First-Year Experience - Placement Exams

Placement Exams

在选择第一学期的课程时, 你需要了解你进入某一特定研究领域的水平. This process is known as "Placement."

If you would like to continue studying a language you have knowledge of you are required to take the placement exam for that language and register for the level you have been placed into. 分班考试不是惩罚性的,目的是帮助学生找到正确的课程水平. 

在某些情况下,这意味着参加分班考试. 所有的分班考试都在Moodle中完成. Here’s how to enroll in them:

  1. Log in to Moodle.
  2. 点击右上方的放大镜图标 Moodle 然后在打开的搜索框中输入“Placement Exam Fall 2024”.
  3. 然后点击课程名称,点击“注册”.” 
  4. You can also find links to each Placement Exam on the Class of 2028 Advising and Orientation Moodle. 

你必须在6月30日之前报名参加分班考试,大部分考试的截止日期是8月1日. However, please be aware that some exams have earlier or different timelines that must be followed. 请务必熟悉您参加的任何考试的时间表和截止日期. 

分班考试网络研讨会将于2024年6月25日(星期二)美国东部时间下午12点举行. Students can register for this webinar on the Class of 2028 Advising and Orientation Moodle in early June. 

Language Exams

考试包括一些基本的语法练习, 各种简短的翻译(阿拉伯语到英语), and English to Arabic), a reading comprehension section, and a short essay. 除了完成分班考试, students may be asked to meet via Zoom for a brief and informal conversation in order to ascertain fluency and knowledge of Arabic. Time limit: 120 minutes.

Contact: Manar Darwish (

Notes: Required for students who have previously studied Arabic and are considering taking Arabic at Bryn Mawr.

考试包括语言背景调查, an online multiple-choice test, an essay, 还有一段由zoom对教员的采访. 多项选择题测试包括语法、阅读和听力理解. 请仔细按照说明完成测试的每个部分. 这将确保我们准确地为您确定合适的课程.

Deadlines: 7月10日进行信息调查、在线测试和写作. 美国东部时间7月13日下午1点至4点与导师进行Zoom面试. Students will be notified via Bryn Mawr email the Zoom link for the interview and their interview time no later than July 12. 
Contact: Changchun Zhang (

Notes: 凡有一定中文背景并希望学习中文的新生均须参加, including heritage students who can speak the language with no or limited reading and writing skills.

考试包括个人情况介绍, 一个有问题的口语理解段落和一个有选择题的阅读部分. Students who are placed in French 005 or more advanced courses will be asked to submit a 400-word essay. In addition, 005或更高级别的学生可能会被要求通过Zoom进行简短的口头面试.

Deadline: July 20 for basic exam. 如果需要,论文将于7月25日截止,面试将于8月5日至7日举行.
Contact: Grace Armstrong ( or Agnès Peysson-Zeiss (

Notes: 所有希望学习法语的有法语背景的学生都必须参加.

The online placement exam consists of five parts: the first four are multiple-choice questions and the fifth is a short essay. 如果学生的分数接近下一级考试的分数线,可能会安排面试.

Contact: Qinna Shen (

Notes: 所有希望学习德语的有一定德语背景的学生都必须参加.

The Italian exam consists of three sections: oral comprehension, reading comprehension, and grammar. Students may also be asked to meet with the Italian faculty via Zoom for a brief conversation in order to ascertain fluency Italian. To fine-tune their placement, after this meeting, 学生可能会被要求就任何主题提交一篇400字的文章. 

Contact: Giulio Genovese (

Notes: 所有希望学习意大利语的具有意大利语背景的学生都需要.

日语课程包括在线考试和一篇手写论文. 如有需要,可安排Zoom口头面谈. The online exam provided by the University of Tsukuba (Japan) and and the essay should be completed and submitted by July 1, 2024


Deadline: July 1, 2024
Contact: Tetsuya Sato (

Notes: 所有希望学习日语的具有一定日语背景的入学学生都必须参加.

分班考试包括14道语法题, translation, vocabulary, and reading comprehension.

Contact: Youngji Son (

Notes: 所有希望学习韩语的有韩语背景的新生.

