



Here is information about Exams at Bryn Mawr and detailed information about the Honor Code at 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.

  • 到2楼会馆领取和归还试卷.
  • 至少在考试开始前15分钟到达考场. 
  • You will be asked to fill out a blue card with your name and the course name and number for the self-scheduled exam.
  • Go into room 203 where the exam envelopes are organized by department.  把你的卡片交给监考老师,他会给你试卷.  Check the label on the exam envelope to be sure you have the exam you want. 
  • Exams may be taken in Taylor Hall classrooms, or designated rooms in the Park Science Building. 
  • Select a room, find a seat, and circle your location on the exam envelope
  • 如有需要,各考场均备有空白考试手册.
  • Wait until the beginning of the exam session to open the exam envelope. 在考试信封上注明你的开始时间.
  • 记录你的考试时间是你的责任. Note: If you arrive late to an exam, you may not extend time to make up for lost time.
  • 一旦你完成了考试, 在信封外面写上你完成的时间, 把所有考试材料-考试, 蓝色的书, 草稿纸, 等等,放进考试信封.
  • 将试卷送回公会大厅2楼203室
  • You 必须 turn in your exam within 10 minutes of the end of the exam session.

Proctors are available in Taylor and Park during the exam periods – they are there to help you!

  • If you notice an issue with the exam – missing a page, skips a question number, etc. – ask a proctor to call the 注册商’s Office – we will be able to assist you.
  • 如果你感到不舒服,不要担心
    • make a note of the time you stopped taking the exam on the exam envelope
    • tell the student proctor you are not feeling well and give them your exam
    • 回到你的房间——如果合适的话,也可以去健康中心
    • 请发邮件给你的导师,院长和 registrar@wolaipei.com
    • 不为考试继续学习了吗
    • 我们将保持联系,计划下一步行动

拿起并返回考试的上层 公会大厅 (203室).  Plan on arriving several minutes prior to your exam time to allow for time to go to the exam room.


  • 泰勒B*, C, D, E, F, G, & 研讨会
  • 180、278或300*


注意:接受住宿的学生请访问 访问服务 部分,查看自选考试时间和考试说明.

If you wake up on your scheduled exam day (self-scheduled or instructor-scheduled) with symptoms of COVID-19, 你应该呆在家里,联系健康中心. 要求延期和重新安排考试需要沟通. Once you have determined that you have symptoms of COVID-19 and are going to stay home from your exam, 给你的院长和指导老师发邮件让他们知道.

注:根据学校规定, 如果症状在24小时内消失, 个人可以回到校园活动, 如果症状持续超过24小时, individuals should not return to campus activities unless cleared by a medical provider.


  1. Don’t open exam envelopes or write in bluebooks until the 3 hour exam period officially begins.
  2. 必须参加自行安排的考试 只有 在泰勒教室或公园180 278或300.  在其他地方参加自考是被禁止的.
  3. 需要书本的考试, 笔记, 外文词典, 或其他材料被认为是“开卷考试”,可能 只有 在泰勒B区或公园300区.  No books, 笔记, or other materials are allowed in the other Taylor or Park exam rooms.  然而, 所有考场都允许使用计算器. 
  4. 考卷必须在考试开始时领取. Self-scheduled exams are three hours long unless your instructor has specified a shorter time limit.  If you finish the exam early, return your exam to the proctors in 公会大厅. 
  5. 考试期间,考场内禁止交谈.  请尽量不要弄出很大的噪音.
  6. 要么等你考完试, 或者在考试结束的时候, put all of the used bluebooks and exam questions (including the bluebooks in which you have written any 笔记 during the exam) back into the exam envelope and return the envelope to the proctors in 公会大厅.  如果你做不到, you will receive an incomplete in the course and will be asked to report yourself to the Head of Honor Board.
  7. 根据教规, failure to take or return a final exam results in an automatic failure of that exam, 不一定是课程. Please consult with your professors for course-specific information regarding when your exams are due.
  8. 你可以在考试期间离开考场休息一下.  然而, 你不能带任何书, 笔记, 或者考试材料, nor may you add any time to the end of the period in order to recover lost time.
  9. 可以完成试卷的打字 只有 在指定的房间和 只有 由注册主任办公室事先安排.
  10. 一旦你打开考试信封, 你必须在期末交试卷, 除非在下列特殊情况下:a)疾病, B)不完整或错误的考试.
    • 如果你在考试时生病了,不要惊慌。.  Record the time at which you had to stop taking the exam and report the situation to the proctor in your examination building.  Give them all your used bluebooks, the exam questions, and the envelope. 接下来,您 必须 到健康中心报到.
    • 如果您收到不完整的考试或错误的考试, record the time at which you stopped and report the situation to the proctor in your examination building.  The proctor will notify the office overseeing the test session to get you a complete and correct exam.  请务必记录你向监考老师报告的时间. 一旦你得到一个正确的考试, you will be allotted the same amount of time that remained in your prior exam period.
  11. 所有Haverford, 斯沃斯莫尔, 和宾夕法尼亚大学的学生, 特殊的学生, post-bacs and grad students who take undergraduate courses at Bryn Mawr are subject to Bryn Mawr’s Honor Code.  类似的, Bryn Mawr students taking courses at other institutions are subject to their honor codes and/or exam procedures.  如果你在另一所学校上课, 你应该在考试前弄清楚考试规则是什么.
  12. Arrangements for the distribution and collection of take-home exams should be made between the student and their instructor.  No work should be sent through campus mail or left outside of office doors.
  13. The Honor Code applies to all take-home exams and papers given in lieu of exams.

自行安排考试是一种特权.  如果我们滥用这个特权,我们就会失去它.  Let’s all do our part to maintain our unique system by observing the rules of the Honor Code and by proctoring.

如果你怀疑可能发生了违反荣誉守则的行为, 遵循下面列出的适当程序.

  1. Positively confront the problem by initiating a conversation with the person whose actions you question by stating your observations and asking clarifying questions in a private setting, 如果可能的话.  倾听他们的回应. 在谈话结束后, (一)没有违法行为的, 你不需要再做什么了, or (2) if you have reason to believe that an Honor Code violation may have taken place, 进入第二步.
  2. Ask the person to report themselves to the Head of the Honor Board within the next 48 hours.  If you have not received an email from the Head of Honor Board within 48 hours of the confrontation, 你应该亲自联系荣誉委员会主席. An Honor Board report consists of a brief explanation of the confrontation and an description of the alleged violation, 写在一封电子邮件给 honorboard@wolaipei.com. The co-heads of the Honor Board will inquire about the situation and determine the best path forward to address the situation.
  3. 还记得!  对抗应该 只有 发生在当事人之间.  It is not in the spirit of the Code to discuss possible violations with anyone other than the student directly involved or an Honor Board member.  记住,不是每次对峙都会导致听证会.  迅速消除误解是很重要的, 尤其是期末考试对每个人来说都是压力很大的时候! 



101 N. 梅里恩大街.