


The 反种族主义团体 were created by the Coalition for Anti-Racist Literacy (CARLA) in 2022 to hold a space 开放 to students, 教师, and 工作人员 to communally understand and practice anti-racism and provide concrete responses to acts of racism that occur on campus.


哈弗福德学院 特殊的集合 is rich in primary source material related to Asian history 和文化. This guide presents some of the items that researchers may find useful. 而许多材料, 尤其是手稿材料, 最初是由在亚洲传教的贵格会教徒创造的吗, 除了贵格会出身,他们还有广泛的兴趣. Links to online collection guides or catalog records have been provided throughout this guide, but most sources must be consulted in paper in 特殊的集合. Librarians in 特殊的集合 are eager to assist with research and may be contacted at hc-special@haverford.edu.


You can't always know what someone's pronouns are by looking at them. Asking and correctly using someone's pronouns is one of the the most basic ways to show your respect for their gender identity. 通过本指南了解更多信息.


一个由学生领导的反种族主义资源集合, 包括历史, 书, 文章, 学术作品, 播客, 种族平等工具. 更多关于 2020年布林茅尔罢工.


CPEAR是(1)的中心。 评估进展 对于高优先级操作,(2) 提供解决问题的支持 以及对这项工作的反馈,以及(3) 创造一个额外的沟通渠道和透明度 向更广泛的校园宣传这些努力.


A collection of over 1200 书 on issues of women, sexuality, and gender.


职业生涯 Engagement acknowledges the importance and necessity for career resources for the many diverse populations of students that we serve.


2018年由16名成员开始, 卡拉-反种族主义扫盲联盟 at 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 has grown to more than 80 members — consistently a mix of students, 工作人员, 和老师.


开放学习教学大纲的创建与反思 is committed to developing syllabi that honor 多样性, 促进公平和包容, 并刺激非殖民化的思想实践.


"Equity and 包容 serve as the engine for excellence and innovation. A commitment to racial justice and to equity across all aspects of 多样性 propels our students, 教师, 并对员工进行反思,努力建立公平, 开放, 欢迎制度结构, 值, 和文化.——摘自学院的使命宣言

This vision of change at 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 outlined in this document draws on principles and 值 in the College’s mission statement and that resonate with the campus today. This is a living document that is evolving as the needs of the campus change and as we learn from our experience.


成立于1885年, Bryn Mawr was founded to offer a more rigorous education than any then available to women. 就像19世纪晚期进步思想家的许多计划一样, this bold vision embodied emancipatory potential and deep contradictions. 


Teach-ins are community-led and organized lectures or discussions that raise awareness in the areas of equity, 包容, 和反种族主义. 在教学小组的协助下, sessions are organized by community members who receive compensation for planning and presenting.


A resource created by 影响中心 Fellow Emmett Binkowski, Class of 2016


The land on which 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 stands is part of the ancestral homeland and territory of the Lenape people. 作为一个大学, we offer the following land acknowledgements on behalf of the College and for use by the community. The texts of these acknowledgements were approved by the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania and may be modified as the College engages with multiple Lenape tribes. 


The working mission of the group is to engage LGBTQIA+ alumnae/i in the life of the College and Alumnae Association, 为校友提供交流机会, 与在读学生联系.


多元化、公平和包容的教育学圈 旨在支持跨选区对话, and offer a space for members of the community to explore how they are acting on and working toward anti-racism, 多样性, 包容性, 以及课堂内外的公平.


的力量, 不平等, and Justice Course is a one-unit College-wide distributional requirement fulfilled by taking a single course that focuses on issues of power, 不平等, 和正义.


SJI's mission is to co-create space and dedicate time for dialogue, 反射, 建立人际关系, and action to dismantle the structures and systems of injustice that perpetuate social inequities and disparities, 尊重内在的联系和相互依赖.


Tapestry is supported by the 校友关系及发展 Office and contributes to the alumnae of color community by strengthening a connected network anchored in mutual trust and respect, 推进建设性和包容性对话, 庆祝我们不同的历史和经历.


On May 4, 2023, it was announced that 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 has selected Nekisha Durrett to create a monument addressing a legacy of exclusionary practices at the College and enabling the campus community to respond to the question, 布林茅尔学院少了什么故事?


Bryn Mawr College's first-year student experience is designed to empower and support students, 让他们在校园有宾至如归的感觉. All first-year students enroll into this college transition and life skills course.


"We Are/We Have Always Been": A Multi-Linear History of LGBT Experiences at 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, 1970-2000是由Brenna Levitin创作的, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜2016届毕业生, 三学院数字人文倡议 实习生在 阿尔伯特·M. 格林菲尔德妇女教育史数字中心.


在整个60年代, students used experiences and ideas influenced by the national Civil Rights movement to shift the culture of the College. We connect sites around campus to instances of Bryn Mawr students confronting race during this pivotal period.

20世纪60年代学生们的担忧在今天得到了呼应. 2020年11月, 黑色的, 棕色(的), and first generation low income students formed the Bryn Mawr Strike Coalition and led a strike at the College, 是历史上最长的. Acting in solidarity with 黑色的 and 棕色(的) student at Haverford and Haverford’s 黑色的 Student Refusing Further Inaction (BSRFI), the demands in the 2020 Open Letter suggest a genealogy of campus activism.  

我们的目标是将20世纪60年代的校园与现在联系起来, inviting you to question who built the Bryn Mawr we experience today.
