
推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜致力于提供一个欢迎, inclusive and respectful environment for all community members. 我们重视传统有助于在当前学生之间建立的社区和关系,以及他们与过去和未来几代人建立的联系. Because we value relationships that are founded in respect, it is incumbent upon each generation of students to evaluate not only traditions but all student-run activities, 包括那些为欢迎新成员加入俱乐部而设计的, 团队, 和宿舍, 消除任何可能被视为欺辱的因素. 

学院不容许欺侮. 任何学生, 学生团体, 学生组织, 团队, and/or other person associated with a 学生组织 found responsible for 被欺侮, 而被欺侮, 或本政策下的组织欺凌, 无论是发生在校内还是校外, may face disciplinary action from the College under the College policies and the Honor Code, and may also face criminal charges under Pennsylvania State Law. 折磨精神或身体上的痛苦, 尴尬, 骚扰 or 嘲笑 on a community member for the purposes of initiation or entry into any organization, club or group is inconsistent with Bryn Mawr’s values and will not be tolerated. It shall not be a defense that the consent of the student was sought or obtained, nor that the conduct was sanctioned or approved by an organization.  The College encourages all members of the College community who believe that they have witnessed, 有经验的, 或者知道构成欺侮的行为, 而被欺侮, 或违反本政策的组织性欺凌行为,向本科学院院长或校园安全主任报告.

Allegations of hazing will be investigated and may lead to a Dean’s Panel and/or criminal charges. Procedures for the conduct of a Dean’s Panel are found elsewhere in this Student Handbook. In addition to the educative measures and warnings important to all responses to misconduct or insensitivity, 对违反这一政策的个人的制裁可能包括恢复性行动,如社区服务或教育任务, 与书院分离, 罚款, 和/或转介给执法部门. 此外, 个别学生组织,如俱乐部或运动队,可能会受到制裁,并被禁止举办活动或作为一个团体参加活动.  宾夕法尼亚州法律包括一项“安全港”条款,该条款为立即报告欺侮行为以获得受害者医疗照顾的个人提供刑事起诉保护,学院在纪律处分/诉讼中也提供同样的保护.

学院认识到有些活动可以帮助建立社区,而有些活动可能会造成伤害. 对某些人来说似乎无害的乐趣可能对其他人来说是深深的羞辱,并以其他消极的方式影响他们. 学生应该意识到自己的权利, 责任, and resources available to them so that they can make informed decisions. 我们希望所有学生都了解这项政策及其基本原理,并了解在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜欺辱政策下,什么是欺辱, 其他学院政策和宾夕法尼亚州法律.  学院将对违反本政策或与欺侮有关的联邦或州法律的行为向学院报告五年一份. The College will update the report biennially on January 1 and August 1, and will post the updated report on the College’s 校园安全 webpage.

宾夕法尼亚州法律(18宾夕法尼亚州.C.S. §2801等序列.)

§ 2802.  被欺侮.

(a)定义的罪行. — A person commits the offense of hazing if the person intentionally, 有意或无意, 为了启动的目的, admitting or affiliating a minor or student into or with an organization, or for the purpose of continuing or enhancing a minor or student's membership or status in an organization, 原因, coerces or forces a minor or student to do any of the following:
(2)食用任何食物, 液体, 含酒精的液体, drug or other substance which subjects the minor or student to a risk of emotional or physical harm.
(3)忍受身体上的残酷, 包括鞭打, 打, 品牌, 健美操或暴露在自然环境中.
(4)忍受精神上的残酷, including activity adversely affecting the mental health or dignity of the individual, 睡眠不足, exclusion from social contact or conduct that could result in extreme 尴尬.
(6)  Endure any other activity that creates a reasonable likelihood of bodily 受伤 to the minor or student.

(1)  Except as provided under paragraph (2), hazing is a summary offense.

(c)限制. — 被欺侮 shall not include reasonable and customary athletic, 执法或军事训练, 竞赛, 比赛或活动.

§ 2803. 而被欺侮.

(a)定义的罪行. — 如果某人违反第2802条(与欺侮有关),导致未成年人或学生严重身体伤害或死亡,并且:
(1)  the person acts with reckless indifference to the health and safety of the minor or student; or
(2)人的原因, coerces or forces the 消费 of an 含酒精的液体 or drug by the minor or student.

(b)评分. -严重欺侮是三级重罪.

§ 2804. 组织被欺侮.

