

Registration is closed
August 26-September 7, 2023

August 26-September 7, 2023

August 26- September 7, 2023

See Tokyo and 《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》’s highlights, engage in local life, and head off the beaten path to alluring historic destinations. Begin in amazing Tokyo, where sightseeing includes the imposing Imperial Palace, 明治神社, and a calligrapher’s gallery. Then encounter magnificent Mt. 富士 and cruise on scenic Ashi Lake.  After overnighting in a traditional 旅馆 inn, travel by express train to lovely Takayama in the Japanese Alps. 传统的茶道和烹饪课提供了亲身体验日本文化的机会. 在文化丰富的金泽,您可以参观著名的金芦园和金叶博物馆. Touring of Japan’s cultural capital, 《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》, includes the beloved Golden Pavilion temple, the extravagant Nijo-jo Castle, and the important Fushimi Inari shrine.

Discover cosmopolitan Hiroshima, reborn from its atomic destruction, with an optional 3-day/2-night post-tour extension. 

Now accepting reservations! To reserve your place, please call Odysseys Unlimited, Inc. toll-free at (888) 370-6765.


Prices include int’l airfare and all taxes, 附加费, and fees.

  • 西雅图:6784美元
  • Portland (OR), San Francisco, Seattle: $7,084
  • 波士顿、芝加哥、克利夫兰、达拉斯、丹佛、底特律、休斯顿、纽约、费城:$7,284
  • 亚特兰大、巴尔的摩、夏洛特、辛辛那提、迈阿密、奥兰多、坦帕、华盛顿特区:7384美元
  • Land Only (transfers not included): $5,895

Please call if your city is not listed. 价格为双人房,含航空税, 附加费, 费用是389美元, which are subject to change until final payment is made.

Single travelers please add $1,695. Your $500 deposit is fully refundable up to 95 days before departure. 以上所有旅游价格(不包括航空税,附加费和其他费用)都是有保证的.

请注意:这次旅行包括一整天的观光和大量的楼梯和不平整的地面行走. 你必须有良好的身体状况,才能充分享受这次旅行.

预订和信息,请致电奥德赛无限公司. toll-free: 888-370-6765 Monday–Friday, 9:00 AM–7:00 PM, Eastern Time


  • Round-trip airfare from select cities
  • 11晚的住宿(豪华酒店和一流酒店)和1晚的传统日式酒店 旅馆)
  • 19 meals (11 breakfasts, 2 lunches, 6 dinners)
  • Extensive sightseeing and entrance fees
  • Private motor coach transportation
  • Gratuities for local guides/dining room servers/porters/drivers
  • Services of an Odysseys Unlimited Tour Director.

Post-Tour Extension: Hiroshima: City of Peace

September 7-9, 2023

Discover the city reborn from the atomic destruction of World War II, 这是一个现代化的国际化城市中心,这里的居民热情欢迎美国游客. 

3 days/2 nights for $1,195/person
Single supplement: $155

Extension Pricing Includes: 

  • Rail transportation 《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》/Hiroshima, Hiroshima/Osaka
  • 2 night's accommodations at Hotel Granvia Hiroshima (First Class)
  • 3 meals: 2 breakfasts, 1 lunch
  • 广泛的观光包括:游览宫岛和大朔仁寺, Hiroshima touring by local "Hiroden" train, visit to Peace Memorial Park and Museum, 原子弹圆顶
  • Services of an Odysseys Unlimited Tour Director
  • Gratuities for dining room servers and airport and hotel porters


Leave your home city for Tokyo.

抵达日本的金融、商业和政治之都后,我们前往酒店.  由于客人到达的时间可能会有所不同,我们没有安排活动或用餐计划.

After a briefing about the journey ahead, 我们开始探索这个惊人城市的一小部分,它覆盖了惊人的840英里. 我们的观光以明治神社为特色,这是一个宁静的神道教寺庙和花园的飞地. 我们还参观了著名书法家康顺的画廊, 我们在哪里了解这种古老的艺术写作和浏览收藏. 我们的旅行在银座结束,银座是东京著名的购物、餐饮和娱乐区.

