

2022年6月8日星期三- 6月17日星期五

2022年6月8日星期三- 6月17日星期五


Reconnect with Bryn Mawr through like-minded alumnae and guest faculty members who accompany travelers on many of our trips.

放松, 学习, and enjoy as travel experts handle all the in-country details and local guides arrange behind-the-scenes tours.

Book now by contacting 浸濡之旅 at 917-686-2620 or 302-743-7005 or emailing info@immersionjourneys.com. 作为额外的保护, 浸濡之旅 is now offering Flexible COVID terms: 100% refund on deposit up to 90 days before travel. 


Karibu (welcome) to Kenya, East Africa’s largest and fastest growing economy! 第一次, 布林莫尔将为我们的校友提供这个独特的目的地, 家庭, and friends with a focus on meeting pioneers in conservation who are making a positive impact to the environment and landscape.

你的旅行将从首都开始 内罗毕是东非最国际化的第四大城市. 一个充满活力和令人兴奋的地方, 内罗毕充满了迷人的吸引力:咖啡文化, 肆无忌惮的夜生活, 一个由年轻企业家组成的繁荣社区. Here you will also explore the dedicated conservation work of the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, 大象孤儿院, and the Giraffe Center devoted to saving and repopulating the endangered Rothschild Giraffe.

You will start your Kenyan safari experiences with a flight from 内罗毕 to 安博塞利国家公园. Located in southern Kenya and renowned for its excellent variety of wildlife, it is also home to the Amboseli Trust for Elephants and a boasts a majestic view of the snow-capped Mount Kilimanjaro - the highest free-standing mountain in the world and highest peak in Africa.

After the acacia plains of the Amboseli, you will fly to the Laikipia region for a visit to the 奥佩杰塔保护区. 夹在肯尼亚山和北部沙漠之间, Laikipia is w在这里 Kenya’s wild and semi-arid northern frontier country begins. 除了丰富的观看比赛的机会, a stay in Ol Pejeta means you have an opportunity to partake in their chimpanzee and rhino conservation activities amid other wild life viewing.

不去著名的景点,肯尼亚之旅就不完整 马赛马拉国家保护区从莱基皮亚出发的短途飞行. 马赛马拉人, 还有坦桑尼亚的塞伦盖蒂, 形成了非洲最著名的野生动物园, 位于东非大裂谷,主要是开阔的稀树草原. 大约有95种哺乳动物, 两栖动物, 爬行动物和400多种鸟类在保护区有记录. Here again you will have abundant opportunities to enjoy game viewing in this jewel of Kenya.

The stay in Mara may be the end of your trip with a flight back to 内罗毕, or your adventures may continue on an extension tour to Kenya’s magnificent Swahili coast.

This program offers a unique experience by merging the academic and the aesthetic, 通过探索肯尼亚丰富的生态系统, 并让人们得以一窥这个国家对保护环境的承诺.


日期:2022年6月8日星期三- 6月17日星期五

  • 卖完了?: No

旅行社: 浸濡之旅内容: Award-winning 浸濡之旅 was built on the foundation that every traveler must experience their destination, 它们提供了高度的沉浸感, 非洲和南亚的真实经历就是这样. 阅读更多关于沉浸式旅行的信息 在这里.


启程前往内罗毕. 请注意,提前到达选项是可用的. 详情请与旅行社联系.

You will be met by an 浸濡之旅 representative upon arrival and transferred to your hotel. 晚上享受欢迎鸡尾酒. Situated along the 内罗毕 River, Kenya’s 内罗毕 is East Africa’s most cosmopolitan city.


乘飞机前往安博塞利国家公园. 位于肯尼亚南部, the park is renowned for its excellent variety of wildlife such as the Masai giraffe, 大象, 狮子和猎豹. The location of the park gives you uninterrupted views of Mount Kilimanjaro– Africa’s highest peak and one of the Seven Summits.


享受上午和下午的游戏驾驶. You will also get an opportunity to visit the Amboseli Trust for Elephants.


Board your flight to Kenya’s Laikipia region and arrive at the 奥佩杰塔保护区. 夹在肯尼亚山之间, 肯尼亚最高的山, 还有北部的沙漠, Laikipia is w在这里 Kenya’s wild and semi-arid northern frontier country begins. The high plains of Laikipia feature vast open stretches of African savanna scattered with abundant game including: Grevy’s zebras, 黑犀牛, 狮子, 豹, 野狗, 水牛和成千上万的大象.

一夜之间:甜蜜的水塞蕾娜(B, L, D)

The 奥佩杰塔保护区 works to conserve wildlife in general but also provides a sanctuary for chimps and the white rhino. Today you will go with the guides to 学习 more the incredible conservation and rehabilitation work they’ve been doing along the wildlife corridors and especially with the chimpanzee and rhino.

一夜之间:甜蜜的水塞蕾娜(B, L, D)

飞往著名的马赛马拉. Met on arrival by your guiding team and transferred to the lodge with game viewing en route. 马赛马拉国家保护区 is one of the most popular tourism destinations in Kenya. It is an extension of the Serengeti eco-system and famous for the huge herds of migratory wildebeests, 和斑马. The reserve is located in the Great Rift Valley in primarily open grassland and regarded as the jewel of Kenya’s wildlife viewing areas. 大约有95种哺乳动物, 两栖动物 爬行动物和400多种鸟类在保护区有记录.


Morning and afternoon game viewing continues in the Masai Mara 还有坦桑尼亚的塞伦盖蒂 Africa’s most famous wildlife park.


飞回内罗毕, w在这里 you are met on arrival and transferred to the International terminal for your flight home or your onward adventure to Kenya’s magnificent coast of Mombasa (see extension details).



Kate Morro serves as the 个人捐赠和国际参与主任 at Bryn Mawr. She has been with the College since 2015 and works with some of our most generous donors along with leading the charge on international engagement of all constituents. 凯特还主持了就职典礼 布林茅尔国际论坛 2021年3月. 

在来布林莫尔之前, Kate worked at the Wharton School visiting alumni in Latin America and Continental Europe as well as functioning as the liaison for the Wharton Executive Board for Latin America. 凯特得了B.A. from The College of the Holy Cross and then spent several years working in healthcare before moving to a fundraising position at Villanova University.  

Kate is an avid traveler and this trip will mark her sixth of seven continents, 只剩下南极洲待探索. Kate lives in Bryn Mawr and enjoys her three minute commute to campus! 
