
作为毕业生, majors in 城市的成长与结构 have pursued careers that reflect their interests and experiences in cities worldwide and their commitments to active and thoughtful civic participation. For many, this involves professional training in 体系结构, 规划, 教育, 先进学科, 法律, 政府, 医学, 公共卫生, 和业务. Others have carved out their own paths as developers, 餐馆老板, 非政府组织顾问, 环保人士, 艺术家, 作家, 还有音乐节目主持人. Alums who have worked with mass media at ESPN or in Bollywood have directed the Main Street Center for the National Trust for Historic Preservation, 设计了华盛顿, D.C.'s 9/11 Memorial, and have organized neighborhoods in which they live and work. In all these ways and more, GSC graduates have made their mark on cities worldwide. And many continue to share with us their experiences and reflections on Cities as they participate actively in metropolitan growth and development, 提高家庭, and mentor new students and alums.


体系结构 has always been one of the most popular career paths for Cities students. In addition to work in 体系结构 and urban design, others have gone on to teach in architectural history at universities ranging from 加州大学伯克利分校 to the University of Washington. Other alums have extended their undergraduate architectural training in work with 住房, 风景, 或计划.


Public service is also a core of the program, reflected in the many students who work with 政府 organizations and civic foundations worldwide. 经常, these students develop their professional interests through schools in 规划 or public policy. While some students have chosen to pursue this through the 3+2 Master in City and Regional Planning 与潘, others have also studied for advanced degrees at MIT, 纽约大学, 加州大学伯克利分校, 和伦敦大学学院, sometimes in conjunction with specific programs that allow them to develop their interests in 教育, 住房, 或者其他领域. Others have developed their interests in governance through programs in Public Policy at Harvard, 纽约大学, 以及其他机构. These graduates have gone on to work in local, 状态, and national 政府s across the country as well as with private consulting firms, 从那不勒斯开始建立一个网络, 从佛罗里达到南加州, 新墨西哥到阿富汗. Many are active in the 费城 area, providing connections for student internships and advising. Others have prepared for policy work through service with Teach for America, 和平队, or other international organizations in Guatemala, 尼日尔, 以色列, 和巴基斯坦.


Still other graduates have felt that they could better effect policy decisions through 法律 school. 再一次。, their combinations of interests - 法律 and environment, 移民及劳工, 法律与住房, 法律 and international business - show how the interdisciplinary discussions of the Cities program create wider approaches to 法律 school and careers. The same is true for 医学 and 公共卫生, which at first sight might seem uncommon choices for majors grounded in the social sciences and humanities. 尽管如此, Cities students have gone on to medical programs nationwide as well as earning Master's degrees in Public Health from institutions like Johns Hopkins University and Harvard.


Cities students have also chosen to pursue careers in 教育, whether dealing with the classroom at the elementary and high school levels or completing advanced degrees in fields that represent the full range of academic contributions that constitute our cross-disciplinary discussions. Cities alums can be found today in the classroom as teachers or students in universities across the country and the world, 美国研究, 人类学, 建筑历史, 中国历史, 环境心理学, 地理位置, 历史, 和社会学.


Cities students have also been active in business, 加入纽约的律所, 费城, 旧金山, 和波士顿, 加上M.B.A. and management programs to the variety of advanced degree programs in which the issues of changing cities can be debated and shaped. One of the newer areas of professional interest emerging among graduates involves mass media and communication, 从新闻, 电视, and film to the internet—intersecting as well with alums who have become involved in careers in libraries and information management.

Even this list only begins to suggest the careers and interests that Cities students create after graduation. As alums share news of their projects and successes, their families and neighborhoods, 他们的学生和同事, the legacy of the Cities program once again becomes part of urban form, 生活, 和全世界的想象力.



Department of 城市的成长与结构

101 N. 梅里恩大道