
这是进入卫生行业的一个激动人心的时刻. Changes in society create a need for health professions with a strong background in natural, 行为, 社会科学和人文科学.

在过去的几年里, the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) have been reviewing the framework needed for premedical training and for the lifelong training needed for medical school and practice. 他们发布了一份报告, 未来医生的科学基础,” outlining the scientific and quantitative competencies that premedical students should master as well as a companion report, 未来医生的行为和社会科学基础," indicating that the conceptual framework in these disciplines that premedical and medical students need in order to understand socioeconomic and cultural determinates of health and to address health care disparities.

根据几个咨询小组的广泛研究, AAMC’s Group on Student Affairs and Committee on 招生 endorsed 15 core competencies for entering medical schools.  正如AAMC对能力的定义, 它是一种“结合了知识的可观察行为”, 技能, 值, 以及与特定活动相关的态度.” Although this list of fifteen competencies was developed by medical educators, 它与所有卫生专业相关. 


  • 参观 对象为网站 检讨胜任能力清单.
  • 回顾AAMC的自我评估指南, “Anatomy of an Applicant: Competency 资源 and Self-评估 Guide for Medical School Applicants.   
  • We urge students to consider these competencies when making decisions about courses, 潜在的体验式学习经验, 社区服务, 在研究和临床护理方面提供与健康有关的服务.  Students can meet with the Health Professions Advisor to reflect on the competencies they are developing through these activities.  
  • The Health Professions Advisor can help students prepare a portfolio to keep track of and to reflect on their progress and to begin to frame this information in ways that would be useful when applying to health professions schools.   

The 15 核心竞争力 for Entering Medical Students have been endorsed by the AAMC Group on Student Affairs (GSA) Committee on 招生 (COA) are listed 在这里:

在进行职前培训能力 (结合人际能力和个人能力):

  • Service Orientation: Demonstrates a desire to help 其他人 and sensitivity to 其他人’ needs and 感情; demonstrates a desire to alleviate 其他人’ distress; recognizes and acts on his/her responsibilities to society; locally, 在全国范围内, 和全球.
  • 社交技巧:表现出对他人需求的了解, 目标, 感情, and the ways that social and 行为 cues affect peoples’ interactions and behaviors; adjusts behaviors appropriately in response to these cues; treats 其他人 with respect.
  • Cultural Competence: Demonstrates knowledge of 社会文化 factors that affect interactions and behaviors; shows an appreciation and respect for multiple dimensions of diversity; recognizes and acts on the obligation to inform one’s own judgment; engages diverse and competing perspectives as a resource for learning, 公民身份, and work; recognizes and appropriately addresses bias in themselves and 其他人; interacts effectively with people from diverse backgrounds.
  • Teamwork: Works collaboratively with 其他人 to achieve shared 目标; shares information and knowledge with 其他人 and provides feedback; puts team 目标 ahead of individual 目标.
  • Oral Communication: Effectively conveys information to 其他人 using spoken words and sentences; listens effectively; recognizes potential communication barriers and adjusts approach or clarifies information as needed.
  • Ethical Responsibility to Self and Others: Behaves in an honest and ethical manner; cultivates personal and academic integrity; ad在这里s to ethical principles and follows rules and procedures; resists peer pressure to engage in unethical behavior and encourages 其他人 to behave in honest and ethical ways; develops and demonstrates ethical and moral reasoning.
  • Reliability and Dependability: Consistently fulfills obligations in a timely and satisfactory manner; takes responsibility for personal actions and performance.
  • Resilience and Adaptability: Demonstrates tolerance of stressful or changing environments or situations and adapts effectively to them; is persistent, even under difficult situations; recovers from setbacks.
  • Capacity for Improvement: Sets 目标 for continuous improvement and for learning new concepts and 技能; engages in reflective practice for improvement; solicits and responds appropriately to feedback.


  • Critical Thinking: Uses logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, 结论, 或者解决问题的方法.
  • Quantitative Reasoning: Applies quantitative reasoning and appropriate mathematics to describe or explain phenomena in the natural world.
  • Scientific Inquiry: Applies knowledge of the scientific process to integrate and synthesize information, solve problems and formulate research questions and hypotheses; is facile in the language of the sciences and uses it to participate in the discourse of science and explain how scientific knowledge is discovered and validated.
  • Written Communication: Effectively conveys information to 其他人 using written words and sentences.


  • Living Systems: Applies knowledge and skill in the natural sciences to solve problems related to molecular and macro systems including bio分子, 分子, 细胞, 和器官.
  • 人类行为:运用自我知识, 其他人, 与社会制度解决的心理问题有关, 社会文化, 以及影响健康和幸福的生物因素.



全年开放,周一至周五上午9点.m.-5 p.m.