
本页显示本学年本系布林莫尔课程安排. 它还显示了该部门在过去四个学年开设的课程的描述.

了解布林莫尔其他院系和项目提供的课程信息,或哈弗福德学院和斯沃斯莫尔学院提供的课程信息, please consult the Course Guides page.

For information about the Academic Calendar, 包括第一和第二季度课程的日期, please visit the College's calendars page.

Fall 2024 ECON

Course Title Schedule/Units Meeting Type Times/Days Location Instr(s)
ECON B105-001 Introduction to Economics Semester / 1 Lecture: 10:10 AM-11:30 AM TTH Taylor Hall E
ECON B105-002 Introduction to Economics Semester / 1 Lecture: 1:10 PM-2:30 PM MW Dalton Hall 119
ECON B105-003 Introduction to Economics Semester / 1 Lecture: 1:10 PM-2:30 PM TTH Dalton Hall 119
ECON B202-001 Intermediate Macroeconomics Semester / 1 Lecture: 10:10 AM-11:30 AM TTH Dalton Hall 119
ECON B208-001 Labor Economics Semester / 1 Lecture: 1:10 PM-2:30 PM MW Nutting,A.
ECON B214-001 Public Finance Semester / 1 Lecture: 2:40 PM-4:00 PM TTH Dalton Hall 119
ECON B217-001 Health Economics Semester / 1 Lecture: 11:40 AM-1:00 PM MW Monge,D.
ECON B225-001 Economic Development Semester / 1 Lecture: 10:10 AM-11:30 AM MW Monge,D.
ECON B236-001 Introduction to International Economics Semester / 1 Lecture: 10:10 AM-11:30 AM TTH Taylor Hall D
ECON B253-001 Introduction to Econometrics Semester / 1 LEC: 2:40 PM-4:00 PM MW Monge,D.
ECON B316-001 International Macroeconomics Semester / 1 Lecture: 1:10 PM-2:30 PM TTH Dalton Hall 2
ECON B324-001 歧视与不平等的经济学 Semester / 1 Lecture: 10:10 AM-11:30 AM MW Dalton Hall 212A

Spring 2025 ECON

Course Title Schedule/Units Meeting Type Times/Days Location Instr(s)
ECON B105-001 Introduction to Economics Semester / 1 Lecture: 10:10 AM-11:30 AM TTH Dalton Hall 119
ECON B105-002 Introduction to Economics Semester / 1 Lecture: 11:40 AM-1:00 PM TTH Dalton Hall 119
ECON B200-001 Intermediate Microeconomics Semester / 1 Lecture: 10:10 AM-11:30 AM TTH Dalton Hall 2
ECON B209-001 Introduction to Behavioral Economics Semester / 1 Lecture: 11:40 AM-1:00 PM MW Dalton Hall 119
ECON B213-001 Industrial organization and Antitrust Semester / 1 Lecture: 1:10 PM-2:30 PM MW Dalton Hall 119
ECON B236-001 Introduction to International Economics Semester / 1 Lecture: 2:40 PM-4:00 PM M Mukherjee,P.
ECON B253-001 Introduction to Econometrics Semester / 1 Lecture: 2:40 PM-4:00 PM TTH Dept. staff, TBA
ECON B304-001 Econometrics Semester / 1 Lecture: 10:10 AM-11:30 AM MW Dalton Hall 2
ECON B394-001 Research Seminar: Labor Economics Semester / 1 Lecture: 12:10 PM-2:00 PM W Dalton Hall 212A
ECON B396-001 Research Seminar: International Economics Semester / 1 Lecture: 12:10 PM-2:00 PM W Dalton Hall 212E

Fall 2025 ECON


2024-25 Catalog Data: ECON

ECON B105 Introduction to Economics

Fall 2024, Spring 2025

微观与宏观经济学导论:机会成本, supply and demand; consumer choice, the firm and output decisions; market structures; efficiency and market failure; the determination of national income, including government spending, money and interest rates; unemployment, inflation and public policy. 先决条件:定量准备所需.

Quantitative Methods (QM)

Quantitative Readiness Required (QR)

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ECON B200 Intermediate Microeconomics

Spring 2025

经济学家用来解释消费者和企业行为的分析框架的系统发展. Determination of price; partial and general equilibria; welfare economics. Application to current economic problems. 前提条件:经济学B105,数学B101(或同等学历),一个200级的经济学选修课. ECON H201 does not count as an elective.

Course does not meet an Approach

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ECON B202 Intermediate Macroeconomics

Fall 2024

本课程的目标是提供对总体经济行为和政府稳定政策可能产生的影响的全面理解. Models of output, inflation, 失业率和利率都在上升, along with theories of consumption, investment, economic growth, exchange rates and the trade balance. 这些模型用于分析财政和货币政策可能产生的宏观经济影响,并探讨当前的宏观经济问题和问题. 先决条件:经济学105,数学B101(或同等学历),和一个200级的经济学选修课. ECON H201 does not count as an elective.

