

As part of a genealogy of feminisms within the Global South, feminisms in Latin America have critically engaged with mainstream euro-centric feminist debates but also contributed theoretical, 政治, 认识论, and socio-cultural approaches and tools to identify, 检查, 询问, 比赛, 消除结构性压迫.

As part of a genealogy of feminisms within the Global South, feminisms in Latin America have critically engaged with mainstream euro-centric feminist debates but also contributed theoretical, 政治, 认识论, and socio-cultural approaches and tools to identify, 检查, 询问, 比赛, 消除结构性压迫.

In this cluster students learn from and engage with historical and present contributions of feminist movements in Latin America. As part of a genealogy of feminisms within the Global South, feminisms in Latin America have critically engaged with mainstream euro-centric feminist debates but also contributed theoretical, 政治, 认识论, and socio-cultural approaches and tools to identify, 检查, 询问, 比赛, 消除结构性压迫.

Students explore the struggles and resistant practices of feminist leaders, facing issues as divergent yet interconnected as 性别-based 暴力; land dispossession; truth and reconciliation processes after civil war; reproductive rights; labor and economic justice, 等. 问题之外, students learn feminist pedagogies and strategies, 包括互助, 社区和护理经济, 社区组织, 以及地方一级的主权治理, which have allowed these feminist collectives to exercise their individual and social agency against a patriarchal system of oppression. This 360 also offers students methodological tools for research within the fields of sociology, 历史, 以及文化研究.

The 360 cluster travels to Colombia during Spring Break to engage with a wide and dynamic diversity of feminist collectives based in this region of Latin America. Students experience and contrast urban movements and regional/rural movements. The cluster engages with grassroots organizers, as well as movements associated with universities in the region.


土著妇女,由 Marlen玫瑰花, is an intensive course designed around two goals: The first is to give students an introduction to some of the themes and debates at the intersection of Latin American History, 性别与性研究, 及本土研究. We learn about 性别 relations beginning in pre-hispanic societies, discuss how Spanish imperialism and later modernity altered these relations, and explore the diverse movements that women have led to rectify the inequalities imposed on their communities. 我们强调性别, 少数民族, and class-based subjectivities that have shaped Indigenous women’s experiences and politics. The second goal of the course is to provide hands-on practice toward doing critical historical analysis of primary and secondary sources. We will explore texts including 17th-century poetry, 殖民地的遗嘱, 小说, testimonios, 演讲, 宣言, 口述历史, all written or recorded by Indigenous and other marginalized women. Students will learn how to use these sources to make informed arguments about the past that allow us to understand women’s places in societies today.

This course is designed to provide an in-depth exploration of feminist epistemology, 非殖民化实践, and the lived experiences of feminized bodies in the Global South. 在整个课程中, we 检查 how traditional modes of knowledge production and dissemination have marginalized the voices and experiences of marginalized groups, 尤其是有色人种女性. We also discuss the ongoing struggles for decolonization and how feminist thought can support these efforts. 除了, we delve into the unique challenges and experiences faced by feminized bodies in the Global South, 包括交叉性问题, 暴力, 和阻力. By engaging with the work of feminist scholars and activists from a variety of disciplinary and cultural backgrounds, we aim to develop a nuanced understanding of the complex issues facing feminists in these contexts. We also engage with a range of theoretical approaches, 包括decolonial, 酷儿, 以及交叉理论, 为了更好地理解种族的交集, 性别, class, 以及其他形式的社会差异. 整体, this course provides students with the tools to critically 检查 how power, 特权, and oppression operate in the world and to develop strategies for working towards social justice. 教 维罗妮卡蒙特斯.

本课程由 莉娜·马丁内斯·埃尔南德斯 offers a panoramic overview of contemporary feminist movements in Latin America, with special attention given to the intersection of 政治 intervention and performance, 文学, 以及艺术实践. We review movements in response to and resisting Euro-centric feminist traditions, as well as movements that respond to Latin American ideological and cultural tropes including, “nacionalismo”, " mestizaje "和" machismo ". As we move through the 历史 of 20th and 21st century movements, we explore the different languages created by feminists through their modes of intervention, languages that allow us to speak differently about issues including: reproductive rights, 杀害女人, 新自由主义, 反种族主义, 南南连接网络, 酷儿, 等. The course will be taught in English, with materials in English, Spanish, and Spanglish.

NOTE: Spanish language facility is NOT required for this cluster, 然而, due to the nature of feminist activism and language justice principles, some readings and 宣言 from feminist collectives and authors do not have English translations. Students are encouraged to approach these readings with curiosity and the help of translation software if needed.
