
  • 学院完全是亲自授课.g., for classes, services, athletics, events, 等.) unless a change in circumstances dictates otherwise. 
  • Bryn Mawr是一个相互关怀的社区,社区成员将他人的身体健康和情感健康与自己的健康相提并论.
  • The College will continue to maintain certain policies to help mitigate the impacts of the virus, but more limited than at the height of the pandemic. Individuals have agency to manage their personal risk and effective treatments are available.
  • With very few exceptions, 所有的学生 are vaccinated and have received at least one booster. 教师 and 工作人员 are encouraged to be vaccinated, 但从5月11日开始, 2023, 不再需要接种疫苗吗.
  • Students should contact the 健康中心 for guidance, 护理, and follow-up; employees should contact their personal health 护理 provider.


疫苗 are required for all BMC students. The current College requirement includes a completed primary, 或者当前可用, vaccine series with the first booster for all who are eligible. 

  • Individuals can apply for exemptions for medical reasons or for sincerely held religious beliefs.
  • 可接受的疫苗包括FDA授权使用清单上的疫苗和世界卫生组织批准的疫苗.  那些接种了不在这些清单上的疫苗的人将被要求重新接种经批准的疫苗.

教师 and 工作人员 are encouraged to be vaccinated, 但从5月11日开始, 2023, vaccination is not required for new employees.


布林莫尔的校园对口罩很友好, 意思是欢迎戴口罩, 但不是必需的, 包括在教室里, 实验室, 公共空间, 大多数聚会. 戴口罩友好的一部分意味着,聚会的主人可能会设定在活动中戴口罩的期望, inclusive of 教师 in their classrooms and other learning spaces.  We encourage hosts (including 教师) to reach out to establish expectations collaboratively.

正确佩戴高质量口罩(KN95或KF94)是防止感染新冠病毒的有效策略.  The College will continue to support individuals’ choices to mask. 在获得高质量口罩方面需要支持的教职员工应与所在部门联系,院长办公室将为需要帮助的学生提供口罩.

The College may pivot to required masking if the risk levels indicate a pattern of, 或者迅速趋向于, 高的风险.


All community members should symptom-check every day before coming to campus.  Currently the CDC lists COVID-19 symptoms as:  fever or chills; cough; shortness of breath or difficulty breathing; fatigue; muscle or body aches; headache; new loss of taste or smell; sore throat; congestion or runny nose; nausea or vomiting; diarrhea. Anyone who shows pronounced symptoms should stay home, wear a mask around others and seek medical guidance. 


健康中心将继续为有症状的学生提供免费的COVID-19检测.  BMC的COVID-19检测能力包括抗原检测和分子检测(一种更敏感的检测).  鼓励学生与 健康中心 when they are not feeling well (or have concerns about COVID) to receive medical advice, testing and treatment for a host of illnesses in addition to COVID.

我们继续强烈建议所有校园成员在与他人接触时,如果有任何呼吸道症状,请戴上口罩, 不管测试结果如何. 


Effective treatments are more readily available, and many are more effective in the early stages of COVID.  强烈建议免疫功能低下的个人和其他高危人群在出现症状后立即向医疗保健提供者寻求医疗指导.  If an individual is treated with Paxlovid, they may need to isolate beyond the 5-10 day window.


 Any individual who tests positive (regardless of vaccination status):

