
Published annually, 课程目录列出了学术课程——专业的要求, minors, and concentrations. 每个布林莫尔的学生必须在大二结束前宣布一个专业. 学生也可以选修辅修或主修科目,但这两项都不需要获得a.B. degree. 学生在申报专业时必须遵守《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》中规定的要求, minor and/or concentration.

课程目录还列出了学院的要求. 学生必须遵守在进入布林茅尔学院时公布的学院要求.

For more information, visit the Catalog Homepage to view the current content. 要查看以前学年的目录,请访问 Catalog Archives page.

Child  and Family Studies Minor 

儿童与家庭研究(CFS)辅修课程为跨学科工作提供了一个课程机制,重点是生物学的贡献, familial, psychological, socioeconomic, political, 以及教育因素对儿童和家庭幸福的影响. The minor not only addresses the life stages and cultural contexts of infancy through adolescence but also includes issues of parenting; child and family well-being; gender; schooling and informal education; risk and resilience; and the place, representation, 以及儿童在社会和文化中的声音.

学生通过与联合主任之一的持续讨论来选择课程,从而在辅修课程中制定一个途径. Sample pathways might include: political science/child and  family law; sociology/educational policy; child and family mental health; depictions of children/families in literature and film; child and family public health issues; social work/child welfare; anthropology/cross-cultural child and  family issues; gender issues affecting children and families; social justice/diversity issues affecting children and families; or economic factors affecting children and families.

学生可以完成儿童和家庭研究辅修课程,作为布林莫尔任何专业的辅助课程, 哈弗福德或斯沃斯莫尔等待学生的课程计划由联合主任之一批准.


辅修课程包括六门课程:一门入门课程, (PSYCH 206 Developmental Psychology, PSYCH 203 Educational  Psychology, PSYC 211 Lifespan Development, EDUC 200社区学习协作, 或SOCL 201社会性别研究), plus five additional courses, 其中至少有两个必须在主要部门之外,并且至少有一个必须在300级. 高级哈弗福德和斯沃斯莫尔课程通常由大三和大四学生参加,比入门和调查课程更具体,将被视为300级课程. 只有两门CFS课程可以与任何专业,辅修或其他学位证书重复计算.

辅修课程还要求参加至少一个学期或暑期的志愿者活动, practicum, praxis, community-based work study, 或与儿童及家庭研究相关的实习经验. 学生应与联合主任之一讨论他们的实习选择.

辅修课程的另一个要求是参加小聚会(每学期2-4次),讨论感兴趣的话题. 会议由一系列个人提供便利, including CFS students, affiliated faculty and staff, and guest speakers. Meetings are 1-1.时长5小时,具体时间另行安排.


(注意:查看Trico课程指南以获取最新的课程信息非常重要,因为不是每门课程都是每年教授的. 在某些情况下,与CFS辅修课程相关的课程将被更改或添加. 学生应该自由探索,并与他们的导师就课程选择进行咨询。.



SOWK 552 Perspectives on Inequality
SOWK 559 Family Therapy: Theory & Practice
sok 571社会工作者教育法
sok 574儿童福利政策、实践与研究
SOWK 575 Global Public Health


ANTH 103 Introduction to Anthropology
ANTH 209 Anthropology of Education
COML 289 Children's Literature
EDUC 200社区学习协作
EDUC 250  Literacies and Education
EDUC 275:美国的新兴多语学习者.S. Schools           
LING 200 2nd Language Acquisition                                                   
LING 228 1st Language Aquisition
PSYC 210 Developmental Psychology              
PSYC 213 Memory and Cognition                                                                                  
PSYC 215人格心理学导论
PSYC 238 Psychology of Language
PSYC 335 Self & Identity
PSYC 338 Child Development & Social Policy
SOCL 204 Medical Sociology
SOCL 226 Sociology of Gender
SOCL 235 Class, Race, and Education


ED 14  Introduction to Education
ED 23/Psych 23 Adolescence
ED 23A青少年和特殊教育
ED 26/Psych 26 Special Education
ED 42教不同的年轻学习者
ED 45识字和社会身份
ED 53  Language Minority Education
ED 64 Comparative Education
ED 68 Urban Education
ED 70 Outreach Practicum
ED 121 Psychology and Practice
ED 131社会与文化观点
ED 151  Literacies Research
ED 167 Identities and Education
PSYC 34 Psychology of Language
PSYC 39 Developmental Psychology
PSYC 41 Children at Risk
PSYC 50 Developmental Psychopathology


Contact Us

Child and Family Studies

Chloe Flower
Director of Child and Family Studies