

Dates: January 30- February 10, 2024

Exclusive Bryn Mawr Departure

To reserve your spot now, 点击这里 or contact Immersion Journeys at info@immersionjourneys.com.


热烈欢迎.3 billion hosts- enjoy their hospitality and ready smiles! Bask in a monument to everlasting love with a visit to the Taj Mahal; experience a slice of Delhi, 前英属印度的所在地,现在是印度的首都. 漫步在由强大的莫卧儿王朝建造的著名堡垒的城墙上,沉浸在构成印度的无数文化中的色彩和活力中.

成本 & 夹杂物

Ground Cost (double occupancy): $6,500 per person 
Single room supplement: $2,550


  • 豪华住宿.
  • 午餐和指示.
  • 欢迎和告别晚宴,包括葡萄酒,本地啤酒和软饮料.
  • 机场接送,旅游和短途旅行在行程中注明.
  • All domestic flights indicated in the itinerary.
  • All monument entry fees.
  • English-speaking guide/tour manager.
  • 预先安排餐点的导游、司机及餐厅可获预付小费.

Optional Pre-Tour: January 26-30, 2024
孟买 & 的阿旃陀 & 埃洛拉洞穴

参观充满活力的城市孟买和世界上最大的岩石切割寺院-寺庙洞穴群,以及联合国教科文组织世界遗产:阿jantra和Ellora由古代佛教组成, Jain and Hindu temples and rock carvings. 

$1,695 per person (double occupancy)/ $550 single room supplement

Extension Pricing Includes: 

  • Accommodations as indicated with daily breakfast, 孟买之旅, tour of Ajantra and Ellora caves, all local flights (economy class.)
  • Gratuities and other meals are not included.

Optional Post-tour: February 10-14, 2024
瓦拉纳西 & Khajuraho

沉浸在位于恒河岸边的印度最神圣的城市. 在卡久拉霍,参观建于公元900年左右的著名的历史悠久的东西寺庙建筑群.

$1,755 per person (double occupancy)/ $590 single room supplement

Extension Pricing Includes: 

  • Accommodations as indicated with daily breakfast, guided tours with English-speaking guide, all local flights (economy class.)
  • Gratuities and other meals are not included. 


Arrive to Delhi: meet on arrival and be transferred to your hotel. 

The historic tour begins at Jama Masjid, the largest mosque in India. Drive past the magnificent Red Fort, a marvel in red sandstone, built on the banks of River Yamuna by the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan. 

12世纪的库塔布尖塔是一座优雅的手工雕刻的尖塔,整个高度为234英尺,这在当时是一个工程奇迹. 参观**马雍陵墓,它是莫卧儿建筑风格的先驱. The tour will also stop at India Gate, the President’s Residence, 议会大厦和秘书处大楼——维多利亚和20世纪建筑的有趣融合. 

下午参观国家现代美术馆(周一闭馆), the Gallery has a repertoire exhibits by contemporary Indian artists. The gallery was earlier the palace of the Maharaja of Jaipur. 它展示了大约4,000幅印度画, 19世纪中期至今的雕塑和图形艺术. 


Depart for Agra- home of the famous Taj Mahal.

参观阿格拉堡. 这座堡垒由阿克巴皇帝于1565年建造,以其融合了印度和中亚的建筑风格而闻名.

unset visit to the famous Taj Mahal. 这是莫卧儿皇帝沙贾汗建造的,是对他最爱的妻子蒙塔兹·玛哈尔的爱的致敬. 这座纪念碑是人类工业的惊人壮举,也是美丽的完美典范, symmetry and aesthetics. 

Breakfast and lunch included. 

早餐后驱车前往斋浦尔,在印度最大最深的井之一Abhaneri Stepwell停下来,这是一个重要的水源. Step wells were a prominent feature in arid, 沙漠环境和水的主要来源为旅行者和当地村庄方圆数英里. 它们错综复杂的设计象征着该地区的地位和财富,经常受到当地国王的委托.

