


William R. and Martha S. 阿代尔纪念基金

Designated for the purchase of books in Economics. 是海伦·阿代尔的遗赠, Fellow in Economics 1917-1919 and graduate student 1919-1920, 作为对她父母的纪念, William R. Adair和Martha S. Adair.



Designated for the purchase of materials for the general collection.

在珍妮特·M. Agnew, Head Librarian at 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 from 1947 until her retirement in 1969.



View a cumulative list of individual titles purchased,从2003财政年度开始.

Designated for the purchase of periodicals in the Humanities and Social Sciences.

由夫人创立. Dewalt H. Ankeny and her daughters Sally Ankeny Anson, Class of 1952, and Kendall Ankeny Mix, Class of 1948. This fund has been used to purchase reference books, begin an approval program of art exhibition catalogs, 支持期刊. 从1990年开始, the fund solely supports the purchase of periodicals in the humanities and social sciences.



View a cumulative list of individual titles purchased,从2003财政年度开始.

Designated for the purchase of materials in Archaeology and the History of Art.

Established by a gift from Maxine de Schauensee Lewis, Class of 1958.



View a cumulative list of individual titles purchased,从2003财政年度开始.

Designated for the purchase of materials for the general collection.

路易丝·迪基·戴维森, Class of 1937, conceived the idea of soliciting contributions from all Bryn Mawr members of her family, relatives, 和朋友们一起为这个基金筹集资金. Five sisters are the center of this idea: Louise Atherton Dickey, Class of 1903; Melanie Atherton Updegraff, Class of 1908; Sarah Atherton Bridgman, Class of 1913; Elizabeth Atherton Hewitt, Class of 1914; and, 埃莉诺·阿瑟顿·亨德里克森, Class of 1918.

Mary M. 拜泽纪念基金纪念册

Mary M. 拜泽纪念基金

View a cumulative list of individual titles purchased,从2003财政年度开始.

Designated for the purchase of books in Russian, German, and English Literature.

为纪念玛丽。M. Baizer from her husband Manual Baizer and her daughters Joan Baizer, Class of 1968, 卡罗尔·拜泽尔, Class of 1973.



Designated for the purchase of materials for the general collection, with a preference for those in English literature.

用家人的礼物建立起来的, friends, and colleagues in memory of Margaret Ayer Barnes, Class of 1907.



Designated for the purchase of publications in English language, literature, 从最早的时代到1800年的历史.

Established in 1939 by the husband and sons of Nita Scudder Baugh, Ph.D. in English.

Dr. 弗里茨柏林生物化学基金书架

Dr. 弗里茨柏林生物化学基金

Designated for the purchase of books in Biochemistry.

1970年由Ernst和Frances Berliner开始, specifically for the purchase of books in Biochemistry and not periodicals. At that time the College was the beneficiary of a National Science Foundation grant and the Berliners requested that the income be returned to principal for the first three years of the fund. In fact, 直到1986年,收入还回本金, when it was posted as a regular library endowment fund.

Ernst Berliner化学期刊基金 bookplate

Ernst Berliner化学期刊基金

Designated for the purchase of journals in Chemistry.

为纪念恩斯特·柏林纳而建立, Professor of Chemistry at Bryn Mawr from 1943 until his retirement in 1985, 由他的妻子罗斯J. 兰德尔,1947届毕业生. Since its inception, this fund has received a steady stream of contributions.

L. Joe Berry Fund

L. Joe Berry Fund

View a cumulative list of individual titles purchased,从2003财政年度开始.


Established by a donation from friends, students, and colleagues in honor of L. Joe Berry, a member of the Biology faculty from 1940 to 1970.


Julia Fellows Blaisdell纪念基金

Designated for the purchase of materials for the general collection, 我更喜欢古典名著.

Established by an initial gift by Viola Margaret Blaisdell, Class of 1907, 为了纪念她的母亲, Julia Fellows Blaisdell. Viola Margaret Blaisdell's major subjects were Mathematics and Latin.

Josephine Katzenstein Blancke Book Fund for Foreign Languages bookplate

Josephine Katzenstein Blancke Book Fund for Foreign Languages

Designated for the purchase of books in Foreign Languages.

Established at the bequest of Josephine Katzenstein Blancke in 1970.

Phyllis Pray Bober 艺术与考古图书馆基金图册

Phyllis Pray Bober 艺术及考古图书馆基金

View a cumulative list of individual titles purchased,从2003财政年度开始.

Designated for the purchase of books in the field of art and archaeology, with a preference given to the classical tradition and the Renaissance.

Established by gifts from friends and colleagues of Professor Bober upon her retirement.



View a cumulative list of individual titles purchased,从2003财政年度开始.

Designated for purchases in architectural history, land management, and urban studies.

Established in 1990 through the combined gifts of the Elisha-Bolton Foundation and Gilbert Schafer, 哈弗福德1984届毕业生.



Designated for the purchase of materials for the general collection.

Established through the funds generated from the 1976 Book Fair, held under the auspices of the Staff of 凯纳迪库 and the Friends of the 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 Library. The Book Fair was a biennial event from 1976 to 1982 with some of the proceeds from each of the four Fairs added to the fund.

Sylvia C. 鲍迪奇基金的书签

Sylvia C. Bowditch Fund

Designated for the purchase of materials for the general collection, 最好是生物学方面的.

由西尔维娅·C. 鲍迪奇,1899届毕业生,A.B. 1901年,主修生物学.



Designated for the purchase of library materials in French.

Established in 1991 by a gift from Mary Keller Boyd, Class of 1934.

Maynard Riggs Bradley Fund for Library Purchases in Archaeology bookplate

Maynard Riggs Bradley Fund for Library Purchases in Archaeology

Designated for the purchase of materials in Archaeology.

Established in 1974 by a gift from Camilla Riggs Meigs (Mrs. J. Wister Meigs), Class of 1940, in memory of her sister Maynard Riggs Bradley. 梅格夫妇继续向该基金捐款.

Jane L. and Harriet M. 布朗内尔基金书架

Jane L. and Harriet M. Brownell Fund

View a cumulative list of individual titles purchased,从2003财政年度开始.

Designated for the purchase of materials for the general collection.

成立于简·L. 布朗内尔,1893届毕业生.A. 1894年,她的妹妹哈里特. 布朗内尔,1897届毕业生. Originally the gift was used for alterations to Dalton Hall and to set up the Jane L. Brownell Memorial Room in the Mathematics Department. After construction, the remainder was consolidated to form this library fund.



Designated for the purchase of periodicals in Chemistry.

Established by gifts from former students as a memorial to Dr. Brunel, who was successively Associate, Associate Professor, and Professor of Chemistry, 1912-1924.

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