seated people watching a screen in front with someone presenting

College Strategic Plan Project

As announced by President Cassidy on September 28, 2022, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜启动了一项新的战略规划项目,以帮助我们的社区设想我们未来的目标和愿望.

这个过程围绕着四个调查领域,旨在包括社区参与和创造大胆的想法,将推动我们的校园在未来几年向前发展. We have dived deeply into what makes our campus unique, strong, and vibrant, as well as explored potential new areas of growth and opportunity.

On February 15, 2024, all students, faculty, and staff received an email summary of the Strategic Working Groups’ findings.

Read the Summary of Findings

Areas of Inquiry

These areas of inquiry will provide the framing for four working groups (composed of trustees, faculty, staff, students, and administrators) that will launch our strategic planning process. 从问题开始,而不是从固定的思想类别开始,这一点可以拓宽我们的思维,确定总体目标, critical priorities and crucial aspects of our future identity. These commitments will provide the guidance and direction we will need to form a particular strategic plan or direction. They will also help us connect our plans to the larger higher education context. The questions are meant as general frames. It is expected that within the general parameters of each question, the working groups will have freedom to shape their direction and work. 

Read more about the areas of inquiry

Detweiler(2021)最近表明,一个充满活力的知识分子住宅学术社区与长期积极的生活成果有关. Bryn Mawr has aspired to be such a community, and experiences both strengths and limitations in realizing this aspiration. 要实现我们作为一个充满活力和吸引本科生的学术社区的全部潜力,需要什么, graduate students, faculty and staff? Are there existing programs, structures and systems that hinder the College from achieving such a goal? How radical would new programs, 方法和系统需要在市场中脱颖而出,更激进的方法对未来的学生有吸引力吗, faculty and staff? Would an even deeper investment in the creation of academic community strengthen the student experience, as measured by higher retention rates, graduation rates, alumnae/i satisfaction? What structural changes and investments would we need to make to create a sustainable model? How might we think about this strength in the ways that we organize advising and student life (e.g. living-learning communities) and co-curricular programming? How might this impact faculty/ student/ staff experiences of belonging and inclusion?

What is the optimal size of the undergraduate student body?  What are the strategic advantages of undergraduate student population growth for the campus experience of students, faculty and staff as compared to our current size?  What criteria should we use to evaluate the optimal size? How do externalities (impending demographic cliff, interest of international students, transfer student growth potential) impact our choices and their outcomes?  What are the revenue and cost implications and constraints on these choices  how will they impact/shape our available resources and how we use them?  What are the impacts on our residential capacity and our commitment to being a fully residential campus? 改变本科学院的规模对推行“不贷款”或“不考虑需求”的经济援助政策有什么影响?  转学生在我们的最佳招生中扮演什么角色?我们如何提供一个衔接项目,使他们和其他第一代学生茁壮成长?

What is the academic mission of Bryn Mawr College and how do we define interdisciplinary and disciplinarity? What do we value about both curricular paradigms? How do we invest in our departments so that faculty can train students in their disciplinary areas of expertise and, should they so desire, 同时,为课程和项目做出贡献,这些课程和项目将我们的课程努力联系起来,并激发我们校园内的跨学科探究?  How do we support interdisciplinary programs without diluting/depleting departments and departmental resources? How do we clarify the pathways through departments and programs, majors and minors, 这样学生们就能理解这些学术机会之间的区别,并决定哪些课程和背景将丰富他们的本科经历,并为他们不同的研究生轨迹定位? How do our requirements help or hinder the fulfilment of our academic mission? What are the implications of our queries for our students, faculty, and our relationships with external academic partners?

What are Bryn Mawr’s strengths, capabilities and resources? 在我们现有的时间和空间限制下,哪些可以更好地利用它们来创造可靠的(和潜在的替代)收入流,而不会减损或分散我们的核心任务/计划?  What changes, opportunities and challenges are coming societally (e.g., demographically, technologically, environmentally, new knowledge/skills needs etc.)? How can we best prepare such that BMC will thrive in the next decade and beyond? 在传统的学年和BMC传统的本科人口之外,是否有很好的可能性?  是否有些地方我们想要精简或允许自己停止做一些事情,这样我们就可以腾出资源来投资于我们的核心任务/项目和当前的优先事项? 

Working Groups

Each area of inquiry will be led by a working group comprised of faculty, staff, students, administrators, and trustees, 谁将与社区一起努力,在2023年春季学期结束时提交行动建议. Groups will be co-led by one faculty and one staff member and members should expect to attend weekly meetings lasting 1-2 hours, plus occasional work in between meetings, during fall and spring semesters.

Bryn Mawr社区的所有成员都被邀请参加,所有申请的人都被分配到他们感兴趣的小组. 

Working Group Reports

Working Group #1 Working Group #2 Working Group #3 Working Group #4

Emergent Opportunities

Update 02.13.24 战略规划工作组文件和需要进一步探索的问题/行动中出现的更直接潜在行动的策略

我们的战略规划基金会的过程产生了更直接行动的机会,以及更长期的机会,这些机会需要与社区和我们的新社长进行更多的讨论.  The following is a list of items that were identified in the reports that are already in various stages of action.  At the end of the document is the list of longer-term items and questions.

