
至少40人 马歇尔奖学金 每年获奖. They may be held at any British university and cover one or two years of graduate study in almost any discipline. The scholarship covers all tuition costs and fees; it also provides a monthly stipend and some funds for travels and books. The Marshall Commission maintains a very useful website, and interested students should familiarize themselves with the rules for candidates, 常见问题, and the various resources about British universities and academic programs.


  • 初步: 8月. 1, 2024
  • 内部: 9月. 1, 2024
  • 外部: 9月. 24, 2024


The Marshall Scholarship has three basic conditions of eligibility:

  • U.S. citizenship (at the time of application)
  • Completion of an undergraduate degree within the 3 years prior to beginning study in the UK
  • Cumulative grade point average of not less than 3.7

顾问: Eleanor (Ellie) Stanford, 交通顾问

选择标准: Candidates for the Marshall Scholarship should demonstrate “distinction of intellect and character,” as well as “strong motivation and seriousness of purpose.” Both in their academic work and other activities, strong Marshall applicants will show evidence of the potential to be leaders in society. 最后, a strong Marshall application will offer a well thought-out rationale for the proposed academic program.

初步的应用程序: Because competition for this scholarship is so intense, it is important to begin the application process early. The initial application is intended to get you started putting together the materials you will need for later stages. 基于您的初始申请, you will receive feedback from the 奖学金 顾问 regarding whether you have the potential to receive institutional endorsement and if so what steps you should take and what concerns you will have to address to earn that endorsement.

Marshall 初步 Application Form

The preliminary application will consist of the following:

  • A current, comprehensive resumé, including employment, activities, honors, skills, and languages. 这不必局限于一页. Please include a description of planned employment or other activities for the upcoming summer and fall.
  • The names of four potential writers of letter of recommendation, at least three of whom should be professors. You are advised to inform these writers of your plans to apply for this fellowship.
  • 个人陈述工作表
  • A list of any other fellowships you are planning to apply for
  • A list of any questions you have about the fellowship or the application process

官方秋季内部申请: 潜在的申请者 must register on the Marshall website in order to access the online application. 在第一阶段, you submit your application electronically to Eleanor (Ellie) Stanford, 交通顾问, and are interviewed soon after by the Committee on 奖学金 and Prizes here on campus. This application includes the following elements:

一份3页的申请表, including a section asking about “personal interests and non-academic activities” and a “brief statement of future career aims."

Personal statement of not more than 1,000 words describing your “academic and other interests and pursuits.”

  • A description (not more than 500 words) of your “proposed academic programme, giving reasons for your choice of course and preferred university.”
  • A brief essay (not more than 500 words) describing your reasons for pursuing graduate study in the UK
  • 四封推荐信
  • 点击这里 说明和建议 给你的推荐人.

On the basis of that application and interview, the Committee will decide whether or not to endorse your application.  如果你被选为提名人, the committee will prepare an official letter of support for your application. You will also receive some feedback on your application and have a short time period in which to revise materials for your final application. The better and more polished your initial application; the likelier you are to have a strong interview, 一封强有力的支持信, and the strongest possible final application.

外部应用程序: Revised application must be submitted to Eleanor (Ellie) Stanford, 交通顾问, at least two days before the official external deadline. 如果有必要的话, you should be prepared to make last-minute editorial corrections and must submit the corrected version by 5 p.m. on the day before the published external deadline.

递交申请后: Candidates selected for interview will be notified by mid-September. They must take a printed and signed copy of their application and four passport-size photos to their interviews. The final selection will be announced shortly after the interview. Successful applicants will be offered a scholarship in writing, and will be asked to accept or decline this offer, 还有书面形式, 收到后12天内.