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Journey to Antarctica: The White Continent

Registration is closed
November 27-December 10, 2022

November 27-December 10, 2022




Relax, learn, 并享受旅游专家处理所有国内细节和当地导游安排幕后旅游.

Aboard the National Geographic Explorer

如需预订,请联系林德布拉德探险公司 888-773-9007 or

要查看林德布拉德探险最新的健康和安全协议,请访问 their website

Click here to download a detailed PDF trip brochure.

Exploring Antarctica in expedition style, 登上一艘真正的探险船是一种无与伦比的经历,也是你与它所有奇迹深入接触的保证. 林德布拉德探险队的开创性极地遗产和50年的极地地理导航经验是您在地球上最荒凉的地区之一安全通行的保证. The veteran polar expedition team enables you to:

  • See more of the legendary landscapes and habitats
  • 遇到标志性的企鹅、豹海豹和海洋哺乳动物
  • Kayak among icebergs, Zodiac cruise past resting crabeater seals, 和地球上最好的冰队一起走过这片大陆
  • 通过海底专家的努力,体验罕见的南极海底
  • 受益于50年的探险经验,看到和做所有你来的目的和更多

非凡的冒险是林德布拉德所有南极探险的保证. Flexibility is a hallmark of their explorations, 而且船上每天的行程经常会改变,所以我们可以充分利用稀有野生动物的景观, watching whales feed off the bow, 或者是深夜皮划艇游览的完美条件.

Please note: 在条件允许的情况下,所有的日常分析都是我们打算参观的地方的样本.

Trip Leader: Prof. Thomas Mozdzer

Dates: Sunday, Nov. 27-Saturday, Dec. 10, 2022

  • Sold Out?: No

Cost and Inclusions

Book by Nov. 2021年3月30日免费往返迈阿密/布宜诺斯艾利斯经济团体机票. Ask about other U.S. gateways. 视供应情况而定,不得与其他优惠以及延期前后合并. Baggage fees may be additional. Call Lindblad for details.

Cabin Category Double Occupancy+ Single Occupancy



















+Prices are per person, double occupancy

Bring the Kids: 与你的孩子或孙子们分享这次探险是一次提升生活品质的经历.  双人房每位18岁以下的人可减免500美元.

What's Included:

Aboard ship

  • Meals and all beverages*
  • 24小时提供咖啡、茶、苏打水、过滤水和免费的可续装水瓶
  • Hors d’oeuvres and snacks during Recap
  • Fitness center and sauna
  • 藏书丰富的图书馆和其他优雅的公共空间
  • The guidance and company of the expedition staff
  • Services of the ship’s physician
  • Gratuities to ship’s crew
  • Mac computers for downloading your photos
  • Complimentary Exclusive Antarctica Parka


  • One hotel night in Buenos Aires and city overview
  • Guided overview of Ushuaia
  • Meals on land as indicated in itinerary
  • Special access permits, park fees and port taxes
  • 如乘坐团体航班,可提供机场接送服务
  • The expertise of the expedition staff


  • All shore activities
  • Zodiac and kayak explorations
  • Lectures and presentations in the lounge
  • Photo instruction
  • Morning stretch classes with wellness specialist

*Alcoholic beverages are included on the National Geographic Explorercertain super-premium brands are not included.



National Geographic Explorer is a state-of-the-art expedition ship. It is a fully stabilized, ice-class vessel, with an ice-reinforced hull, 使它能够导航极地通道,同时提供卓越的舒适性. 它载有皮划艇和十二宫登陆艇舰队. 一名水下专家操作遥控潜水器(ROV)和复杂的视频设备, extending access to the underwater world.

Public areas include: the Bistro bar; chart room; restaurant; global gallery; library, 休息室,提供全方位服务的酒吧和最先进的电影设施, slideshows and presentations; mud room with lockers for expedition gear, and observation lounge. 我们的“开放式桥”为客人提供了与我们的官员和船长见面并学习航行的机会.

用餐是在单人座位上提供的,没有指定的桌子,有一种非正式的气氛,很容易融入. The menu is international with local flair.所有的客舱都面朝外面,有窗户或舷窗,私人设施和气候控制. Some cabins have balconies.

Expedition Equipment includes: Zodiac landing craft, kayaks, Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), hydrophone, splash-cam, underwater video camera, crow’s nest remote controlled camera, and a video microscope.

The ship features a full-time doctor, undersea specialist, a photography team and video chronicler, and wellness specialist, as well as a glass-enclosed fitness center, outdoor stretching area, two LEXspa treatment rooms and sauna, internet café and laundry.

View the deck plan here

Self-Disinfecting Fleet: Lindblad Expeditions最近推出了ACT Premium Purity™系统,成为邮轮行业首个自消毒船队. 这是一种在光照下起作用的光催化过程, breaking down unwanted microbes such as bacteria, viruses, mold, and airborne allergens. 它可以应用于所有表面,应用后成为自消毒. 计划了一年多,旨在大幅减少任何与细菌有关的传播, 它在测试阶段取得了巨大的成功.

Lindblad Expeditions is 100% carbon neutral and single-use plastic free因为他们非常关心地球,并将旅行视为一种强大的力量. Learn more about their commitment to sustainability here


Depart the U.S. on an overnight flight to Buenos Aires. 

Arrive in Buenos Aires. 在参观城市的艺术宫殿和著名的伊娃阳台Perón之前,入住阿尔瓦艺术酒店(或类似的酒店). (Day 2: L)

乘坐私人包机前往世界最南端的城市乌斯怀亚. Embark ship. (B,L,D)

While crossing the legendary Drake Passage, 发现信天翁和其他在船旁滑翔的海鸟. (B,L,D)

With long hours of daylight at this time of year, 我们有充足的机会去探索南极半岛和周围的岛屿. In keeping with the nature of an expedition, 日程安排是灵活的,这样我们就可以利用意想不到的鲸鱼在船头玩耍, taking an after-dinner Zodiac cruise, or heading out on an unplanned excursion. 我们期待每天提供远足的机会, kayak among the ice floes, and experience close encounters with wildlife. 你可能会看到我们强大的船在浮冰中嘎吱作响, 或者上岸面对成千上万的阿萨姆和巴布亚企鹅. 你将了解气候变化是如何影响企鹅数量的, and how best to capture images of penguins from a photographer. Back aboard, 我们的海底专家可能会展示当天潜水的视频或展示罕见的图像,拍摄时间长达1小时,000 feet below the surface using our ROV. 我们的专业人员将精心策划一次探险,在那里您将学到、看到和体验更多. (B,L,D)

享受船上的便利设施,南极海岸从视野中消失. 绕过南美洲的最南端,看到大西洋和太平洋的交汇处. Celebrate your voyage at a farewell dinner on board. (B,L,D)

Disembark in Ushuaia. 乘包机飞往布宜诺斯艾利斯,并在晚上转机回家. (Day 13: B,L)

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