


1912 Gallery

秘鲁出生,费城艺术家 Cecilia Paredes (b. 1950年)拍摄的照片和雕塑反映了她在海外的生活经历. Sueños Fugitivos (Fugitive Dreams),开始于2005年的一系列照片,记录了精心制作的镜头表演. 为了这些“照片表演”,“她的皮肤被涂成与华丽相匹配的颜色, 她从世界各地的市场采购花卉图案的织物. This chameleon effect confuses flesh with fabric and expresses her sense of identity as something that shifts according to her surroundings.

扁平化的扁平的,仿佛是家庭空间的一部分, 帕雷德斯还对女性身体的性别体验提出了异议, fertility, 劳动被驯服以满足父权的要求. 她融合了花卉绘画, 这是历史上为数不多的女性可以利用的创意渠道之一, 用一种激进的化妆品来拒绝驯服, capture, or categorization.

Paredes’ sculptures include gilded canoes whose bows reroute their direction; a sinuous trumpet that inhibits its own music; and disembodied feet. In the turnaround, stilling, 这些物体的缠绕, 他们质疑西方的进步逻辑,要求我们承认可理解性的局限性. 在图书馆和博物馆这样的机构空间里,这种重新思考也许是最必要的, inheritors of Enlightenment standards of acquisition and categorization as the pathways to knowledge—logics that likely compelled the collection of artifacts also included in this exhibition. 用帕雷德斯的物体作为概念框架来思考,我们如何才能回头和回头?

Paredes understands her diasporic sense of identity as an experience in relation to her surrounding environment. 在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜(Bryn Mawr College),她愿意将自己的艺术作品与秘鲁的一些特殊藏品并列. For the curators, this provided an opportunity to revisit the context of how these artifacts came to the College and to think through the ethical challenges of best practices in caring for these objects and their various communities: how do we responsibly steward materials when a relationship with the artist is not possible, 没有关于它们的制造者的记录,甚至没有它们的起源?

Between 1964 and 1966, nearly 1,000件秘鲁文物被捐赠给学院的人类学系. 所有这些都是一个收藏家沃德. Canaday (1885- 1976). 人们对这些文物的发掘地点和获得条件知之甚少, 但它们中的大多数可能来自墓地. How should the excavated funerary materials of another culture be cared for in the institutions that now house them? 这些材料最适合放在哪里呢? And how do we begin conversations about repatriation with so little information about where something comes from or who made it?

加入我们的周五发现系列节目,探索帕雷德斯的工作, 文化财产和遣返问题, 以及对藏品的持续研究. 阅读更多关于这些文物及其捐赠者的信息, 并在画廊外的阅读区探索推荐的材料.

Carrie Robbins,博士,策展人/艺术学术联络人 & Artifacts

Program coordinator

Graphic design
Nathanael Roesch

Installation team
Flannel & Hammer of Philadelphia

All exhibitions and events in Special Collections are supported by the Friends of the Bryn Mawr College Libraries.



The Gifts of Ward M. Canaday (1885-1976)

Ward M. Canaday was the collector and donor of the majority of Peruvian archaeological artifacts in special collections. He was also husband of Mariam Coffin Canaday (Class of 1906) and father of Doreen Canaday Spitzer (Class of 1936).

"All my life, I think, I have been moved toward those things which seem to satisfy a spiritual rather than a physical ideal – the satisfactions which come from the harmonies of life such as music and color, 光明和自由——那些释放表达的和谐... . These past several years I have found evolving inside me a conviction that these harmonies of life will become realities if I can get hold of them somehow through the acquisition of material hostages. Probably I am more surprised than anyone else at the development of material position and possessions which has grown out of the past few years. 也许我比任何人都更困惑于这种物质力量的正确使用,如果它们确实存在的话. 然而,我继续随波逐流, retaining always that inner and overwhelming certainty that the harmonies which I prize as the goal of life are in some way to be unlocked by this material key."


