


目标:推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜社区将对结构性种族主义有深刻而细致的理解, 以及权力的过程, 特权, 和 oppression in many dimensions are sustained.


总统办公室继续提供支持 讲座 led by students, 教师 和工作人员, assisted by two paid student coordinators. 共举办了27次宣讲会,其中13场吸引了超过10人参加.

种族正义基金 supported a pilot Praxis course, Advancing Racial Justice, taught by Professor of Social Work 和 Social Research Darlyne Bailey. 10名学生(8名BMC), 2 HC)与三个社区组织开展能力建设项目:邻里互助, 青年艺术与自我赋权计划, 和 the Korean-American Association of Philadelphia.

变革代理人基金 赞助项目3个:

  • Two trainers brought to campus in Fall 2022 to train campus change agents (students, 教师, 和工作人员)
  • 创建一个网站,为教职员工提供在线指导手册,开始创建“校园指导文化”
  • 2023年春季研讨会由四位校园主持人主持,讲述推进反种族主义实践的示范项目.

的 fund was administered by 的 Impact Center 和 determined by a committee of students, 教师, 和工作人员. BMC反种族主义扫盲运动(卡拉)是上述活动的积极促进者.

课程委员会 批准了67门课程,以满足新的权力、不平等和正义要求 that will go into effect for the class of 2027. 这些标记为PIJ.


  • 在校园行政办公室的支持下,姐妹会*和副院长乔伊·达拉斯(Joi Dallas)开发了一系列强有力的本科项目, 由主讲人Dr. 帕特里斯·道格拉斯.
  • gsssr与gsssr黑人校友小组和校友关系与发展合作,共同主办了黑人历史月校友小组.
  • GSAS举办了一场虚拟的布林茅尔黑人之旅.

总统办公室成立了 a new distinguished speaker series, Advancing Inclusive Excellence, 将于2023年3月将外部专业知识引入校园,为我们在包容性和解决结构性障碍方面的工作提供信息. 的 就职项目 特邀嘉宾是圣. 马里兰玛丽学院, Freeman Hrabowski, UMBC名誉主席, 就STEM的包容和成功发表演讲.

  • Nearly 150 students, 教师 和工作人员 participated 和 response was strongly positive.
  • 尽管学生们进行了大量的宣传, 教师, 和工作人员, a point of view survey revealed that many community members were unaware of the program. We will continue to work to improve awareness of this important series.


  • the Black at Bryn Mawr tour followed by a session on intersectionality
  • a session on calling in/ calling out 和 approaches to difficult conversations
  • a session on the academic 和 social Honor Code, including participation in small group scenarios on holding peers accountable for violations.

THRIVE participants were surveyed to assess impact. 基于结果, 2023年秋季的THRIVE课程将投入额外的时间来培养社会和情感意识,并练习解决冲突的策略.


布林·莫尔也加入了 LACRELA (文理学院种族平等领导联盟),为教职员工提供新的专业发展资源和校园气候评估工具. This has not yielded the benefits the College had hoped. LACRELA has not consistently provided the resources promised 和 is currently reorganizing. 学院正在考虑其他外部资源来支持我们的DEIA组织目标.

校长办公室和教务长办公室支持各种教职员工聚会,旨在建立教职员工的社区和归属感. 教务长办公室还处理了离职教师离职面谈中提出的许多问题. 这项工作正在进行中.

Goal: Address structural issues 和 barriers to equity 和 inclusion for students, 教师, 和工作人员.


Of 11 tenure-track searches completed during 2022-2023, six resulted in appointments of new 教师 members who identify as BIPOC.

  • 2022年秋季,35人.3% of Bryn Mawr’s tenured 和 tenure-track 教师 identified as BIPOC. In the most recent comparative data (2021) published in the Chronicle of Higher Education, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的教师多样性超过了18所COFHE文理学院中除两所以外的所有学院.
  • Retention of 教师 of color improved in FY23.

percentage of staff who identify as BIPOC increased to 25.3% as of the fall 2022 census date (compared to 22.2020年秋季为4%).

的 College focused FY24 budget increases on supporting its people, including hourly rate increases for students 和 for hourly staff in the lowest salary ranges 还有一个额外的 整体工资池增加6%.75%的员工和教职员工.

2022 - 2023年期间, gsssr与外部顾问合作,评估其政策和做法中可能存在的不公平现象,并针对评估开展培训.

改善 访问服务 和可访问性:

增加无障碍服务的人员配备: in FY23 a graduate assistant was hired to work with the office director. 对于FY24, 学院聘请了一名新的全职副院长(2022年6月开始),院长将转为全职.

