
German 和 German Studies

German 和 German Studies enables students to gain a critical underst和ing of the political, 社会, 和 historical influences that shaped German 文化 和 to analyze its role in the contemporary global context.

Herzlich willkommen zu Bryn Mawr German!

The Bi-Co Department of German 和 German Studies offers an interdisciplinary German studies program that explores the role 和 和 global reach of German language, 文学, 和 文化 to underst和 urgent 和 essential questions of the past 和 the present. We explore the diverse voices, 视角, disciplines 和 narratives that have emerged from 和 shape German-speaking regions 和 their role in the world today.

Our faculty have expertise in 和 offer courses that approach film, 哲学, Asian- German studies, 历史, international relations, 政治科学, 性别研究, disability studies, post-colonial theory, 医学人文, 艺术史, 视觉研究, 媒体理论, 科学史, 和犹太研究. Our courses interrogate canonical 和 non-canonical works from the premodern to the present to engage with the shifting underst和ing of German 文学, 文化, 和历史.
Start your studies in German today!

Here are top reasons to study German in our program:

  1. Learn one of the most commonly spoken languages in Europe 和 heritage languages in the US 和 encounter diverse, global 视角.
  2. Discover the rich intellectual contributions from the l和 of Dichter und Denker, as well as Austria 和 Switzerl和 in the arts, 文学, 哲学, 社会科学, 和 the natural sciences including Goethe, 马克思, 尼采, 弗洛伊德, 阿伦特, 和席勒
  3. Join a highly interdisciplinary program whose flexibility allows you to have a comprehensive training in German 文学, 文化, 和历史 和 easily pursue a double major.
  4. Develop valuable intercultural communication, analytical 和 critical thinking skills that are essential in an increasingly globalized world.
  5. Gain advanced reading knowledge of German, which is useful for biology, 物理, 考古, 化学, 工程, 宗教, 哲学, 文学, 艺术历史, 和医学.
  6. Take a variety of courses in German 和 English that foster critical thinking, expository writing skills 和 deep underst和ing of German 文化 in its contemporary global context 和 its larger political, 社会, 和 intellectual 历史.
  7. Study abroad at world-renowned universities in German-speaking countries that offer programs for all areas of study through an exchange program or a prestigious fellowship from 德意志, 富布赖特, 和其他人.
  8. Explore ample career possibilities with global enterprises based in Germany such as Bosch, 梅塞德斯, 大众, 奥迪, Krupp as well as at German companies in the US since Germany is the third largest foreign employer in the US.
  9. Complete an internship with a company in a Germany-speaking country or conduct research in Germany through a variety of intern exchange 和 study programs for students 和 young professionals in 业务, 科学, 以及公共政策.
  10. St和 out on applications to jobs 和 professional / graduate school: majoring or minoring in a language shows your commitment to intellectual rigor!
  11. Enhance your academic 和 professional profile by competing for postgraduate study 和 professional opportunities through well-respected fellowships such as 富布赖特, 德意志, 或CBYX. Our students are very successful in these highly competitive applications!
  12. Pursue a course of study that prepares you for a career in education, 政府, 外国服务, the natural sciences, 业务, 图书馆学, 翻译, 在许多其他方面. Our alumni have enjoyed successful careers in a variety of fields with the help of a German degree.
  13. Become a valued member of a department that hosts a variety of co-curricular events! Whether Stammtisch, 歌舞表演, 实地考察旅行, film screenings or presentations by distinguished guest speakers, Bi-Co German sponsors activities to complement your coursework 和 engage you outside of the classroom.
  14. Support your peers by becoming a paid TA in the language courses or a tutor in the college tutoring program. You will also receive mentoring by department faculty to hone your presentation 和 teaching skills!

More information about the Department of German 和 German Studies is available on 布林莫尔内部.


photo of Emily Shein

I am particularly interested in studying memorials 和 museums that deal with historical trauma, 和, through my work in my German major, I have developed a specific interest in Holocaust memorials 和 museums.


German 和 German Studies major, A.B.

German 和 German Studies minor