Biography of the acquirer

自称是在贫困中长大的孩子, 卡纳迪就读于哈佛大学,之后在多家公司谋求广告职位, 包括1916年在托莱多担任威利斯-欧弗兰汽车公司的部门主管, Ohio. 到1925年,他建立了自己的公司,并管理着他们200万美元的广告账户. That same year, 他在渥太华山的一个大型家族庄园破土动工, 并开始在世界范围内收集装饰它的努力. His brother describes Canaday’s interests after 1925 as shifting from “advertising techniques to the pursuit of money,以及影响力和权力:

he arranges for the American Ambassador to present Charles Lindbergh with a complimentary car on his arrival to Paris; he helps raise funds for the Toledo Museum of Art's archaeological dig at Seleucia on Tigris (Iraq); he consults with the Greek government about how to promote tourism; he buys tax-free land on St. Croix (Virgin Islands) and becomes the largest grower of sugarcane on the island; President Roosevelt asks him to be director of public relations for the Federal Housing Administration (1934-35); he becomes Chairman of the Board at Willys-Overland; he joins the board of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens, where his daughter studies.

1939年担任威利斯-欧弗兰汽车公司的总裁, Canaday预计,该公司的增长将来自与战争有关的股票. 该公司为美国市场开发Jeep原型车.S. 并在接下来的五年里生产了超过7.6亿美元的军事装备. 1953年,Canaday将Willys-Overland出售给Kaiser-Frazer制造公司, Canaday is “comfortably afloat on a sea of cash and securities in eight figures” in his daughter’s assessment.


Donating acquisitions

In 1964, Bryn Mawr College’s president Katherine McBride approaches Canaday and his wife Mariam (Class of 1906) for funds to support a new auditorium and museum of art and archaeology. That year, Canaday donates the first of three allotments of Peruvian materials to the College’s anthropology department. 这相当于总共将近1000件秘鲁文物. 麦克布莱德修改了她为支持新校园图书馆而申请的资金. 加拿大人捐了100万美元, 1970年4月,这座图书馆在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜被命名为玛丽安·科芬·卡纳迪图书馆.

“房子里装满了人质,有些人甚至根本没进过房子. 我能听到妈妈说:“别买那个,沃德. 你永远不会对它做任何事情,它会在接下来的五十年里在仓库里腐烂.' She was right, too." 
——多琳·卡纳迪·斯皮策(1936届毕业生)在她的父母传记中写道, by one and one


Peruvian material hostages

How Canaday came to possess the Peruvian materials now housed in special collections at Bryn Mawr College is not known. 有文件证明这个问题不仅是弗雷德里卡·德·拉古纳提的, 当这些材料进入人类学系的收藏, but also by Carol Campbell, 当这些材料被转移到特别收藏时. No answers came; his wife and daughter seem to be unaware of the acquisitions. 不幸的是,秘鲁考古遗址的无证挖掘相当普遍. 这些进入艺术市场的材料中有许多都没有出处. 很可能卡纳迪收集的材料的具体来源也同样丢失了.

然而,研究仍在特殊收藏中继续进行. 卡纳迪是在秘鲁的艺术品市场上买到这些材料的吗? 他认识拉斐尔·拉科·霍伊尔和秘鲁的拉科博物馆吗? What is known: Canaday had business correspondence with the government of Peru in 1940 during development of the Jeep prototype; his vacations arranged by the American Express Company during the 1950s and 1960s included one to Peru; he hired Junius Bird, Curator of South American Archaeology at the American Museum of Natural History to appraise the collection (1958-1961).

What else can be learned? 还应该问什么问题呢? 什么是最好的方法来照顾不在家里的材料?

Wishes in the Air

Measurements variable.

"The wonderful lesson we learn as we read the wishes is that we have a constant as human beings -- which is the need for tenderness, compassion, good health, love, and peace." - Cecilia Paredes

2024年2月,塞西莉亚·帕雷德斯在展览中又增加了一件艺术品, 《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》:塞西莉亚·帕雷德斯(Cecilia Paredes)(10月25日, 2023 – June 2, 2024). Wishes in the Air is a collaborative piece that consists of wishes for the future collected from members of our campus community. These are interspersed with wishes that Paredes has collected when producing similar iterations of the piece around the world. 艺术品不仅包含了我们社区的话语, 但它是和我们社区的成员一起在现场制作的.  


Curator Note
Wishes in the Air hangs here as a reminder of the reparative collections work still to be done and with collective belief in hopeful possibilities for the future.  

(re)FOCUS 2024

本次展览展出的是 (re)FOCUS, 这是一个费城的节日,通过展览来表彰女性艺术家和BIPOC艺术家, lectures, workshops, and more. Bryn Mawr College Special Collections joins over 60 visual arts organizations to celebrate the 50th anniversary of FOCUS (1974) and 50 years of feminism in the arts.

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