Course does not meet an Approach

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ECON B205 Financial Economics

Not offered 2024-25

这门课涵盖了人们如何在金融市场和中介机构工作的经济学:1)资金筹集和2)风险管理. 该课程涵盖了历史上金融市场的出现,以了解当前的金融体系, the economics of intertemporal choice, 资产配置中风险的度量与管理, the capital asset pricing model, the arbitrage pricing theory, derivatives, the economics of banking, 资本结构和关闭与金融市场危机的历史观点. Prerequisites: ECON B105 ?强烈推荐:经济学B253,经济学H203,经济学H204,或其他200级的统计学课程.

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ECON B207 Money and Banking

Not offered 2024-25

分析美国金融体系的发展和现状, focusing on the monetary and payment systems, financial markets, and financial intermediaries. 已修毕经济课307的学生是否可以选修. Prerequisites: ECON 105.

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ECON B208 Labor Economics

Fall 2024

Analysis of labor markets. 关注决定工资率和失业率的经济力量和公共政策. Specific topics include: human capital, family decision marking, discrimination, immigration, technological change, compensating differentials, and signaling. Prerequisite: ECON B105.

Course does not meet an Approach

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Spring 2025

本课程将向您介绍行为经济学,这是经济学的一个分支,它使用经济模型和心理学的见解来更好地理解和模拟人类行为. 本课程的总体目标是运用这些见解来理解个人在风险情景中的决策, strategic scenarios, cooperation, attention, and more. Prerequisite: ECON B105

Course does not meet an Approach

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Spring 2025

产业组织与规制经济学概论, 侧重于确保企业提高经济福利和生活质量的政策选择. Topics include firm behavior in imperfectly competitive markets; theoretical bases of antitrust laws; regulation of product and occupational safety, environmental pollution, and truth in advertising. Prerequisite: ECON B105.

Course does not meet an Approach

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ECON B214 Public Finance

Fall 2024

政府在资源配置中的作用分析, 强调税收和支出计划对收入分配和经济效率的影响. Topics include sources of inefficiency in markets and possible government responses; federal budget composition; social insurance and antipoverty programs; U.S. tax structure and incidence. Prerequisites: ECON B105.

Counts Toward Health Studies

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ECON B215 Urban Economics

Not offered 2024-25

应用于城市经济行为的微观和宏观经济理论. Topics include housing and land use; transportation; urban labor markets; urbanization; and demand for and financing of urban services. Prerequisite: ECON B105.

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ECON B217 Health Economics

Fall 2024

Economic analysis of the health sector. The demand for health care (demand curve for health care and health as human capital); the supply of health care (models of hospital and physician behavior); socioeconomic disparity in health; the demand for health insurance (the role of uncertainty, adverse selection, and moral hazard); health care systems in the U.S. and around the world. Prerequisite: ECON B105.

Course does not meet an Approach

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ECON B225 Economic Development

Fall 2024

审查与促进非洲发展中经济体的经济发展有关的问题和旨在促进其经济发展的政策, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. 重点是为什么一些发展中经济体的增长速度快于其他经济体,以及为什么一些增长路径更公平, poverty reducing, and environmentally sustainable than others. 包括考虑国际贸易和投资政策的影响, macroeconomic policies (exchange rate, 货币和财政政策)和部门政策(工业), agriculture, education, population, 和环境)在广泛的政治和体制背景下的发展成果. Prerequisite: ECON B105.

Course does not meet an Approach

Counts Toward Environmental Studies

Counts Toward International Studies

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Fall 2024, Spring 2025

通过理论,政策问题和问题介绍国际经济学. 本课程探讨国际贸易和金融,以及国际经济学的主题. It investigates why and what a nation trades, the consequences of such trade, globalized production, the role of trade policy, the economics of immigration, the behavior and effects of exchange rates, 以及贸易和资本流动的宏观经济影响.Prerequisites: ECON B105. 本课程不开放给已经修过经济学B316或B348的学生.

Counts Toward International Studies

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ECON B253 Introduction to Econometrics

Fall 2024, Spring 2025

计量经济学术语和推理的介绍. 主题包括描述性统计、概率和统计推断. 特别强调回归分析和利用数据来解决经济问题. 所需的计算技术是课程的一部分. 如果你已经修过H203或H204,就不能上课. 先决条件:经济学B105和200级选修课. ECON H201 does not count as an elective.

Quantitative Methods (QM)

Counts Toward Data Science

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Not offered 2024-25

宏观经济和金融危机的分析,并通过不同的视角,包括经济史和宏观经济理论的最新发展替代政策反应的有效性. 已修毕经济课H307的学生是否可以选修. Prerequisite: ECON B105.

