Special Credit-No Credit Policy for 2020 and Spring 2021

The Special Grading policies put into place for Spring 2020, Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 allow for the following exceptions to the Credit/No Credit policy – Courses in the major could be taken CR/N; CR grades that cover a merit grade (2.0 or better) can count toward the major and College requirements; P (Pass) grades assigned by a faculty member in Spring 2020 may count toward the major and College requirements.

  • Students will be allowed to declare up to four (4) courses in the 2020-21 academic year CR/NC.
  • Students may choose to use the four (4) Credit/No Credits in one semester or spread them across both semesters in the way that works best for them.
  • These will not count toward the overall limit of four (4) CR/NC courses currently allowed over the student’s time at Bryn Mawr.
  • Students will have until June 14th, 2021, after the end of the Spring 2021 semester, to decide which courses taken in the academic Year 2020-2021 will appear as CR/NC on their transcripts.
  • Students can retroactively decide to 发现 grades at any time including after graduation, with the stipulation that once 发现ed they will remain 发现ed.
  • Students can declare courses in their major CR/NC, but if the grade is below 2.0, it will be at the department’s discretion whether or not to count that course toward the major. The same applies for prerequisites.
  • 教师 will assign letter grades to all students as usual; t在这里 is no option for faculty to declare a course Pass/Fail during the academic year 2020-2021.

What does that mean for the Fall 2020 semester?

  1. You can use all four Credit/No Credits in the Fall if that works best for you, but you do not have to make that decision until after Spring grades are available.
  2. You can update a course in 仿生 in the usual way through the end of exams if you wish – the deadline of November 20th has been removed
  3. A form will be available in 仿生 later this semester for you to select and adjust your Credit/No Credit choices through the June deadline. I will share instructions and information once the form is available.
  4. Recognizing that long term plans may be impacted by decisions made now, you will be able to 发现 a course covered by a Credit (CR) grade during the academic year 2020-2021, after this academic year is over. Once 发现ed the decision cannot be changed.  We will create a form for the requests which become available after June.


  1. If I select courses CR/NC in Fall, do I still have until June 14 to adjust them once I see my grades for the full year? Does that count as “发现ing”? You will have until the final deadline, June 14th, to select to cover a course. Changes during the 2020-2021 academic year will not count as 发现ing. We suggest waiting until the end of the year to make your decisions, but t在这里 may be reasons you wish to make some decisions for Fall earlier than June 14th.
  2. Can I use one of my regular credit/no credits during AY 2020-2021? No, the 2020-2021 Policy is in place for this academic year which allows four additional CR/NCs.
  3. If I take a course for an approach or other College Wide Requirement CR/NC do I have to get a 2.0或以上 for it to count toward the requirement? Yes, the grade threshold for requirements is still a 2.0或以上.  但是1分的成绩.0 and above are covered by the CR grade.

Uncovering Credit-No Credit Grades for Courses Taken Fall 2020 and Spring 2021

Students can retroactively decide to 发现 grades at any time including after graduation, with the stipulation that once 发现ed they will remain 发现ed.To request that a course grade be 发现ed please complete the form at this link

Emergency CR/NCR Policy for Spring 2020 [PDF 在这里]

Instructions for how to change Credit/No-Credit for Fall 2020 and Spring 2021  [PDF 在这里]

点击 在这里 for more information about Credit-No Credit in general at Bryn Mawr.




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