
米切尔奖学金 support one year of graduate study in any discipline offered at an institution of higher learning in Ireland or Northern Ireland. The Mitchell Scholarship provides tuition, 住房, 生活费津贴, 还有国际旅行. Normally, 12 Scholarships are awarded each year. Mitchell Scholars must exhibit superior levels of academic achievement, 领导及社区服务.


  • 初步: 2024-2025年暂停
  • 内部: 2024-2025年暂停
  • 外部: 2024-2025年暂停


To be eligible for the American competition, you must be:

  • A U.S. 公民 
  • At least 18 but no more than 30 years old
  • Recipient of a bachelor's degree before taking up the award

顾问: Eleanor (Ellie) Stanford, 交通顾问.

选择标准: The Selection Committee looks for “persuasive, documented evidence of achievement in three areas: academic, 领导, 以及社区服务. Some applicants have impressive academic credentials but lack a credible record of achievement in 领导 and service. All three fields are equally important criteria for the Mitchell Scholarship.此外, successful applicants should have strong preparation and a convincing rationale for the proposed field of graduate study.

初步的应用程序: Because competition for this scholarship is so intense, it is important to begin the application process early. The initial application is intended to get you started putting together the materials you will need for later stages. 基于您的初始申请, you will receive feedback from the 奖学金 Adviser regarding whether you have the potential to receive institutional endorsement and if so what steps you should take and what concerns you will have to address to earn that endorsement.

Mitchell 初步 Application Form 

The initial application will consist of the following:

  • A current, comprehensive resumé, including employment, activities, honors, skills, and languages. This need not be limited to one page. Please include a description of planned employment or other activities for the upcoming summer and fall. 
  • The names of five potential writers of letter of recommendation, at least four of whom should be professors. You are advised to inform these writers of your plans to apply for this fellowship. 
  • 个人陈述工作表
  • A list of any other fellowships you are planning to apply for
  • A list of any questions you have about the fellowship or the application process

官方秋季内部申请: In this first stage, you submit your i攻的应用程序 internally and are interviewed soon after by the Committee on 奖学金 and Prizes here on campus. This application includes the following elements:

  • A current, comprehensive resumé, including employment, activities, honors, languages, and skills. This need not be limited to one page. 
  • 个人论文, 不超过1个,字数为000字, describing “the specific field of interest and the justification for the proposed study in Ireland or Northern Ireland.
  • Three letters of recommendation, two of which should be from professors.  请直接推荐人到 在线推荐表格.

On the basis of that application and interview, the Committee will decide whether or not to endorse your application. 如果你被选为提名人, the committee will prepare an official letter of support for your application. You will also receive some feedback on your application and have a short time period in which to revise materials for your final application. The better and more polished your initial application; the likelier you are to have a strong interview, 一封强有力的支持信, and the strongest possible final application.

Revised application must be submitted to Eleanor (Ellie) Stanford, 交通顾问, at least two days before the official external deadline. 如果有必要的话, you should be prepared to make last-minute editorial corrections and must submit the corrected version by 5 p.m. 在公布的截止日期.


  • 在线申请, including personal statement revised to take into account feedback from the Bryn Mawr committee
  • Five letters of recommendation, submitted online by your recommenders
  • Scanned and uploaded unofficial transcripts for each college or university attended 
  • Scanned and uploaded passport-size picture
  • 扫描并上传签名
  • 最后, please submit one copy of your application form and personal statement to the dean’s office, to be included in your permanent file.

If you are chosen as a semifinalist, you will be asked to upload proof of U.S. 公民身份.  If you are chosen as a finalist, you will take the original with you for interview.

递交申请后: Approximately 30 semifinalists will be interviewed via Skype. Twenty finalists will be invited for interviews in Washington D.C. 11月中旬. Notification will happen shortly afterward.