考试中有关于形态(婉转名词和形容词)的部分, providing different verb forms), 把拉丁语中的短句翻译成英语, 以及一段较长的从拉丁语到英语的段落. 

Contact: Miriam Kamil (

Notes: 所有希望学习拉丁语的有拉丁语背景的学生都必须参加.

分班考试是一种适应性的语法选择题考试, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. 它还包括一份语言背景问卷. 问卷上的信息将是你安置的重要部分. Students who place above Intermediate will be asked to submit a previously written essay in Spanish. 学生只允许参加一次分班考试. 

Contact: Kaylea Berard (

Notes: 所有希望学习西班牙语的有西班牙语背景的新生.


There is no formal placement exam. Students with prior knowledge of Greek should contact Professor Radcliffe Edmonds by mid-July to discuss placement.

Contact: Radcliffe Edmonds (

There is no formal placement exam. Students with prior knowledge of Russian interested in placing out of Elementary Russian should contact Professor Walsh by July 19. 

Contact: Irina Walsh (

Placement in Other Fields

An AP Biology score of 5 or an IB Biology score of 7 can be used to satisfy one semester of introductory biology; an additional semester of Biology 110/111/115 is required to fulfill the introductory biology requirement for the Biology major. However, students should keep in mind that placement out of one semester of introductory biology based on AP/IB scores does not satisfy the pre-requisite for 200/300-level courses. Students considering fulfilling one semester of introductory biology based on AP or IB scores are strongly encouraged to speak with the Chair of the Department to discuss this option.

Students with credit for the AP Chem exam (score of 4 or 5)  are eligible to place out of Chem 103 and enroll directly in the second semester of General Chemistry (Chem 104) in the spring.  Students with credit for the IB or A-Level may be eligible to begin their studies directly with Organic Chemistry (Chem 211). 遇到上述情况的学生应向化学系主任咨询, Jonas Goldsmith.  所有其他学生都应该从化学103开始他们的化学学习.  

Students have a choice of three different courses with which to begin their computer science study at Bryn Mawr: CMSC 109 (Introduction to Computing), CMSC 113 (Computer Science I), and, very rarely, CMSC 151 (Intro to Data Structures). CMSC 109和113都对没有计算机编程经验的学生开放, 但也适合有经验的学生. CMSC 113期望比109更高的数学成熟度, AP水平的微积分, Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Economics, or Computer Science; or IB Mathematics HL; or an SAT score of 650 or higher in Mathematics; or ACT score of 28 or higher in Mathematics.  Students interested in CMSC 151 should contact Professor Dianna Xu of the Computer Science department.

Students interested in taking intermediate or advanced dance courses should attend the first day of class during the first week of classes to have priority consideration for the desired course. 安排实习的主要联系人是舞蹈项目主任. Lela Aisha Jones, 学期开始时,学生可以就每门所需课程与教员联系. 请参考课程目录和舞蹈项目网站找到合适的教师. 

大多数入学的学生将选修经济学105的经济学原理. The Economics Department may waive the Econ 105 prerequisite for students who score a 5 on both the Microeconomics and Macroeconomics AP exams. A score of 6 or7 on the Economics Higher Level Exam of the International Baccalaureate also permits a waiver. The waiver does not count as course credit toward the major or minor; majors and minors receiving advanced placement must still take a total of 10 and six courses in economics, respectively. Students who receive a waiver can enroll in a 200-level economics elective as their first economics course. 豁免不是自动的,必须得到系主任的确认. Students qualifying for a waiver should meet with the department chair during Customs New Student Orientation to confirm the waiver and for advice on the elective that will substitute for Econ 105.

数学的分班是高度个性化的. 提供并推荐分班考试作为信息来源, but the results are not binding. 对数学或需要或需要数学的领域(自然科学)感兴趣的学生, economics, computer science) should familiarize themselves with the information available on Moodle and take any placement tests recommended or required.

The Psychology Department will waive the Psych 105 prerequisite for students who score a 5 on the AP exam. Such students are qualified to take any 200-level psychology course and are encouraged to discuss their plans with faculty during Customs New Student Orientation.