Rhoads Beach


位于罗兹南部, the 跨文化生活和学习中心 is a dedicated home for undergraduate students committed to intercultural community building and exchange.

在试点年, the ILLC created three affinity floors designated to these areas of living and learning:

  1. BIPOC Belonging
  2. 泛亚文化
  3. 跨信仰合作

Undergraduate students who share in these identities and those who are committed to these affinity groups are welcome to apply for the ILLC.

Residents of the ILLC support the dual purpose of this affinity housing as a residence hall and a hub for community building, 身份的发展, 跨文化对话, 积极学习和分享. 加强校园社区的参与和学习, programs and events at the ILLC are open to residents and non-residents of Rhoads South.




Residents of the 跨文化生活和学习中心 (ILLC) commit to participating in floor and ILLC meetings and gatherings. Each floor helps plan and implement at least one intercultural event each semester and actively participates in community building and learning opportunities in the ILLC, 社区影响中心, Equity, and Understanding, 整个校园.

ILLC将继续支持寒假住房. Rhoads South and Rhoads North rooms will be available to BMC students staying on campus over the break.


Affinity housing is a widely implemented practice on college campuses across the country and is a well-documented strategy for intentional community building, engagement, 在校园社区学习.  亲和性住房寻求增加身份发展的机会, 文化肯定节目, 跨文化教育. It creates a space where students who share common identity factors or interests intentionally live together to build an active living and learning community.   

Intercultural living and learning by definition involves an active engagement in the dorm community, 大厅的每个成员都向住在那里的其他人学习的地方. 跨文化生活和学习不是被动的, 它创造关系, hones leadership, 并促进团体内部和团体之间的对话. 

Each of the three areas selected for the pilot ILLC affinity housing – Pan-Asian Culture, BIPOC Belonging, and 跨信仰合作 – were chosen based on expressed student interest and requests over time.   

我们希望深化亲和住宅的模式,创造一个社区空间, engagement, 身份的发展, and support. We would like to better understand the potential for such affinity housing at Bryn Mawr and learn how it can help to strengthen a sense of connection and belonging on campus and beyond. 

我们正在寻求更多参与社区建设的机会, 加深联系和归属感, foster dialogue, 扩大小组内部和小组之间的学习机会.

第一年之后, 我们会研究综合管制中心的影响,并考虑扩建的可行性, as warranted. 

像其他亲和住房选择一样, dorm rooms in Rhoads South are reserved for undergraduate students willing to commit to active participation in the designated affinity programming. Students may apply to participate and will be selected based on their interest and demonstrated commitment to engage in community building, 身份的发展, 在校园社区学习. However, all students will be welcome in Rhoads South and encouraged to participate in programs and activities.   

The dining hall and common spaces in Rhoads will still be available to be reserved for activities and events regardless of whether or not students live in that dorm.

南罗兹的ilc是为联系和学习而设计的.  Anyone who is dedicated to intercultural learning and feels committed to supporting these affinity groups is welcome to apply to live in the ILLC. All residents will be expected to be active participants in community building and dorm life and commit to engaging in programming around the focus area of their affinity floor. 

For 2023-24, Rhoads North will still be an option for all students in room draw and does not require a special affinity interest or application.

ILLC是为建立关系和参与而设计的.  It is a place for learning about and celebrating identities – and it is designed to foster this learning within and beyond Rhoads South, 向校园里的学生伸出援手, 不管他们住在哪里. Deepening relationships and learning about one another strengthens our community and prepares students to emerge from their Bryn Mawr experience equipped with powerful tools for engagement and with a deeper understanding of the world and each other. 

Faculty will be welcome to engage with the ILLC and The Impact Center looks forward to future collaborations as they unfold. 

We will have opportunities to explore possible expansion of affinity groups in the 2023-24 academic year. 关注The Impact Center关于这些对话的公告. 

在试点年, we are looking for students who are able to make a full one-year commitment to community building and programming in the ILLC. Students who will be away for a semester will not be eligible to apply for the pilot year.   

是的,有两个原因. First, 因为每年都有很多人申请宿舍领导小组, 不是每个人都能找到工作. Second, 如果你得到了一个DLT的位置, 知道你也对ILLC感兴趣会很有帮助.   

Yes!  A few rooms are set aside for incoming first-year students who are interested in these affinity floors. More information will be available to them when housing information is sent to incoming students. 

如果你想在2023-24学年住在ILLC, 星期一接受申请, 3月13日下午11点59分收盘.m. 美国东部时间3月17日星期五.

Applicants will be notified of their status prior to room draw – on or around Monday, March 20. 

最多可有71名本科生住在南罗兹的伊利诺伊大学学院, 包括宿舍领导团队的成员.