Working Group Members

Board of Trustees Representatives

  • Mary Clark
  • Lorelai Vargas

Senior Staff Representative

  • Tim Harte, Provost*

Student Representatives

  • Abhi Suresh
  • Marcos Cadena
  • Kate Southerland
  • Clara Schilling

Staff Representatives

  • Matt Gray
  • Charles Heyduk
  • Mary Beth Horvath
  • Beth Kotarski
  • Tonja Nixon
  • Kelsey Obringer

Faculty Representatives

  • Leslie Cheng*
  • Maria Cristina Quintero

Athletics Faculty Representatives

  • Paul Stinson
  • Katie Tarr


Board of Trustees Representatives

  • Kiki Jamieson
  • Amy Loftus
  • Ruth Lindborg

Senior Staff Representative

  • Cheryl Horsey, Chief Enrollment Officer*

Faculty Representatives

  • Kaylea Berard*
  • Jonas Goldsmith

Staff Representatives

  • Caitlin Brown
  • Christine D'Ascenzo
  • Jeanine Molock
  • Sakinah Rahman
  • Nichole Reynolds
  • Jodi Mulhall (HC)

Board of Trustees Representatives

  • Lore Perine

Senior Staff Representative

  • Brooke Jones, Chief Investment Officer*

Faculty Representatives

  • Penny Armstrong
  • Jen Callaghan
  • Xumei Cheng
  • Madhavi Kale
  • Mike Noel
  • Lisa Saltzman
  • Catherine Slusar

Student Representatives

  • Abby Fortune
  • Jamie Frueh

Staff Representatives

  • Janet Shapiro*
  • Sarah Theobald
  • Erin Walsh
  • Laura McGrane (HC)

Board of Trustees Representatives

  • Lore Perine
  • Gina Kim

Senior Staff Representative

  • Kari Fazio, Chief Financial and Administrative Officer*
  • Bob Miller, Chief Alumnae/i Relations & Development Officer

Faculty Representatives

  • Paul Hintz
  • Anita Kurimay

Student Representatives

  • Daniella Jacob
  • Colin Webster
  • Lia Wong-Fodor

Staff Representatives

  • Sharon Bain
  • Nina Bisbee
  • Katie Krimmel
  • Sarah Robertson
  • Tracy Weber

Project Timeline


Fall 2022: Steering committee and working groups launched, 与高等教育战略规划公司合作,为潜在学生进行市场测试而收集的工作组进行初步的头脑风暴 Art & Science

Spring 2023: Art & 科学与潜在的和被录取的学生就收集到的概念和想法进行交流,而工作组则与校园社区进行交流,以获得额外的反馈和想法. 工作组制定关键想法和优先事项供进一步审议,并向指导委员会提交行动建议.

Fall 2023:  Steering committee integrates the working group proposals into a draft findings document informed by the Art & Science research. 

Spring 2024: The steering committee shares the draft findings with the community for further refinement. Community discussions center around findings, and then the final document is released. 

Town Hall

The four working groups hosted a community town hall on January 25, 2023, and below are the presentations from each group. 

Working Group 1 Working Group 2 Working Group 3 Working Group 4


Town Hall Follow Up

我们想强调的是,第二工作组扩大了我们对最佳招生的定义,将最佳学生体验包括在内, enrollment composition, and retention.

Following the Campus-wide Town Hall, we received requests to consider the following during our discussions. We have also included some updates below.

• On the importance of speaking with offices that support counseling students via programs, such as Career and Civic Engagement/ addressing demands of funding, career connections, Praxis, 和经验学习:工作小组在我们讨论的早期就确定,我们将邀请职业和公民参与办公室参加我们的每周一次会议,听取他们对这些问题的看法. We look forward to that discussion later this semester. 

• On the pressures that student support staff, such as counseling, advising, career counseling, etc. 我们在讨论中考虑了这些压力点,因此我们与许多推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜办公室进行了交谈(反映在我们在市政厅提出的修订后的关键问题中)。.  我们还进一步修改了我们收到的指控中的一个中心问题,以强调我们关注的问题: Where are the barriers/pressure points (on students, faculty, staff, facilities, programs, etc.) at our current size (1,409 UG in FY23) to achieving our aspirations for the student academic experience?

• On the demands on study abroad: we will seek information from Tracy Weber, Director of Global Education.

•关于在谈话中包括客房管理:在与我们的会议中,设施主管和居住生活主管都被问及客房管理问题.  In addition, we will solicit feedback from Denise Romano, Director of Housekeeping. 

• On ways to encourage a more balanced utilization of Bryn Mawr and Haverford resources, including curricular offerings: we have had some discussion of  Bi-Co resources at our meetings, and a Haverford College staff member is a member of our working group.  我们正在与学生焦点小组会面,并将提出问题,以更好地了解布林莫尔的学生如何能够从哈弗福德的资源中获得比目前更多的好处.

• On the McBride Scholars program:  the College looks to enroll a competitive and diverse class (traditional age, nontraditional age/ transfers, etc.). The McBride Scholars contribute to the richness of the student body.

We are grateful for the feedback we have received thus far, and we welcome more comments and questions.


Questions about the process can be directed to