Our tour of Tokyo continues this morning at the Imperial Palace, surrounded by moats and ramparts and home of the Imperial Family. Here we visit the East Gardens, 曾经矗立在这里的江户古堡的最内层防御圈的一部分. 我们继续前往浅草观音,这是东京最古老的寺庙. 公元645年),以及毗邻的中见寺购物商场,其历史可追溯至17世纪. 最后的, we visit the Tokyo National Museum, 收藏了大量来自日本和其他亚洲国家的艺术品和古董. This afternoon is free for independent exploration.

当我们离开东京前往箱根伊豆国立公园时,日本的田园风光一览无遗. Here sits imposing Mt. 富士, 这是一座休眠火山(最后一次喷发是在1707年),它有一个完全对称的锥形,高达12英尺,388英尺. 我们在山上了解环境和保护工作. 富士世界遗产中心,然后在阿石湖上享受轻松的游船. 富士 in the background. 离开公园, we travel to the town of Hakone, where we spend the night at a 旅馆, 这是一家传统的日本旅馆,我们一进去就要脱鞋, enjoy a Japanese-style Kaiseki dinner, and sleep on a futon.

今天,我们首先乘坐子弹头列车,然后乘坐广域特快列车前往日本阿尔卑斯山可爱的高山, 被认为是该国最具吸引力的城镇之一,拥有16世纪的城堡和老式建筑. 我们的探索集中在三町苏吉区的三条狭窄街道上, 在封建时代, merchants lived amidst the authentically preserved small inns, 茶馆, and sake breweries. This afternoon we attend a traditional Japanese tea ceremony here, an historic ritual of form, 格蕾丝, 和精神. 

我们早早地去了河边的宫川早市,那里灯火通明,色彩斑斓. 在这里,我们遇到了一位当地的厨师,他为我们将在附近的地点一起准备的午餐收集食材. After enjoying the fruits of our labors, we embark on a walking tour, visiting Takayama Jinya, a historic government house; the local sake brewery; and Takayama’s old town, 其保存完好的建筑和住宅可以追溯到江户时代(1600-1868).

今天上午,我们离开高山,前往联合国教科文组织世界遗产白川古龟冢村. 包括从附近被夷为平地的村庄重新安置的建筑, 这个村庄也是一个充满活力的社区,居民们共同努力,保护着这里独特的传统建筑,被称为Gassho风格. 然后我们参观了五山村,看看传统的日本和纸是如何制作的. Late this afternoon we reach the castle town of Kanazawa, an alluring coastal city that survived the ravages of World War II. 

今天,在这座文化丰富的城市,我们将游览著名的Kenrokuen花园, a national landmark whose origins date to 1676. We also see Ishikawa Gate, the only remaining section of the town’s original castle; Hakukokan, a museum celebrating the art and craft of gold leaf technology; and the Higashi Chayagai teahouse and geisha area. 最后,我们参观了库塔尼科森窑,艺术家们在这里制作珍贵的、装饰精美的陶器. We dine tonight at a local Japanese restaurant.

We depart this morning by train for 《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》, 以前是日本的帝国首都,现在是日本的文化和艺术中心, 多于1,600年寺庙, hundreds of shrines, 巧妙的花园, and historic architecture. 在到达时, we visit Kinkaku-ji, 深受人们喜爱的湖边金阁寺,寺柱悬于水面之上. 下一个:Ryoan-ji, 这是一座禅宗寺庙,其广受赞誉的干燥花园体现了禅宗冥想的简单性. 

More of 《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》 is on tap today, beginning with a visit to the otherworldly Arashiyama Bamboo Grove; the 《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》 Museum of Traditional Crafts (Fureaikan), showcasing all of 《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》’s 74 different métiers in one place; and Nijo-jo Castle (c. 1603), 统治日本250多年的幕府将军奢华的住所和防御工事. 然后剩下的时间可以自由地在这个传统而又现代的城市里独立探索. 

We continue our encounter with 《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》 today, first at the important Fushimi Inari shrine, with its trails straddled  by red torii gates;  Sanjyusangendo Hall  (c. 1266), an import- ant Buddhist temple housing 1,000 statues of the Thousand-Armed-Kannon deity; and Nishiki Market, “《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》’s Kitchen” of restaurants, 商店, and stalls selling everything food-related. Then this afternoon is at leisure; tonight, we toast our adventure at a farewell dinner at a local restaurant.

今天早上, we traveled by motor coach to Osaka, where we boarded our return flight to the United States. 