访问服务将实现 余子企业平台 that allows 教师 to audit their syllabi 和 course materials for accessibility.

Accessibility improvements to buildings 和 grounds, including:

  • 财务主任办公室(包括学生账户和工资)被移到一个可访问的位置
  • 制定寻路计划,帮助人们找到可接近的停车场和建筑物入口.

LITS continues robust workshops, consultation, 和 provision of new tools to support accessibility for students 和 教师.

财政援助办公室是 收集数据,以确定在2024-2025学年进一步加强财政援助的可能性.

遵循NAGPRA指南, LITS staff have held conversations with many tribes concerning repatriation of materials, 一些遣返正在进行中. 部门收藏工作小组将重新召集,制定一项政策,与教师分享.

的 第九条 Officer provided 第九条 training to dorm leadership teams 在学年开始的时候 引入了一个外部小组,在8月份为所有一年级本科生提供第九条培训. 的 Student Engagement Office also provided a 第九条 FAQ brochure for first-year students.


Goal: Create a campus environment where all students, 教师, 和工作人员 have a sense of thriving 和 belonging


学院将试行 跨文化生活和学习中心 在影响中心的支持下,为中心和整个校园提供额外的亲和性住房,并作为社区建设和学习的中心.

Campus Safety department will become part of the Undergraduate Dean’s division in summer 2023 with the goals of re-imagining safety 和 support 和 enhancing relationships with students.

  • 校园安全联络员将于2023年7月加入工作人员,与官员合作,促进与学生的积极关系. 的 Liaison will provide training 和 mediation necessary to resolve student conflicts; conduct wellness checks; 和 respond to calls from students who are experiencing duress to connect them with College resources.

A 新的TriCo主管发展计划 ,包括为部门主管提供包容性工作环境的培训.

gsa提供 DEIA培训期间的工作坊为助教举办的全纳教学法工作坊.

gsssr创建了一个学生成功中心 支持非传统学生.

教务长办公室继续提供支持 course releases for junior 教师 engaging in DEIA work. 的 Provost notes fewer junior 教师 applied in FY23.

的 Provost 和 the Chair of CAP provided 教师 with a high-level summary of 教师 exit interviews held during summer 2022.

在2022年夏季试点之后, the College launched the Dialogue Project to build capacity for active listening, 检查复杂的想法, 进行公开的交流. 副院长Ann-的rese Ortíz和跨宗教牧师诺拉·伍兹(Nora Woods)每学期都会为一群学生主持为期七周的会议, 教师 和工作人员; the Project will continue in 2023-2024. 我们正在探索对参与者进行高级培训的方案,目标是培养更多的对话项目促进者,以及其他让参与者参与培训以支持社区发展的可能性.

Goal: Create narratives that support belonging


In March 2023, the Board of Trustees announced its decision to 去掉M的题词. Carey Thomas’s name from the main entrance to Old Library. Stones are scheduled to be removed in August 2023.

总统发起了一项 社区回收旧图书馆的过程 with two events in April that will inform planning for 2023-2024. A point of view survey found broad awareness of the launch 和 its goals.

拱项目, 布林莫尔与纪念碑实验室的合作,以帮助解决“布林莫尔缺少什么故事”这个问题?”:

  • hosted a September 2022 community update 和 conversation
  • 赞助了两门课程(历史课, History of Art) engaging issues of memorialization 和 monuments
  • Led a call for proposals, public presentations, 和 selection of a lasting artwork, “别忘了记住(我),由Nekisha Durrett创作.

第三个建造布林茅尔的人? 项目 于2022年夏季完成,因此展出了(物理和数字)“为什么要建造布林莫尔?推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的成立.

  • Faculty 和工作人员 have created a sustainable plan for the ongoing initiative. 的 summer 2023 项目 focuses on the experience of Asian students.

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜历史项目的信息 现在通过增加能见度

  • A new exhibit on the first floor of Old Library
  • 一个重新组织和重新设计的网站.

的 Chief Communications Officer has developed 一项关于DEIA工作及其影响的新计划,将于2023-2024年实施.

的 Campus Partnerships for Equity 和 Anti-Racism (CPEAR)继续支持问责制, 沟通, 和 strategic support for progress across all areas of the College. Members also participated in Dialogue Project sessions to add to their leadership skill sets.




的 Impact Center for Community, Equity, 和 Underst和ing

Co-Conveners: Dee Matthews (Creative Writing) 和 Ann-的rese Ortíz (的 Impact Center)
