
每年出版, the Course Catalog sets out the requirements of the academic programs--the majors, minors, 和浓度. Each Bryn Mawr student must declare a major before the end of the sophomore year. Students may also declare a minor or a concentration, but neither is required for the A.B. degree. Students must comply with the requirements published in the Course Catalog at the time when they declare the major, 辅修和/或专业.

课程目录还列出了学院的要求. Students must comply with the College requirements published at the time they enter 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.

更多信息,请访问 目录主页 查看当前内容. 要查看以前学年的目录,请访问 目录档案页.


The curriculum of the department focuses on the cultures of the Mediterranean regions and Western Asia in antiquity. Courses treat aspects of society and material culture of these civilizations as well as issues of theory, method, 和解释.


这个专业至少需要修10门课程. Core requirements are two 100-level courses distributed between the ancient Near East and Egypt (ARCH 101) and ancient Greece and Rome (ARCH 102), 考古原理与方法专题课程(ARCH 233), 和两个学期的高级会议(ARCH 398和399). At least two upper-level courses should be distributed between Classical and Near Eastern subjects. 其他要求在与主要顾问协商后确定. A Praxis Independent Study or additional coursework in allied subjects may be presented for major credit, but must be approved in writing by the major advisor; such courses are offered in the Departments of Anthropology, Geology, Greek, 拉丁与古典研究, 城市的成长与结构, 和艺术史. 与主要顾问协商, one course taken in study abroad may be accepted for credit in the major after review of the syllabus, 为取得成绩而提交的作业, 还有一份抄本. Credit will not be given for a course that is ordinarily offered by the department. Students can also take courses at the University of Pennsylvania in consultation with the Major Advisor.

The writing requirement for the major consists of two one-semester Writing Attentive courses offered within the department.

Each student’s course of study to meet major requirements will be determined in consultation with the undergraduate major advisor in the spring semester of the sophomore year, 届时将设计一份书面计划. Students considering majoring in the department are encouraged to take the introductory courses (ARCH 101 and 102) early in their undergraduate career and should also seek advice from departmental faculty. Students who are interested in interdisciplinary concentrations or in study abroad during the junior year are strongly advised to seek assistance in planning their major early in their sophomore year.


Majors who contemplate graduate study in Classical fields should incorporate Greek and Latin into their programs. Those who plan graduate work in Near Eastern or Egyptian may take appropriate ancient languages at the University of Pennsylvania, 比如中古埃及语, Akkadian, and Sumerian. Any student considering graduate study in Classical and Near Eastern archaeology should study French and German.


辅修课程要求六门课程. Core requirements are two 100-level courses distributed between the ancient Near East and Egypt and ancient Greece and Rome, in addition to four other courses selected in consultation with the major advisor.


Honors are granted on the basis of academic performance as demonstrated by a cumulative average of 3.专业成绩50分以上.

Study Abroad

A semester of study abroad is encouraged if the program is approved by the department. Students who seek major credit for courses taken abroad must consult with the Major Advisor before enrolling in a program. 在审查教学大纲后,根据具体情况给予主要学分, 为取得成绩而提交的作业, 还有一份抄本. Credit will not be given for more than one course and not for courses that are ordinarily offered by the department.


希望从事独立研究的专业, 尤其是研究和写一篇冗长的论文, 必须安排一位愿意给他们建议的教授吗, 并向主要顾问咨询. Such research normally would be conducted by seniors as a unit of supervised work (403), 哪些课程必须在注册前得到指导教授的批准. Students planning to do such research should consult with professors in the department in the spring semester of their junior year or no later than the beginning of the fall semester of the senior year.


The department strongly encourages students to gain fieldwork experience over the summer and assists them in getting positions on field projects in North America and overseas. The department is undertaking several field projects in the eastern Mediterranean and Western Asia. 取决于学院的旅行安全政策, 高级本科生可以参加这些项目.

博物馆实习, 要么在暑假,要么在学期, 也构成课堂之外的有效的主要经验. The department is awarded annually one fully paid summer internship by the Nicholas P. Goulandris Foundation for students to work for four to six weeks in the Museum of Cycladic Art in Athens, Greece. An announcement inviting applications is normally sent by the department chair in the spring.

Opportunities to work with the College’s archaeology collections are available throughout the academic year and during the summer. 希望研究这些藏品的学生可以咨询玛丽安·韦尔登(Marianne Weldon), 艺术品和文物收藏经理.


该系有两项基金支持学生暑期实习, 夏季实地考察项目, 以及他们自己设计的考古暑期项目. One, the Elisabeth Packard Fund for internships in Art History and Archaeology is shared with the Department of the History of Art, 另一个是安娜·莱拉·凯斯纪念奖. 任何申报的专业都可以申请这些资金. An announcement calling for applications is normally sent to majors in the spring, and the awards are made public at the annual college awards ceremony in April. 帮助支付与考古学习机会有关的费用, 这是很昂贵的, the department encourages majors to consider applying for funding offered by 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 and external funding sources.



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