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ECON B304 Econometrics

Spring 2025

在ECON 253中提出的计量经济学理论得到了进一步的发展,并考虑了其最重要的实证应用. 每个学生使用多元回归和其他统计技术做一个实证研究项目. 先决条件:ECON B253或ECON H203或ECON H204和ECON B200或ECON B202和数学B201或讲师的许可.

Counts Toward Data Science

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ECON B311 Game Theory and Applications

Not offered 2024-25

博弈论研究人与人之间的互动, corporations, institutions, 或者每个参与者都认识到他们在游戏中的战略相互依存关系的国家. 现实世界中的许多经济决策都具有这种战略上的相互依赖. 本课程使用博弈论的理论模型和技术来研究不同战略情景下的经济激励. Applications may include oligopoly, zero and nonzero sum games, cooperative and noncooperative games, asymmetric information, adverse selection, signaling, and bargaining models. Prerequisite: B200.

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Not offered 2024-25

不完全竞争市场中买方、卖方和政府相互作用的研究. Topics include the theory of the firm, monopoly behavior, oligopoly, collusion, and adverse selection. Prerequisites: ECON 200 and ECON B253 or 304.

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ECON B314 The Economics of Social Policy

Not offered 2024-25

向学生介绍美国经济政策背后的经济原理.S. government programs and the evaluation of U.S. social policies. Topics include minimum wage, unemployment, safety net programs, education, health insurance, and climate change. Additionally, 教师和学生将共同选择班级特别感兴趣的话题. 重点将放在利用统计来评价社会政策. Writing intensive. 先决条件:经济B200和(经济B253或经济B304)

Writing Intensive

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ECON B316 International Macroeconomics

Fall 2024

Examines the theory of, and current issues in, 国际宏观经济学和国际金融. Considers the role of international factors in macroeconomic performance; policy-making in an open economy; exchange rate systems and exchange rate behavior; international financial integration; and international financial crises. Writing Intensive.Prerequisite: ECON B202 and ECON 253 or 304.

Writing Intensive

Counts Toward International Studies

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Not offered 2024-25

近9亿极端贫困人口生活在农村地区,他们的收入来自农业. 他们中的许多人实行自给自足的农业,只吃自己种的东西. 这门课考察贫穷国家农业系统的经济学, the challenges facing them, 以及为什么他们占世界贫困人口的比例如此之大. 本课程将从微观经济理论的角度来做这些, econometric research, development economics, environmental economics, and political economy. Writing Intensive. 前提条件:ECON B200:中级微观经济学和ECON B253:计量经济学入门或ECON B304:计量经济学

Writing Intensive

Quantitative Readiness Required (QR)

Counts Toward International Studies

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Fall 2024

探讨经济市场中歧视和不平等的原因和后果. 主题包括歧视和不平等的经济理论, 当代基于种族和性别的不平等的证据, detecting discrimination, 确定种族和性别不平等的根源, 并找出整体经济不平等的根源. Additionally, 教师和学生将共同选择对本课程感兴趣的补充主题. 可能的主题包括:历史市场中的歧视, disparity in legal treatments, issues of family structure, and education gaps. Writing Intensive. Prerequisites: At least one 200-level applied microeconomics elective; ECON 253 or 304; ECON 200.

Writing Intensive

Power, Inequity, and Justice (PIJ)

Counts Toward Gender/Sex Studies (Min/Conc)

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ECON B348 International Trade

Not offered 2024-25

研究解释国际贸易的主要理论. 包括对贸易壁垒(关税)影响的分析, quotas, non-tariff barriers), trade liberalization, 以及跨国公司对外投资的增长, poverty, inequality, and the environment. Prerequisite: ECON B200.

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ECON B394 Research Seminar: Labor Economics

Spring 2025

Thesis seminar. 每个学生都做一个学期的研究项目,研究一个感兴趣的相关主题. Research topics in discrimination, unionization, human capital, migration, labor supply, labor demand, and employment/unemployment are appropriate. Prerequisites: ECON 200; ECON 208 or 314 or 324; ECON 253 or 304.

Quantitative Readiness Required (QR)

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Spring 2025

Thesis seminar. 每个学生都做一个学期的研究项目,研究一个感兴趣的相关主题. 研究国际贸易或贸易政策的课题, international finance, international macroeconomics, 国际经济一体化是合适的. Prerequisites: ECON 316 and 202 or ECON 348 and 200; ECON 253 or 304.

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ECON B403 Supervised Work

经济学专业的学生可以选择做个人研究. A semester-long research paper is required; it satisfies the 300-level research paper requirement. 注册403课程的学生必须在学期开始前提交申请表(表格可向系主任索取)。. 必须获得指导教师和系主任的许可.

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Dalton Hall

Contact Us

Department of Economics

114 Dalton Hall
Bryn Mawr College
101 N. Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
Phone: 610-526-5030 or 610-526-5331

Dawn Lord, Administrative Assistant