2019年夏天

This Digital Bryn 三部 project grant supports a research project to apply digital scholarship methods to analyze three cases of protracted conflict over nuclear power in Germany as represented in German newspapers.

Reexcavating Carthage in Rome: The White Fathers’ Archive


  • 艾丽西亚•沃克, Associate Professor of History of Art, 项目总监
  • Nava Streiter, 研究生 Student, History of Art
  • Cassandra Dixon '19, Digital Project Assistant
  • Becky Morawski '21, Digital Project Assistant
  • Hallie Novak '19, Digital Project Assistant
  • Alicia Peaker, Director of Digital Scholarship, Critical Making, and Digital Collections Management, 床位数

项目时间: 2019年夏天

This grant enables the continuation of a long-term digitization and database development project based on the White Father's Archive in Rome.

Surface Encounters: Gareth Brookes Embroidery Workshop and Talk


项目时间: 2019年春季

This project grant brought visiting artist and graphic novelist Gareth Brookes to campus for a one-week residency full of workshops, 演讲, and conversations about his practices and approaches to making in a variety of mediums, including mixed-media digital collages, 浮雕图案, 刺绣, 手工缝制杂志, 和更多的.






图书馆 and Information Technology Services

