Hanna Holborn Gray 研究 Grant 应用程序 & 信息


Before applying, read these 重要的通知 concerning research on human subjects and 旅行 restrictions. You will be asked to provide details about your proposed project, including location, 时间表, and recommender names.

If you are proposing a project that involves observation and/or interviews of people, the online application will prompt you to provide details about your research methodology pertaining to requirements of the Institutional Review Board.

HHG 研究 Fellowship 应用程序

The application includes one essay:

研究 Proposal

Be as specific as possible about the focus of the proposed research and what you would hope to accomplish in 8-10 weeks of full-time research. Include at least one analytical question you will explore in your research. You must also explain how your proposed research contributes to your major field of study, and include a short, 1-page bibliography of texts that will be essential to the project. Length: 两个 to three pages double-spaced plus one-page bibliography. 例子:



  • Arrange for recommendations from 两个 members of the Bi-Co faculty.

  • One from a Bi-Co faculty member who is familiar with your academic work and who will serve as your 教师 Advisor for your summer research.
  • One from a faculty member who knows your academic work. If you will have a second 教师 Advisor, they should write this recommendation.

发送 recommendation form link to your recommenders at least three weeks before the application deadline.

You must also provide your recommender information about your application (a draft of your research project proposal, academic development 状态ment and/or resume).


Contact Eleanor Stanford, 奖学金 Advisor, estanford1@wolaipei.com.

Important Notices

  • For students proposing projects that involve research on human subjects (this includes any research that involves interviews or observation), please acquaint yourself with the procedures of the Institutional Review Board and discuss with your faculty advisor. 一旦获得, in order to receive the fellowship funding, students are required to have their research approved by the IRB. This can be a lengthy and involved process, so it is advisable to begin early.
  • 研究 projects may not take place in a country on either the U.S. State Department "warning" or Treasury "embargo" lists (except when an embargo is specifically directed toward a narrow set of individuals or circumstances in a country). Travel warnings can be accessed at: www.旅行.状态.政府.

星期一,2月. 5、2025年中午.


HHG Fellows are eligible for BMC summer housing