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Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Clinical Certificate

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$850 | 3 Ethics CEUs | Virtual

$850 | 3 Ethics CEUs | Virtual

心理动力学心理治疗临床证书探讨了几个互补的心理动力学理论,强调临床关系是工作的核心. 理解和敏感地处理治疗关系的变迁是有效治疗的标志.

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Delivery: Synchronous Virtual Classroom via Zoom
Application (Required) |  Application Fee: $50
Application Deadline: Friday, Dec. 1, 2023 - Application period has closed.

Limited seating available.


心理动力学心理治疗临床证书探讨了几个互补的心理动力学理论,强调临床关系是工作的核心. 理解和敏感地处理治疗关系的变迁是有效治疗的标志. Object relations, contemporary psychoanalytic, relational, and intersubjectivity theories, among others, are used to formulate strategies for assessment and intervention. 本课程旨在加深和拓展学员对关键理论概念的理解,如:持有环境, containment, affect regulation, transference/countertransference, projective identification, enactment and self-disclosure. 这些概念将应用于非传统环境和不同人群的工作.

该计划为攻读L .学位的学生提供最多15小时的小组监督*.C.S.W. license, including 3 ethics CEU credit hours.

该计划是为各级临床医生设计的,适用于在各种机构设置以及私人实践中工作的从业人员. 重点主要是,但不完全是,对个别成人客户的临床干预. Practitioners working with children and teens will find the course relevant. 

Program Objectives

本证书课程的参与者:1)从几个互补的心理动力学框架(包括对象关系)探索治疗过程, Psychoanalytic, Intersubjectivity, and Relational Theories; 2) use these and other theories to formulate strategies for assessment and intervention; and 3) discuss how to meaningfully integrate psychodynamic theory and techniques into one's own practice.



  • Step One: Apply. 参加证书课程的申请截止日期为12月11日星期五. 1, 2023.
  • Step Two: Interview. 申请过程包括与宾夕法尼亚临床社会工作协会(PSCSW)的一名教员的面试,面试将在收到申请和申请费后安排.
  • Step Three: Register. If accepted into the Psychodynamic Clinical Certificate Program, applicants will be sent the online registration information.


Thursdays, January 11-April 25, 2024 | 6:30-9 p.m. (15 weeks)
Note: No class Thursday, March 28, 2024

The program meets on consecutive Thursday evenings from 6:30-9 p.m. for a total of 15 sessions. Each session begins with a clinical topic presented by a faculty member. The didactic portion is followed by small group clinical supervision. 由6-7名成员组成的监督小组将创造一个安全的空间,从课程中讨论的角度展示和探索案例材料. 注意:学员必须至少参加15节课中的12节课才有资格获得证书.


证书的费用包括50美元的申请费和850美元的学费. 当前PSCSW成员或当前BMC gsssr学生的现场主管的学费为750美元加上50美元的申请费. Please see the PSCSW website for details about scholarship opportunities for this program.



Continuing Education Credits*

Students who enroll and who apply the group supervision hours toward their L.C.S.W. 监督要求将获得1-1/2个继续教育学分/课时. Those students who do not plan to use the group supervision hours toward L.C.S.W. 要求每参加一次课程将获得2.5个继续教育学分. 继续教育证书将在课程完成后通过电子邮件发送. This program also offers three ethics credits for re-licensure.

Group Supervision Regulations*

国家董事会规定,集体监督与个人监督并举. 因为每周最多的监督时间是两个小时,其中一个小时必须是个人的, 临床证书课程在15周的系列课程中满足每周一小时的小组监督要求.


该项目的教师和主管都是宾夕法尼亚临床社会工作协会(PSCSW)的高级成员。, 促进和推进社会工作专业临床实践专业化的专业组织. 

Neal Beatus, M.S.S., L.C.S.W. 是宾夕法尼亚州温德摩尔市GKSW/Crystal Group Associates私人执业的心理治疗师. He sees clients of all ages from preschoolers to senior citizens. He has been a social worker for over twenty-five years. 他在精神分析对象关系理论方面接受了广泛的研究生培训,并进行了多次心理治疗培训.

Karen Fraley, M.S.S., L.C.S.W., BCD is in private practice in Exton, PA, providing psychoanalytic psychotherapy to individuals and couples, and clinical supervision to therapists. 她持有华盛顿国际心理治疗研究所(IPI)颁发的客体关系治疗证书, DC. 她也是IPI的活跃教员,也是费城心理治疗研究中心的创始成员. She is a Fellow member of the Pennsylvania Society for Clinical Social Work.

Michelle Jackson, M.S.S., L.C.S.W. 持牌临床社工是否为个别客户提供个人成长服务, increasing self-esteem, managing transitions, as well as those dealing with anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, adjustment disorders, trauma, and bereavement. 她对夫妻的大部分工作都集中在亲密关系和增进关系上, as well as sexual health and improved communication. Bringing a sensitivity to issues of diversity in terms of race, gender, culture, and sexual orientation to her work, Ms. 杰克逊对那些有选择或不可见身份的人特别感兴趣.

Julie Krug, M.S.W., L.C.S.W. is a psychotherapist in private practice in Philadelphia. She has been practicing clinical social work since 2000. She sees people from late teens/adolescence and up through the lifespan. 朱莉持有费城心理治疗研究中心颁发的精神分析心理治疗证书. 朱莉喜欢不断学习,也喜欢成为一名心理治疗师.

Jill McElligott, M.S.S., L.C.S.W. 在心理治疗和精神分析方面与年轻人一起工作了20多年. 她毕业于费城精神分析中心(PCOP)和推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜社会工作与社会研究研究生院的精神分析培训项目. 她是PCOP和Temple和Rowan医学院的活跃临床主管和教员. 她还在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜咨询中心指导和教授社会工作实习生和硕士后研究员.

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