
FGLI+ Friendlies

Find faculty, staff & 被认定为FGLI和/或对指导和支持感兴趣的学生 FGLI and Undocu+ students at Bryn Mawr.

Faculty & Staff Network

Primary Contact

A.T. Ortíz, aortiz3@wolaipei.com
公平包容副院长 & 社区生活,社区,公平和理解的影响中心

Secondary Contact

Catherine Taipe, ctaipe@wolaipei.com
项目助理,包容 & 社区生活,社区,公平和理解的影响中心


Melanie Bethea, mbethea01@wolaipei.com


Lisa Camma, lcamma@wolaipei.com
Fran Thack, fthack@wolaipei.com


Casey Barrier, cbarrier@wolaipei.com
Susanna Fioratta, sfioratta@wolaipei.com


Linda Caruso Haviland, lcarusoh@wolaipei.com
Mark Lord, mlord@wolaipei.com


Doanh Wang, dwang2@wolaipei.com

Career & Civic Engagement Center

Katie Krimmel, kkrimmel@wolaipei.com
Dayna Levy, dlevy1@wolaipei.com
Ellie Esmond, eesmond@wolaipei.com


Olga Karagiaridi, okaragiaridi@wolaipei.com


Amanda Coltri, acoltri1@wolaipei.com
Matt Gray, mgray@wolaipei.com

Controller’s Office

Dining Services

Shana Fountain, sfountai@wolaipei.com


Kate Thomas, kthomas@wolaipei.com


Cheryl Horsey, chorsey@wolaipei.com

Financial Aid

Emilie Leather, eleather@wolaipei.com


Lauren Restrepo, lrestrepo@wolaipei.com


Darlyne Bailey, dbailey01@wolaipei.com
Carolina Hausmann-Stabile, chousmanns@wolaipei.com

Health Center

Reggie Jones, rjones@wolaipei.com

Impact Center

Joi Dallas, jshawdalla@wolaipei.com
Patti Lausch, plausch@wolaipei.com

Library & 资讯科技服务(LITS)

Ann Marie Gallagher, amgallaghe@wolaipei.com


Daisy Sudparid, dsuparid@wolaipei.com


Anjali Thapar, athapar@wolaipei.com

Religious & Spiritual Life

Rabbi Nora Woods, nwoods@wolaipei.com


Billie Jo Ember, bember@wolaipei.com


Veronica Montes, vmontes@wolaipei.com

STEMLA Program

Kelsey Obringer, kobringer@wolaipei.com


Rachel Heiser, rheiser@wolaipei.com
Tonja Nixon, tnixon@wolaipei.com

Peer Support Network

与作为训练有素的导师和/或导师的学生见面, 包括那些在校园担任领导职务和/或工作职位的人. Knowing who is doing what on campus can help strengthen our community to connect with one another and receive access to support & 校园资源.

Students on Campus

Around Campus


  • Breanna Brown ’24

Breaking Barriers

  • Francis Arellano’25
    Student Coordinator
  • Iniya Vensel ’25
    Student Coordinator

Conferences & Events

  • Breanna Brown ’24
    Student Coordinator

Dining Services

  • Leslie Torres ’24
    Student Manager


  • Nelid Rios Morales ’24
  • Keyla Benitez ’24

The Well

  • Aeriel Lin ’24
    Peer Health & Wellness Educator
  • Sinthia Ahammed ’25
    Peer Health & Wellness Educator


  • Nelid Rios Morales ’24
    Quantitative (Q) Mentor


  • Fatima Irfan ’24
    Teaching Assistant (TA)


  • Lizzany Mayta ’24
    Teaching Assistant (TA)
  • Andrea Pinto ’25
    Teaching Assistant (TA)
  • Diana Salmeron ’24
    Teaching Assistant (TA)


  • Fatima Irfan ’24

In the Dorms

Enid Cook Center

  • Lizzany Mayta ’24
    Activities & 迎新助理(AOA)
  • Jazmin Osorio-Rodriguez ’24
    Peer Mentor Co-Head


  • Samnang Kim ’24

Pembroke East

  • Andrea Pinto '25
    Customs Person (CP) 

Pembroke West

  • Jessica Smith '25


  • Michelle Lamadrid '24
    Hall Advisor (HA)
  • Caelin Foley '25
    Customs Person (CP)

Rhoads South

  • Van Nguyen '24


  • Anai Dominquez '24
    Hall Advisor (HA)

Ways to be an Undocu+ Ally

卡斯雷翁院长为教育工作者提出的行动步骤和建议, administrators, and students interested in serving as an ally to the undocumented+ student community.

  • 继续遵守FERPA法案 尊重个人的隐私权 & confidentiality.
  • Include undocumented students and/or designated campus contacts in spaces and conversations where decisions related to student employment and stipends, travel, 正在提供奖学金和研究金机会.
  • Consider publishing information on the college website on processes and supports for undocumented students by office/department.
  • Develop a “专业人员联络” consisting of trained staff members across campus departments who can serve as their office/department's representative for undocumented students.
  • 创建一个在线平台(可以是一个 “course” 在Blackboard, Canva, Moodle等平台上.) or webpage listing information and resources on immigration news and policy updates, 咨询移民律师, employment, graduate school, and access to health & counseling services.
  • 考虑附上一份保密声明, protections, 以及大学网站上的公民权利.
  • Advocate and support for expanding scholarship and fellowship opportunities that does not contain a citizenship requirement at your institution.
  • Advocate to invest and support for the allocation of funds to essential resources for students (ex. summer storage materials, dorm drive materials, 像计算器这样的学术资料出借项目 & laptops, etc.). 哪些办公室目前正在为学生开展这些活动? 他们需要什么才能有效地提供这些资源?

