
女毕业生/我借款 | 贷款政策 | 电子邮件通知 | 食物和饮料 | E-ZBorrow及馆际互借 | 教员互借 | 罚款和图书丢失 | 贷款政策 | 丢失的物品 | 发布的政策 | 回忆 | 续签 | 其他三co地点的请求 | 游客

在常规学期, visitors are welcome at the 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 Libraries on weekdays from 8 a.m.-6 p.m.,每周六上午10点在卡纳迪图书馆.m.-5 p.m. Please contact Carpenter and Collier libraries directly for hours and access. 有关我们最新的营业时间,请浏览我们的 小时页面 在参观之前.

Our first priority is to support the 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 community of students, 教师, 教职员及校友/ 1. 图书馆的开放时间是 U.S. 联邦存款渠道. 图书馆或校园安全人员可随时向您索要身份证.


  • 目前Tri-co的学生、教师和工作人员: 在借阅台出示有效的学生证/一卡通.
  • Tri-co女毕业生/我: obtain a borrowing card from a circulation supervisor at your alma mater's library.
  • 布林莫尔教职员工配偶: 办理借阅卡,请填写 配偶申请健身房/图书馆 然后交给人力资源部.
  • 一些大学附属的学院 PALCI (EZ-Borrow)成员机构. 这项特权可以在确认教师身份后每年更新.


推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 Libraries is happy to offer the borrowing of physical materials to alumnae/i. Alums may also visit the library to pick up their card and materials during our 访问时间.

校友/i借阅不包括对大多数电子资源的访问, 包括电子书, 从校外, EZ-Borrow, 或生病. 校友/我可以访问一些图书馆的数据库. 看到我们的 校友/i资源指南.



图书馆 patrons are expected to act responsibly when checking out items to their library accounts. 顾客应始终:

  • Return materials on time (fees are assessed on 所有 items 返回 after a bill has been issued)
  • 保持借来的物品完好. 对损坏的物品进行罚款.
  • 把借来的东西保管好. 不要把你从图书馆借来的东西借给别人, 因为你仍然有责任按时归还.

Patrons must show a valid Tri-College ID or Yellow Bryn Mawr Borrowing Card in order to borrow library materials or request information about their account. Patrons with visitor cards from other Tri-College libraries (Swarthmore or Haverford) may not borrow materials from 布林莫尔 College Libraries. 相应的, patrons with 布林莫尔 Visitor Cards may not borrow from other Tri-College libraries.


推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜图书馆送 所有 library notices (overdues, rec所有s, 罚款, 账单, hold pickup and cancellations, etc.)通过电子邮件. 这些通知是寄给你的 Bryn Mawr的邮箱地址.

如果你不使用Bryn Mawr邮箱, it is your responsibility to set your 布林莫尔 email account to forward to the address that you do use. You are also responsible for setting your spam filters on your 布林莫尔 and any other email account to 所有ow messages from the library. 

不在三脚架图书馆的资料可通过以下途径从其他图书馆借阅 E-ZBorrow或ILL



布林莫尔 教师 have borrowing privileges at some PALCI member institutions. 布林莫尔 College also extends reciprocal borrowing privileges to 教师 members of other participating PALCI member institutions. For a list of participating institutions and information on applying, please see http://palci.org/services/reciprocal-on-site-borrowing-program/. You will need to have the authorization form signed by a librarian at 布林莫尔 (or your home institution). 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的教职工也可以 从宾夕法尼亚大学图书馆借阅


Current 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 students should pay their library 罚款 at the Controller's Office in Gateway, 周一至周五上午9点.m.-5 p.m.

Haverford and Swarthmore students should see the main libraries on their campuses to pay their library 罚款.

图书馆罚款 教职员工,访客 & 女毕业生/校友 必须交到借阅台吗. The circulation desk will 只有 accept payment in the form of a check made out to 布林莫尔 College.


101 N. 梅里恩大街.
布林莫尔. PA 19010-2899

Once your payment is received and processed, a receipt will be e-mailed to you.


图书馆收费如下 罚款 图书馆逾期资料*:

  • 预留材料:每小时1美元或不足1美元
  • 回收材料:每天2美元
  • E-ZBorrow and ILL (books borrowed from outside the Tri-Colleges): $1 per day


图书馆问题 账单 逾期太久的物品被认为是丢失的. 至少给你发了电子邮件 三张逾期通知书 在你结账之前.