(a)定义的罪行. -一个组织有意地, 故意或不顾后果地促进或协助违反第2802条(有关欺侮)或2803条(有关加重欺侮)的行为,构成组织欺侮罪,应受到以下任何处罚:
(1)  A fine of not more than $5,000 for each violation of section 2802.
(2)  A fine of not more than $15,000 for each violation of section 2803.

(b)处罚. -除任何其他判刑外, if an organization commits the offense of organizational hazing, the organization shall be subject to such other relief as the court deems equitable.

§ 2806. 防御禁止.

It shall not be a defense to any offense under this chapter that any of the following apply:
(1)  The consent of the minor or student was sought or obtained.
(2)  The conduct was sanctioned or approved by the institution, secondary school or organization.


§ 2810. 安全港.

(a)  Immunity for the individual seeking medical attention for another. — 如果个人能够证明下列所有情况,则不应因本章规定的犯罪而被起诉:
(1)执法人员首先意识到该个人违反了本章,因为该个人拨打了911电话或联系了校园保安, 警察或紧急服务, 基于一个合理的信念,即另一个人需要立即就医,以防止死亡或严重的身体伤害.
(2)该个人合理地认为该个人是第一个拨打911电话或联系校园保安的人, 警察或紧急服务,并报告个人需要立即就医,以防止死亡或严重的身体伤害.
(3)个人向911接线员或同等的校园保安人员提供了自己的姓名, 警察或紧急服务人员.
(4)  The individual remained with the individual needing medical assistance until a campus security officer, 警察或紧急服务人员 arrived and the need for the individual's presence had ended.

(b) Derivative immunity for the individual needing medical attention. — 需要医疗照顾的个人,可根据本条豁免因触犯本章或第6308(a)条(与购买有关)而被检控, 消费, 持有或运输酒类或麦芽或酿造饮料),前提是存在根据本章指控犯罪的可能理由的另一个人报告了该事件,并与需要医疗照顾的个人呆在一起,而另一个人符合本节规定的安全港资格.

(c)局限性. — The safe harbors described under this section shall be limited as follows:
(2)  This section shall not interfere with or prevent the investigation, 逮捕, charging or prosecution of an individual for a crime other than an offense under this chapter or section 6308(a).

(d)民事豁免. — In addition to any other applicable immunity or limitation on civil liability, 执法人员, 校园保安或检察官谁, 诚信行事, 指控其后被确定有权根据本条享有豁免的人,不得因提出指控而承担民事责任.

§ 2811. 民事补救措施.

Nothing in this chapter precludes a civil remedy otherwise provided by law.


被欺侮 includes not only actions or situations which cause pain, 受伤, 身体压力, fatigue or discomfort; it includes those that may produce 尴尬, 嘲笑, 骚扰, 焦虑, 精神或情绪上的不适, 或者威胁或恐吓. 构成欺侮的行为很难辨认, especially by those who participate in those activities themselves. If you are planning an activity or event for your peers, ask yourself the following questions. If you answer “yes” to any of them, your event may involve hazing.

  • 你会犹豫描述一下这个活动吗, 或者展示它的照片或视频, 给你的父母, 迪安, 教授, 或雇主?
  • Would you be uncomfortable if the details of the activity were made public or appeared on the local news?
  • 这个活动是否涉及欺骗? 
  • Does the activity involve nudity or clothing that is conspicuous or in poor taste? 
  • 这种活动会让身体不舒服吗? 它是否涉及体力消耗、噪音、热或冷? 
  • 活动会有压力吗? 这会导致尴尬或焦虑吗? 
  • 是否存在安全问题或受伤风险? 
  • Does the schedule interfere with academic work, sleep, or self-care? 
  • 这些活动是否违反了任何法律或学校政策?   
  • 如果有人不想参与呢? 在像布林莫尔这样尊重人的社区里, 人们想当然地认为,人们会尊重和倾听任何选择退出或公开反对别人认为是常态的活动的学生. 做其他事情吗?, 比如因为不参与而排斥某人, 强权本身就是欺侮. 
  • If no one opts out or objects to an activity, is that evidence that it’s not hazing? 记住,欺侮本质上是一种社会胁迫. 仅仅因为某人同意参加一项活动,并有权选择参加或不参加,并不意味着该活动不是欺侮. Peer pressure and the desire to belong may undermine a person’s ability to provide true consent. 
  • 如果我不确定,我可以从哪里得到指导? 任何院长, 教练, 或者推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜工作人员会很乐意提供帮助, 荣誉委员会的成员也一样.