  1. 必须隔离
    • 教员隔离, 工作人员, 非居民学生意味着留在校外,除非他们住在同一个家庭,否则他们不会与BMC社区的成员进行面对面的接触. 
    • 居住在校园的BMC学生(有或没有室友)的隔离意味着留在你的房间,除了你可以离开去食堂拿食物(你必须离开) 任何时候都要戴着面具 when outside your room) or to spend time outdoors.  新冠病毒检测呈阳性的住宿学生应使用宿舍指定的浴室,在隔离期间不应上课或参加亲自工作或活动.
    • Asymptomatic individuals who test positive (教师, 所有的学生, and 工作人员) may return to campus after five days of isolation. 有症状的个体也可以在隔离5天后(或第6天至第10天之间的任何时间)返回校园。, 只要他们的症状每天持续改善,并且24小时以上不发烧. A negative test is NOT required to return to campus.  If symptoms persist or worsen at any time during this period, the individual should contact their health护理 provider.  第0天是出现症状或症状的第一天, 如果无症状, the day the specimen was collected for the positive test.
    • 如果有人在第11天之前被允许按照上述政策返回校园活动, 他们必须穿合身的衣服, high-quality mask AT ALL TIMES when indoors. 这两个例外是:
      • 吃饭的时候.  在外面吃饭更可取, but if weather or schedules do not allow for that, eating indoors in a private space (dorm room, 办公室, 会议室, 空教室, 等.)独自一人,门关着是允许的. 
      • 当你在宿舍(学生).
    • 第11天, the person can resume “normal” campus protocols, which allow for unmasking indoors in most circumstances.
  2. 必须通知BMC
    • Employees must inform their supervisor or department chair if they are isolating.  如果他们身体足够好, 员工应该联系他们的主管,看看如果他们感觉足够好,是否有工作可以远程完成.  Employees’ health is the College’s top priority. 休息是疾病康复的重要组成部分,没有人被要求远程工作. 在康复期间,可能需要帮助继续上课的教师应该联系他们的系主任和/或教务长办公室,以便提供适当的支持.
    • 所有学生应在正常工作时间内通知健康中心COVID检测呈阳性,并致电健康中心 团队健康 几个小时之后.  如果通知团队健康, students should follow up with the 健康中心 once it is open.  如果学生旷课或旷工,应及时通知老师和工作主管. 
  3. Should Identify and Reach Out to All “Close Contacts”
    • “密切接触者”被定义为24小时内在6英尺范围内超过15分钟的人, 不论地点(e).g., indoor or outdoor) or whether masks were worn. 15分钟可以是不连续的.g., two 10-minute close interactions over the course of a 24-hour period).
    • 只要可行, the COVID-positive person should reach out to BMC students, 教师, 以及在检测呈阳性前2天内为“密切接触者”的工作人员,让他们知道他们需要遵守学院的“密切接触者”规定.密切接触规程见下文.
  4. 必须适当记录他们的时间吗
    • Staff members should record any unworked time as “sick” on their time sheet/attendance record. 
    • 按小时计酬的学生和在学校工作的学生可能有资格获得 带薪病假 如果他们生病了. 
  5. 可以寻求帮助吗. 
    • 对COVID协议有疑问的学生可以联系BMC健康与保健中心.
    • 教师 and 工作人员 who have questions about the COVID protocols should contact Kari Fazio, Chief Financial and Administrative Officer, but reporting a positive test result is not required.

If you have been identified as a Close Contact:


个人(无论他们的疫苗接种状况如何)如果是密切接触者,则不需要隔离,除非他们是, 或成为, symptomatic; they can continue to work on campus, 参加课程和活动, 等. 他们必须戴上 贴合度高、品质优良的口罩 自最后一次接触COVID-19阳性个体起,在室内与他人接触10天. Unmasking outdoors or in private spaces alone with the door closed is allowed.  The CDC recommends getting tested five days after exposure. 

Close contacts living in a household or dorm room with a COVID-positive individual do NOT need to quarantine; they can continue to work on campus, 参加课程和活动, 等.  Students can call 团队健康 if they want guidance about testing recommendations.

Assuming no symptoms have developed and tests have been negative for COVID-19, “close contacts” can resume “normal” campus protocols on Day 11.


所有的疾病都是如此, students who are unable to attend class are responsible for making up missed work or class time.  学生应及时通知老师,并制定计划补课.  教师不应提供混合课程或以个性化教学代替缺课.  教师 should be clear in their syllabi about their course policies for absences due to illness. 


校园对游客开放.  游客 must abide by the College’s rules for masking.

Guests are permitted in the dorms provided the guest is vaccinated.  主人有责任检查疫苗接种情况,客人必须遵守所有宿舍规则.



学院鼓励户外用餐.  Outdoor tables, umbrellas, and tents are available for this purpose.

游客 are permitted to eat in the 餐厅 Halls.

在室内活动中允许吃东西, including those events hosted by external groups who rent campus facilities.


The 健身中心 and Pool are open to students, 教师, 工作人员 — as well as the partners/spouses of Bryn Mawr 教师 and 工作人员, Bryn Mawr/Haverford emeriti professors and retired Bryn Mawr 工作人员.