Castrejon, L. (2022, December 14). Undocumented in U.S. 高等教育|行动步骤 & 支持无证大学生的建议. Philadelphia.

  • Compile a list of scholarships and fellowships available in your field that does not contain a citizenship requirement (this would open opportunities for international students as well!).
  • If not already available, consider incorporating research and/or hands-on opportunities to different locations around the U.S. 作为另一个“学习”的机会. May also want to consider working alongside your institution’s study abroad and community service offices.
  • 如果在学术领域的某些工作需要执照或认证, 考虑制作一份概述这些信息的讲义. Unfortunately, 然而,对于无证件的个人来说,有些获得许可证的途径是无法实现的, there may be some that are possible and therefore helpful for students to prepare for post-graduation.
  • Undocumented individuals can seek professional opportunities as an independent contractor. Consider compiling a list of examples on self-employment or contracting opportunities in your field.
  • 如果你的部门邀请应届毕业生和校友与学生交谈, consider including a self-employed alum on your panels when discussing post-graduation careers and pathways.
  • 与你的项目中管理自己企业的校友联系, 自由职业者和/或承包他们在做什么样的工作? How did they get started?

Castrejon, L. (2022, December 14). Undocumented in U.S. 高等教育|行动步骤 & 支持无证大学生的建议. Philadelphia.

  • If your college campus has offices/departments leading efforts on providing essential resources, 考虑与他们合作来增加外联, communication, and volunteers.
  • If your office doesn’t already have a resource or opportunity addressing affordability and access, 考虑创建一个与你办公室的使命相关的项目. For example, Career Services at some institutions offer a Career Closet for students in need of professional clothing.
  • The college application and financial aid process is difficult for anyone especially undocumented students to navigate on their own. Your institution’s Admissions and Financial Aid offices may consider incorporating instructions and guidance on how an undocumented student should complete your application forms. For instance, should the student select domestic or international on their application? 他们应该填写哪些经济援助表格. CSS Profile)?
  • Undocumented individuals can seek professional opportunities as an independent contractor. If not already offered, your institution could advocate to invest and support the allocation of funds for training, 与自雇/创业过程相关的指导和费用. 个人要成为自雇人士必须填写什么表格? 在一个州做生意有什么政策? 个人需要营业执照吗? Are there fees involved? 这个机会会被安排在学校的就业服务办公室吗? 国际学生办公室?
  • 与管理自己企业的校友联系,了解他们在做什么工作? How did they get started? Consider including a self-employed alum on your alumni panels when discussing post-graduation.

Castrejon, L. (2022, December 14). Undocumented in U.S. 高等教育|行动步骤 & 支持无证大学生的建议. Philadelphia.

  • 带着同理心坦率地倾听,每个人都有不同的经历.
  • If friends are planning to engage in an activity that requires a form of identification (ex. 学生证、驾照、护照等.),通知小组需要进行身份证明. DACA & TPS个人可以使用他们的驾驶执照(有些州允许选择非美国驾照).S. individuals to acquire a driver’s license or at least a state ID) or foreign passport meanwhile, 无证件个人可以使用其外国护照.
  • Include undocumented students and/or designated campus contacts in spaces and conversations where decisions affecting this student population directly are being made through a student club, activity, or student government. Some examples are, 将领导/志愿者职位改为带薪职位的建议, 在需要许可的地方做志愿者工作, 计划一次美国以外的旅行机会.S..
  • 如果你在学校的就业服务中心工作, 招生或经济援助办公室, advocate for training and guidance on understanding and supporting undocumented students in your area.
  • Scholarships and fellowships that do not consist of a citizenship requirement are open to undocumented students, 如果你了解到你的同伴可能会感兴趣的奖学金或奖学金, 请与他们分享这一信息.
  • Advocate and support the College on expanding scholarships and fellowships opportunities that does not contain a citizenship requirement.

Castrejon, L. (2022, December 14). Undocumented in U.S. 高等教育|行动步骤 & 支持无证大学生的建议. Philadelphia.

If a student is seeking additional support, please refer them to our Professional Contacts list. 如果学生需要在未列出的领域的支持,请联系 commsbreakingbarriers@wolaipei.com to discuss further.

Additional resources and information are available through our Navigating Pathways moodle page. Navigating Pathways includes resources and information on immigration news and policy updates, 移民律师资源, employment, graduate school, 以及健康和咨询服务和产品.

If you are interested in receiving support with advising or exploring potential opportunities you can make available through your office/department that are inclusive and supportive for undocumented students, 请不要犹豫与我们联系. Depending on the situation, you may need to include other offices such as Financial Aid and Career and Civic Engagement in the conversation, 尽管如此,请知道在这个过程中你并不孤单!

Consider becoming “UndocuAlly Certified” 通过完成我们以各种形式提供的两部分研讨会系列! We start our workshop series through a broad lens on what it means to be undocumented by going over some of the federal and institutional policies that impact undocumented students in their educational, professional, 以及个人的愿望和需求. Through our second workshop, we narrow our scope to focus on the campus resources available at Bryn Mawr while also discussing ways each of us can support students through our respective roles. 学员在完成课程后将获得证书. 我们的系列研讨会每学期向整个校园社区提供一次. Additionally, a customized version for campus departments/offices and a training model for student workers can also be made available upon request at commsbreakingbarriers@wolaipei.com