Arrive in Jaipur popularly known as “Pink City”. 斋浦尔被认为是印度第一个在住宅区和商业区之间有明确隔离的规划城市. 如果时间允许的话, 导游将带您徒步游览历史悠久的市场和小巷,在那里您将开始感受到城市设计.      

Breakfast and lunch included.

Visit the Amber Fort which is a classic, romantic Rajasthani Fort Palace, 因为它的坚固, time- ravaged walls and fascinating palaces inside. Walk the ramparts of this imposing structure. Once you reach the top, 你可以一览无余地看到下面的城市和远处的群山.

城市宫殿是皇室的旧居,现在是博物馆. Built in the style of a fortified campus, the palace covers almost one-seventh in area of the old city. 博物馆的主要景点之一是军械库博物馆,里面陈列着一系列令人印象深刻的武器. 在Jantar Mantar停下来,它是世界上最大的石头和大理石制作的天文台之一. 天文台有17个大型仪器,其中许多都处于工作状态. 

Breakfast and lunch included.

*Due to animal cruelty concerns, 在攀登和下降琥珀堡时,沉浸式旅行避免提供大象背的游乐设施.

Located near the India/ Pakistan border, 它也被称为“黄金之城”,这要归功于当地开采的黄色砂岩,它的表面是暗淡的金色,这也是它的名字的由来. Named after its founder Maharawal Jaisal Singh, a Rajput king in 1156 AD, “Jaisalmer” means “the Hill Fort of Jaisal”.

Breakfast and lunch included. 

Tour the Jaisalmer Fort. Built in 1156 by the Bhati Rajputs, 位于特里库塔山上,几个世纪以来一直是许多战争的发生地. 这座堡垒也是为数不多的拥有寺庙、酒店、学校和商店的“活堡垒”.

之后参观一些由富有的商人建造的斋沙默尔重要的havelis(豪宅). 许多作品描绘的图像和雕塑反映了他们的激情和愚蠢,比如Nathmalji-ki-Haveli,其正面错综复杂地覆盖着鲜花, 鸟, 大象, 士兵, a bicycle and even a steam engine. 

Breakfast and lunch included.

焦特布尔是拉贾斯坦邦的第二大城市,有着悠久的战争和繁荣的历史. 这个小镇位于具有战略意义的德里-古吉拉特邦公路上,作为一条贸易路线而繁荣起来. 今天, Jodhpur is world renowned for its fashion, polo team and destination wedding venues thanks to its backdrop.

Breakfast and lunch included.

Visit the Mehrangarh Fort perched on a 37 meter high hill. 由Rao Jodha建造, 这个堡垒现在是这个国家最好的博物馆之一,它的画廊里有大象的雕像, 轿子, 绘画, 木工技术, 纺织品等. The base of the Mehrangarh hill, is surrounded by houses painted blue, to signify that Brahmins live in them. 如今,这里仍然有大量粉刷过的房屋,正是这些房屋给了这座城市一个名字——焦特布尔的蓝色城市.

Breakfast and lunch included.

前往乌代普尔,在拉纳克普尔停留,参观著名的耆那教寺庙. 这座寺庙建筑群是耆那教建筑的美丽典范,拥有一千多根雕刻独特的大理石柱子. 

乌代普尔被认为是世界上最浪漫的地方之一,到处都是湖泊和“漂浮”的宫殿, set amidst rolling hills.

Breakfast and lunch included.

On this excursion, visit the City Palace complex. Built along the banks of the Lake Pichola, 这是自城市建立以来一直存在的一系列宫殿,里面收藏着皇家衣橱的藏品, 绘画, 车厢, 军械库和更多. Walk the quaint streets and end up in the imposing Jagdish temple. Unlike the temples at Ranakpur which are much simpler in design, 贾格迪什神庙有复杂的雕刻,献给毗湿奴(印度教三位一体的守护神)。. 

Breakfast, lunch and dinner included.

悠闲的早晨. 下午晚些时候,您将被转移到乌代普尔机场,转乘飞往德里的航班. On arrival check in at a hotel near the airport. Later you will be transferred to the airport for your flight home.




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