借阅特权将会 阻塞 if:

  • 未付账单超过了图书馆规定的限额
  • 您保留已召回的项目,使其超过新的到期日

如果你的图书馆记录被封锁, 你可以再次借阅资料 当:

  • 宣传 书是 支付 或者 返回 去图书馆
  • 逾期 回忆 书是 返回 去图书馆

*Please be aware that some items from Haverford and Swarthmore may accrue 罚款 where their 布林莫尔 counterparts do not. 你将负责支付这些罚款.

Did you get an overdue notice for something you think you've already 返回 去图书馆? 请求搜索 — we will take a look for it and reply within one week with the results of our search. 在我们搜索期间,该物品将保持已结帐状态.


图书馆里不准吃东西. 饮料只能装在有盖的容器或瓶子里.

请在里面慢慢享用 活力杯 在Canaday的A层.


如对我们的贷款政策有任何疑问, 包括你可以请求/借用的物品, 不错的收益, 截止日期, 请通过 circulation@wolaipei.com. 我们很乐意帮忙!


Did you look something up in 三脚架 只有 to go to the shelf and find that it's not there?

  • Make sure you're looking in the right library (Canaday, Carpenter, or Collier).
  • 检查要放置的区域:最近使用过的物品可能在那里
  • 不知道怎么在图书馆里找路? 到借书台寻求帮助.
  • 需要帮助找到一个项目? 请求搜索 我们会在一周内给你答复. 如果我们找到了,我们会帮你保管的.


请 只有 在一楼面向电梯的通用公告牌上, 并放在活力杯的指定位置.  The front doors, windows, and vestibule area are are reserved for library information 只有.


Any current student or 教师 member may rec所有 any item that is currently checked out by using the "Request Item" function.

  • 任何被召回的物品必须立即退回; 即使借款人是用它来写论文. Keeping 回忆 items past their new due dates will cause your library account to 阻塞.
  • When an item is 回忆, a new rec所有 due date is issued 所有owing the first patron 五天 看完这本书. 如果一本书已经过期了, 没有额外的时间,书将立即到期.
  • If you leave the Bryn Mawr area, you are still responsible for returning 回忆 books on time.  如果你带着图书馆的资料旅行, watch for rec所有 notices and be prepared to mail 回忆 items 去图书馆. If you do not have e-mail access, do not keep library materials out on your account while traveling.
  • 需要预订的图书和过期的图书将被立即收回. 
  • 如果你想起了一本书,而你还需要它,那就试试 E-ZBorrow或ILL.


你可以借 查阅你的图书馆纪录 并遵循屏幕上的指示. 



  1. 登录到 您的账户
  2. 点击“View”菜单中的“check Out/Renew Items”. 
  3. Click on the number in the "Transaction" column next to the book you want to renew. 
  4. 点击图书信息上方的“续借”链接. If the "Renew Request" link is not present, the lending library does not 所有ow renewals. 点击“克隆请求”链接重新提交请求, 如果可能的话,我们将从另一家图书馆借这本书.


现在是布林莫尔的学生, 教师 and staff may borrow books from Haverford and Swarthmore College libraries in person, 或要求将物品送到布林茅尔. 使用三脚架中的“请求项目”功能从这些库中获取项目. Requested items may be picked up at the Circulation desk, usu所有y within 24 hours.


"Thesis Status" is automatic所有y given to 所有 Bryn Mawr seniors and graduate students.  This means that 所有 regularly-circulating tri-college books will be due for these patrons at the end of the semester.


  • 任何被召回的书必须立即归还, 即使借款人是用它来写论文
  • 视频和dvd.
  • 结合期刊
  • i和e - z借书
  • 笔记本电脑
  • 其他未单独列明的短期借款材料


游客 are welcome at the 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 Libraries on weekdays from opening through 6pm.

We are not able to offer borrowing privileges to visitors with no affiliation with 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 unless the patron is 教师 member at a PALCI member institution.


  • 借材料
  • 从图书馆打印机打印
  • 从校外获取电子资源

游客 may view videos and DVDs in-house 只有, using viewing rooms in 凯纳迪库. 访客不得将这些物品带出图书馆. 如果感兴趣, please see the circulation desk to sign a lending agreement and receive a key to a viewing room as well as headphones, 如果有必要的话. 请电子邮件 circulation@wolaipei.com 如有任何疑问,请致电610-526-5276.

Patrons with a visitor card from Swarthmore or Haverford may not borrow materials from 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 Libraries.







